Re: Graphics DriverPacks finally updated! (Finally...)
Thanks much, Us2002, and thanks again mathewlisett.
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ 2.3GHz
OCZ 2GB DDR2-6400
Dual-Boot Vista Ultimate SP1 x86 - XP Professional SP3
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Thanks much, Us2002, and thanks again mathewlisett.
rapidshare has some limitations. Could anyone upload them on a better hosting service like mediafire?
the issue should be resolved... see related posts here... - thread start … 613#p25613 - Bâshrat the Sneaky marked [SOLVED]
if you are still having trouble let me know (IE which pack)
Thanks to Bâshrat the Sneaky there are now some additional steps i am now able to take to resolve this.
Both DreamHost and SimpleCDN were to blame going forward the changes i can now make will phase out DreamHost *completely* and they are (and have been) the source of 90% of our issues.
Bâshrat the Sneaky said
"DreamHost put the site off line after 143 GB of traffic over a time frame of 3 days. While I'm entitled to > 6 TB per month."
so far only DriverPack Graphics C is migrated to the new version of SimpleCDN I will move the others as need arises.
(again you need to tell me which pack failed)
ps this is OT for this thread
Please add all new posts related to download issues to the other thread
TIA jeff
Love all the updates, and especially the new parser that generates the version output. Very cool.
One (minor?) nit: With the new pack structure I HAVE to include all 3 packs on my CDs and I'm out of space.. I liked the old scheme where the high-end workstation-class graphics cards were isolated in their own pack. So few home users have those things that I could just skip that pack. Hard I know, but how about a Graphics Pack D??? ;-)
Thanks for all the hard work folks!
Thanks for your input. Although, I don't really understand what you're asking.
So you liked the old way, where the FireGL and Quadro cards were supported by DriverPack Graphics C. The problem with that setup, is that both ATI and Nvidia have released unified drivers for those class of cards so that dp would have shrunk in size (cool, I know). But on the other hand, all the cards supported by the old DriverPack Graphics B have splintered their drivers, so we had to include more folders. By the time we added all the folders, that dp would have ballooned in size to well over 150 mb compressed. Too much for my liking.
This is just a re balancing.
We have considered a DriverPacks D (or archive of 'D'erelict drivers).
We may do that in time.
In the interim, why not move your distro to DVD? Media is cheap.
Thanks for your input. Although, I don't really understand what you're asking.
I guess it just happened that in my case, none of the systems I was installing on ever needed the FireGL and Quadro drivers, so saving that 50 meg of space was the difference between a CD and a DVD.
I didn't look that closely at the new B->Business to see how much of the 90 megs is FireGL/Quadro related, so maybe it's a moot point anyway. I was assuming it was 30-40 megs worth.
In the interim, why not move your distro to DVD? Media is cheap.
Much for the same reason I don't need the FireGL/Quadro drivers. Many of the systems I install on are old and don't have a DVD drive... Shocking I know It's definitely getting hard to cram just the essentials on a CD, but I really liked have graphics drivers for 99% of the machines out-of-the-box. I guess I can just remove graphics pack A since people tend to go grab drivers for those cards after they install anyway.
This also means that D->Derelict won't help me since old machines will want those. I suppose I could also try splitting out the FireGL/Quadro drivers manually myself... Or perhaps create two distros, one for old machines not including the graphics A and one for newer systems on DVD with everything.
Not that I can really complain Before you guys came along this was all darned near impossible. Now it's just a matter of a little juggling. Poor me.
Contrary to what you may think, everyone's opinion is valuable to us. Half the time, someone just happens on this site by chance, posts a message like "why don't you guys do ABC instead of XYZ?" And we're left reeling with the revelation "whoa, why didn't I think of that". I realigned the graphics packs based on what I believed the best layout for the masses. A lot of the other members of the team agreed, and now we're there. I can definitely see your point. And we'll take it under advisement.
You know, you can trim the DriverPacks to get rid of the folders you don't think you'll need (with the exception of dpms, modify that at your peril).
Just decompress with 7zip, delete folders you don't want, recompress with 7zip.
You know, you can trim the DriverPacks to get rid of the folders you don't think you'll need (with the exception of dpms, modify that at your peril).
Just decompress with 7zip, delete folders you don't want, recompress with 7zip.
Cool! I was hoping it was that easy, but I hadn't tried it yet. Thanks for the tip, that will probably be all I need short-term.
re CHangelogs
I spent 6 hours updateing the changelogs and other php files yesterday...
then i said - I am not doing this again...
i am 95% done with a program that generates the PHP content form the folders and INF files in a pack!currently it gets about 95% of the info correct ther are some dupes and some variable names taht show up instead of the values of the variables... But it is close to done... I am never going to spend an entire day updateing the overview pages on the site ever again...
Once the page is correct you will know i nailed down that last 5%
Can you imagine?
What took many hours of unforgiving edit work in PHP files now gets done on the fly.
The only disadvantage I saw so far was that the list will reflect what is there, showing/or not showing brand name info.
In the past, we did not always use the brand info INF had for this or that. (Sometimes, it is not in the INF. Period. We got it from the dowwnload site.)
The Brand name (and reBranded names) info was often in old supported device list, and the supported hardware we once had had those as 'see this, see that' because we had that info. A automated scan cannot output what's not there.
