Topic: [ATT] Un7zip translation needed!
As of now, the new version of BASE that has been released as RC just recently (and which you can get here) will feature an improved un7zip version that provides a more comprehensive progress report which requires translation in order to provide a unified language experience for both slipstreaming as well as installing.
In order to achieve this, ALL translators are asked to translate the following entries from the \bin\un7zip.INI:
MSG_USAGE = un7zip V1.0 -- Extract 7zip files to target directory with log#13#10#13#10This 32-bit program decompress 7zip files in a target directory#13#10and can append its error log in an existing file#13#10#13#10Usage:#13#10#13#10#09un7zip <Files> <TargetDir> [LogFile]#13#10#13#10#09where:#13#10#13#10#09Files specifies a list of one or several files to decompress.#13#10#09TargetDir is the folder path (created if not existing) where#13#10#09the archives will be extracted (recreates directory structure).#13#10#09LogFile is file where error log will be appended.#13#10#13#10Example:#13#10#13#10#09un7zip "C:\Archive to extract\File1.7z" "D:\My Extracted Files\" C:\error.log#13#10#13#10Batch example:#13#10#13#10#09un7zip C:\Archive\*.7z D:\ C:\error.log#13#10#09if not errorlevel 1 goto END#13#10#09echo ...#13#10#09:END#13#10#13#10
LOG_LINSEP = ------------------------------------------------------
LOG_EXTRACTOK = #09Decompressing file %s (%d/%d) in %s : OK, no errors found.
LOG_EXTRACTKO = #09Decompressing file %s (%d/%d) in %s : *KO*, error occured.
MSG_EXTRACT_INFO = Decompressing#32
ERR_INVALIDFILLST = Invalid files list %s.
ERR_INVALIDTGTFLD = Invalid target folder %s.
ERR_NOSOURCEFILES = No files to extract.
ERR_LOADDLL = Error loading 7-zip32.dll.
LOG_START = Starting un7zip at %s
LOG_CLOSE = Closing un7zip at#32
LOG_RECAP = Found %d 7zip file(s) in directory %s
LOG_ERROR_RECAP = %d decompression error(s) occured
Translations currently done is French and German (with the English version actually being translated from French because that was the native tongue of the coder...).
Please have a look at these to see which lines need to be translated and which don't (i.e. some variables and code pieces).
If there's any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in here.
Because there's no separate files for the translation entries, all need to be merged into the single file.
As we are more than just a handful of translators, having one person translate, then having the next to append his to the previous one is not a good solution.
Therefore, please submit your translation only in TXT format to the bugtracker where it will then be merged into the main INI by the Team and hopefully released on time before going final.
Once again, let me thank you for your efforts and continuous support in the name of the whole Team.
Without you, the DriverPacks wouldn't be as universal as they are!