Topic: [ATT] New entries for upcoming BASE 8.08 require translation!

BASE 8.08 will introduce new options for the NVdia Control Panel to be installed in new fashion, old or both (akin to ATI CCC/CP).
This requires three new entries to be translated.
As the (now) alpha version of BASE is not publically released yet, I will trow you a bone in form of the new English.LNG file so you can already start translating if you wish, so everything will be ready once it goes final (not immediately I guess...).

author		= "Wim Leers and Jeff Herre"
authorContact	= " &"
lastUpdatedFor	= "8.05"

description		= "description"
slipstream		= "&Slipstream!"
exit			= "&Exit"
; %s="<name of settings file to overwrite>"
iniSave_01		= "Could not delete %s!"
iniSave_02		= "DriverPacks BASE settings files"
disc			= "disc"
multibootDisc		= "multibootDisc"
instPlatform		= "installation platform"
none			= "none"
all			= "all"
select			= "select"
paths			= "paths"
patterns		= "patterns"
yes			= "yes"
no			= "no"
true			= "enabled"
false			= "disabled"

start_tree				= "Start"
	start_title			= "Start"
	start_01			= "Welcome to DriverPacks BASE, the tool to slipstream the DriverPacks into your installation files.|||Supported destination OS platforms:|• wnt5_x86-32 (Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003)||Supported installation platforms:|• disc|• multibootDisc (any of the above platforms)"
	start_02			= "Select your preferred language:"
	start_03			= "&Apply"
	start_04			= "Load settings file..."
	start_05			= "&Browse"
	start_06			= "Make a donation to support this project."
	start_07			= "Load other language?"
	; %s="<name of the other language>"
	start_08			= "The settings file you've opened has a different preferred language than English: %s. Would you like to set %s as the preferred language?"
	start_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_tree				= "Settings"
	settings_title			= "Settings"
	settings_01			= "These are the required settings. Please review them, if you don't, the default settings will be used."
	settings_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_location_tree			= "Location"
	settings_location_title		= "Select location of platform"
	settings_location_01		= "Location"
	settings_location_02		= "&Browse"
	settings_location_03		= "Select a valid location."
	settings_location_04		= "N/A"
	settings_location_05		= "Please browse to a directory that is valid for the installation platform you selected."
	settings_location_06		= "Changing the installation platform"
	; %s="<name of the newly selected installation platform>"
	settings_location_07		= "Are you sure you want to change the installation platform to "%s"? Your current settings will be lost, unless you have exported them!"
	settings_location_desc		= "What kind of directory to choose? That depends on the installation platform you're using.|• disc: the directory that contains the I386 directory.|• BartPE: the \plugin directory to which DriverPacks will be exported.|• multibootDisc: the multibootDisc's root directory."

updateChecker_tree			= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_title		= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_01		= "Loading..."
	updateChecker_02		= "&Refresh"
	updateChecker_03		= "Could not connect to the internet! This has 2 possible causes:||1. Your firewall is preventing this application to access the internet. If this is the case, please give it the permission to connect to the internet through port 80 and then click the 'Refresh' button.||2. You don't have an (available) internet connection."
	; %s=""
	updateChecker_04		= "%s seems to be offline. Please try again later."
	updateChecker_05		= "New version available"
	updateChecker_06		= "Up-to-date!"
	updateChecker_07		= "Where did you get that?"
	updateChecker_08		= "Installing updates"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_09		= "Current %s"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_10		= "New %s"
	; %s="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_11		= "Would you like to download and (automatically) install the new %s?"
	updateChecker_12		= "Initializing download ..."
	updateChecker_13		= "&Cancel"
	updateChecker_14		= "Download progress"
	updateChecker_15		= "Cancel download"
	updateChecker_16		= "Do you want to cancel the download?"
	updateChecker_17		= "Starting installation."
	updateChecker_desc		= "DISABLED"

