Topic: [SOLVED] DriverPacks download expired
Trying to download a driverpack and it displays a page stating the expiration of service asking to contact simpleCDN. Any ideas?
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Trying to download a driverpack and it displays a page stating the expiration of service asking to contact simpleCDN. Any ideas?
you are correct...
we had two accounts... one for thier old system and one for the new...
apparently the old one is no longer supported.
the message
This is a Legacy SimpleCDN server.
Legacy SimpleCDN services transition has ended (Sep 01 2008 - Dec 27 2008). Please visit or contact SimpleCDN support for more information.
You may create a new account for new service at
appears for me too...
I am moving the packs to the new account and fixing the links right now...
Thanks for reporting!
Welcome to DriverPacks!
Fixed... thanks again!
Hi there - I'm new to the forum etc, and found your site today - so cool mate, been looking for this for ages (don't know why I didn't find it before!)
The DriverPack Base download has the error on it - the other packs work fine.
That issue is also fixed now.
please note these were two separate issues...
thanks for reporting and
welcome to DriverPacks guys!
Strange. I wasn't notified of this! Otherwise I'd most certainly have let you know.
Thanks for fixing it, OverFlow!
Where can i get the WLAN nightly drivers since they are not here anymore {url removed} or here {url removed} for testing and finding what drivers do not work.
Last edited by OverFlow (2009-02-20 08:10:59)
Test packs are intended only for the testing team, unless you are specifically asked to test a certain pack...
Attempting to use nightlies without access to the testing team forum (so you can read the change-logs) is not recommended and discouraged.
In fact it is reckless, as you do not know what was added, changed, deleted or upgraded...
Furthermore you don't even know if the pack was even submitted by a "PacksTeam" member or one of the testers.
A testers submission (PackTeam members have to get thier start somewhere) might be fataly flawed...
Often times nightlies may also include pre release / beta drivers, which usually are very unstable.
the publicly released packs are the only supported packs for the general public.
Using Beta packs WILL lead to problems...
Especialy if you use them for anything except a test load on a non production (dedicated testing) machine.
When DriverPacks are stable we release them if they are not released then they are probably not fit for use on endusers machines...
If we need to have you test a pack you will be invited to do so.
normaly this invitation follows you posting an issue with a certain pack,
I am aware of no issues you (or anyone else) have posted with this pack...
If you have no issues then you don't need a nightly...
If you do have an issue, start a post in the correct forum and
report it useing the format outlined in my signature "Read BEFORE you post"
Last edited by OverFlow (2009-02-20 08:13:37)
All i can say is that you made me cry..i won't bother you again /cry /sob
LOL - would you like access to the testing team forum?
(offers a tissue)
-(hold up your right hand)-
You must promise to not use test packs in production machines, except in a dire emergency!
(hold left hand) I promise...(notice wrong hand raised...raise right hand...drop left hand)...I promise also. Will test on dire emergencies
Done... Welcome to the team
Please find that the previously hidden team forum is now visible to you!
Please find that the previously hidden team forum is now visible to you!
Also, there's neat Tester Userbars available
Heh, awesome
Closing this issue now! I like to keep the forum I have to monitor to stay aware of site issues tidy!
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