Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:@benners: If you have only one I386 directory, then you should use regular disc mode. But I'm afraid your winnt.sif files won't get updated both. Where are they located? And are there other files that are moved from their regular location?
I thought that, it was how I was doing it anyway. Regarding the winnt.sif files, I check periodically the line added to the [GuiRunOnce] section after slipstreaming the driverpacks, and, if it changes I update the sif files that are copied over during the making of a fresh DVD, I use XPlode and some AutoIt programs to do certain tasks like checking for program updates, compiling inno scripts and the copying of the i386 directory.
I have drive E: where the DVD root folder is created and modified files are copied from a location on D:, using XPlode, the disc is built from scratch each time and previous builds are deleted. Other files that are moved are txtsetup.sif and setupldr.bin, the original ones are then deleted from the i386 folder.