about_tree				= "About"
	about_title			= "About the DriverPacks BASE"
	about_01			= "Credits"
	about_02			= "developer"
	about_03			= "method 2 methodology"
	about_04			= "original DriverPack MassStorage and hotfixes"
	about_05			= "enhanced dummy setup"
	about_06			= "enhanced method 2"
	about_07			= "Thanks to the main testers"
	about_08			= "And the rest of the testing team"
	about_09			= "and many others"
	about_10			= "Please make a donation to support the DriverPacks development.| Especially when using the DriverPacks professionaly."
	about_11			= "Windows version detection"
	about_12			= "Translations"
	about_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_settFiles_tree			= "Settings Files"
	settings_settFiles_title	= "Select the settings files"
	settings_settFiles_01		= "settings file"
	settings_settFiles_02		= "&Add"
	settings_settFiles_03		= "&Delete"
	settings_settFiles_04		= "Add settings file..."
	settings_settFiles_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_details_tree			= "Details"
	settings_details_title		= "Details for selected settings file"
	settings_details_01		= "No settings file selected."
	; %s=<number>
	settings_details_02		= "Viewing details for settings file #%s."
	settings_details_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dpsMthd_tree			= "DriverPacks method"
	settings_dpsMthd_title		= "Choose the slipstream method"
	settings_dpsMthd_01		= "method &1"
	settings_dpsMthd_02		= "method &2"
	settings_dpsMthd_desc		= "• Method 1: copy drivers to $OEM$\$1\, then list the directories in winnt.sif's OemPnpDriversPath entry. The drivers will be CAB compressed.|• Method 2: install a dummy setup that will be executed before the real setup. This dummy setup will extract the DriverPacks from the CD/DVD to the HDD and then update the DevicePath key in the registry."

settings_fnshrMthd_tree			= "Finisher method"
	settings_fnshrMthd_title	= "Choose the method to start the Finisher"
	settings_fnshrMthd_01		= "&GUIRunOnce"
	settings_fnshrMthd_02		= "&RunOnceEx"
	settings_fnshrMthd_03		= "&Custom"
	settings_fnshrMthd_04		= "RunOnceEx settings"
	; %s="937"
	settings_fnshrMthd_05		= "&Default start ID (%s)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_06		= "C&ustom start ID"
	settings_fnshrMthd_07		= "Enter your custom start ID."
	settings_fnshrMthd_08		= "Custom execution of DriverPacks Finisher: instructions"
	; %s=""%SystemDrive%\DPs_BASE.exe""
	settings_fnshrMthd_09		= "You decided to set up the execution of the DriverPacks Finisher your self, so here are the instructions:||-execute %s|(The path is copied to the clipboard, so please paste it if you don't want to|make a mistake.)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_desc		= "• GUIRunOnce: executes during first login, no GUI output.|• RunOnceEx: executes during first login, progress window. You must specify a start ID: default (937) or custom (to prevent interference with your other RunOnceEx items).|• Custom: if you want to start the Finisher yourself (e.g. through XPlode)."

optSettings_tree			= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_title		= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_01			= "These are the optional settings. Please review them, if you don't, all optional settings will be disabled."
	optSettings_desc		= "DISABLED"

optSettings_ktd_tree			= "KTDâ„¢"
	optSettings_ktd_title		= "KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_01		= "&DISABLE KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_02		= "Enable KTD for &ALL slipstreamed DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_03		= "Enable KTD for the DriverPacks I will &SELECT"
	optSettings_ktd_04		= "Enable KTD for the drivers in the &PATHS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_05		= "Enable KTD for the drivers that match the PA&TTERNS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_06		= "KTD cache location"
	; %s="%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_07		= "&default (%s)"
	optSettings_ktd_08		= "&custom"
	optSettings_ktd_09		= "Enter your custom KTD cache location."
	optSettings_ktd_desc		= "KTD is an option that allows you to Keep The Drivers after setup finishes. This means the drivers will remain available for installation: you can add hardware that is not supported by default and thanks to KTD, their drivers can be installed without having to download the correct drivers or searching for a support CD."