I don't see this bit of cool 'dev' work as a way to "not totally inform" you, though.
I say, Thank Heavens for such a time saver.
OTOH, wth? It looked totally different.
(I personally think the details of what is supported is not looked at by majority of users, but the supported devices/brands list was useful and keeping it up to date used up (or ate) a lot of time.. )
Some Brand names (eg. rebranded devices.) may no longer see a google hit, tho.
Last edited by Jaak (2008-11-03 19:49:11)
All good points ...
it still beats starting from zero.
a few edits is beter than manually createing hundreds of entrys
Diti, you should take those down NOW.........
Thanks newsposter his post has been deleted...
We dont need rapid share with simple CDN on the job.
Now that we are not useing dreamhost as one of our mirrors anymore we won't be having issues.
thanks for playing and have a nice day...
thank you
Last edited by abrown1879 (2008-12-05 20:53:20)
I'm having problems installing sound on my laptop ?? It's a toshiba satellite p105-s6177 my os is windows xp home edition it was vista but i took it off didnt care for it If anyone has any information that would be nice ???
Welcome to
You posted in the wrong thread. Please read this article before posting again:
A little tale on nVidia 6600.
Five days ago I used an older set of DriverPacks on a low budget low feature mainboard with an XGI onboard graphics chip.
KTD was not used (it was a method one install).
This budget system (with a dual core 3Ghz) was lent to a household that have One PC, and its vista machine had serious problems I had to look into.
Today that "loaner" system came back and I added a nVidia NX6600GT td128 mb with active fan.
Well, I had to download the nVidia drivers for it and installed those. (174.82)
Well, all is well after that, and I can change resolutions (monitor driver is also installed) to all supported by monitor.
But... The noise from the active fan bothered me.
I look in the cabinets and find a silent nVidia gv66128, which is (and gets reported as) 6600 with 128Mb.
BUT. I cannot change to over 4bit, so I have 600/400 and 800/600 in 4 bit.
I reinstall the download, NO cigar.
This is totally unexpected (because switching to another model nVidia WAS normally a seamless NON-event), and I think this a ferfect example on how much trouble MrSmartepants is trying to solve for you all.
Last edited by Jaak (2008-12-05 09:06:40)
LOL, and Nvidia is NOT helping!!
BTW, you can change the resolution settings for nvidia within the 'modes.txt' file in the drivers. As far as I know, 4-bit is only supported in 'safe mode' (generic M$ driver).
Erik, had I used KTD, or the equivalent DriverPacks with DPinst (I call that M3) with a dpg, I bet that GV66128 HWID woud have no conflict with M$.
This is, In my opinion, what the M$ senior I will call "arves" mentioned as issues they have with nV.
MSFT built in (aka native) evolve by two timelines.
XP SP3 had a few changes to SP2 in HWID.
Vista SP2 and server 2008 hardware -live metal setup- are far superiour to XP.
XP SP3 suffered, imho, in that it did not get the full 2008 WIM.
OTOH, full WIM will NOT install on a lot of older hardware because that is barely sufficcient to run basic XP, and XP will "run" on that, or because they have no good driver.
(server 2008 core can run in 128Mb ram in a VM)
XP SP3 suffered, imho, in that it did not get the full 2008 WIM.
No, but you can now do-it-yourself:
Just so everyone knows, I'm aware of the new 8.12 ATI catalyst release, I just can't do anything about it right now.
I'm swamped at work and I'm finishing up two college classes in the next few days.
Real life just won't stop getting in the way!
Be patient, and I'll be hard at work on the new DriverPacks sometime next week.
I'm pretty busy too at work right now, I promise by the end of 2008 Mass and Lan will be a Christmas gift maybe?
Base should be a final by then too !
it does seem like it will be christmas at DriverPacks
I've got my test DriverPacks built with ATI 8.12 and Nvidia 180.48. I'm running them through my own gauntlet of tests before I upload to the nightly servers.
Be patient...
First test complete, ATI 9600 mobility...success!
Second test complete, Nvidia 8800 GTS...success!
Going to sleep. One more test tomorrow, then software QA.
Then upload!
I'm nearly done with the QA and pruning.
Nvidia has really screwed up our plans because they've splintered their 'unified' drivers.
180.48 is newest/best so far, but only supports a few series (GTX280 down to 8800 series). Currently in \N1\
178.24 seems the most compatible as it supports the most chips (GTX280 all the way down to 6100 series). Not in any DriverPacks, replaced by 180.43
175.16 seems best for some older cards (6x00 series to 5x00 series). Currently in \N3\ in unreleased 812 beta DriverPacks
93.71 is the fall-back driver for older devices. Currently in \N4\ in unreleased 812 beta DriverPacks
My problem? There's duplicate HWIDs all over the place! There's NO way to support ALL the hardware without breaking driver signing for at least one folder.
So our choices are:
1) Keep driver signing intact, and hope we don't blue-screen at T-34.
2) Break driver signing, but guarantee no blue-screens.
3) Drop hardware from the supported list.
What's everyone's thoughts?
As ATi and NV bring out new products, it's only natural that drivers for older products get 'rolled off' into the DP C pack. Maybe set a benchmark of 24-30 months or 5 driver rev levels before things get rolled off.
It's even conceiveable that a D pack might be needed to keep the C pack at a manageable size.
Last edited by newsposter (2008-12-14 03:42:29)
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