optSettings_ktdSett_tree		= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_title	= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_01		= "KTD is disabled: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_02		= "KTD is enabled for all (available) DriverPacks: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_03		= "Select &all"
	optSettings_ktdSett_04		= "Select &none"
	optSettings_ktdSett_05		= "Here you can enter the paths of the drivers you wish to apply KTD on. You should separate paths using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|D\G\N\1;D\W||An incorrect example:|D\G\N\1\nv4_disp.inf;D\W\||Note: KTD will be applied on the directories you specify AND ALL THEIR SUBDIRECTORIES!||Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_06		= "&Clear"
	optSettings_ktdSett_07		= "Here you can enter the patterns any of the HWIDs of a .inf file of a driver should match before KTD would be applied onto that driver. You should separate the patterns using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|VEN_10DE;USB||An incorrect example:" & @CRLF & "VEN 10DE;USB||Note that KTD will be applied on ALL FILES AND ALL SUBDIRECTORIES of the directory in which ANY .inf with a match was in! This may seem problematic at first sight, but - in general - if there are multiple drivers in one directory (or drivers in one of the subdirectory), then that's because they are necessary or complementary for each other. This means the results would still be as expected!|Also note that you can use the device names (as specified in the .inf files' [HwidsDatabase] section) as a pattern!|Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_desc	= "DISABLED"

optSettings_qsc_tree			= "QuickStream Cacheâ„¢"
	optSettings_qsc_title		= "QuickStream Cache"
	optSettings_qsc_01		= "&Enable QSC (Recommended)"
	optSettings_qsc_02		= "&Disable QSC"
	optSettings_qsc_desc		= "QuickStream Cache is an option that creates a sliptream cache: you won't have to compress the DriverPacks again for each time that you slipstream them!||Important remark: FOR NOW you have to delete unused QuickStream Caches (QSC directory) yourself every once in a while!"

optSettings_other_tree			= "Other"
	optSettings_other_title		= "Other optional settings"
	optSettings_other_01		= "DriverPack Graphics A"
	optSettings_other_02		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Center (ATI CCC) (Requires .NET FW!)"
	optSettings_other_03		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Panel"
	optSettings_other_04		= "DISABLED"
	optSettings_other_05		= "Nvidia Control Panel"
	optSettings_other_06		= "Nvidia Control Panel (old style)"
	optSettings_other_07		= "Nvidia Control Panel both"
	optSettings_other_desc		= "DISABLED"

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"

The new entries are the last three, just FYI (new BASE will pop an error about it, but without you wouldn't know)...

Re: [ATT] New entries for upcoming BASE 8.08 require translation!

Romanian translation

author			= "Kay"
authorContact	= ""
lastUpdatedFor	= "8.08"

description			= "descriere"
slipstream			= "&Integreaza!"
exit				= "&Iesire"
; %s="<name of settings file to overwrite>"
iniSave_01			= "nu pot sterge %s!"
iniSave_02			= "fisierele cu setari DriverPacks Base"
disc				= "Disc"
multibootDisc		= "Disc multibootabil"
instPlatform		= "Platforma de instalare"
none				= "Nici unul"
all					= "Toate"
select				= "Selecteaza"
paths				= "Caile"
patterns			= "modele"
yes					= "da"
no					= "nu"
true				= "activat"
false				= "dezactivat"

	start_tree					= "Start"
	start_title					= "Start"
	start_01					= "Bine ati venit la DriverPacks BASE, unealta pentru a integra pachetele de drivere (DriverPacks) în fisierele tale de instalare Windows.|||Platforme OS suportate:|• wnt5_x86-32 (Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003)||Platforme de instalare suportate:|• Disc CD/DVD|• Disc multibootabil (toate din platformele specificate)"
	start_02					= "Selecteaza limba preferata"
	start_03					= "&Aplica"
	start_04					= "ÃŽncarca fisierele cu setari..."
	start_05					= "&Rasfoieste ..."
	start_06					= "Fa o donatie pentru a spijini acest proiect."
	start_07					= "ÃŽncarca alte limbi?"
	; %s="<name of the other language>"
	start_08					= "Fisierele de setari pe care le-asi deschis au o alta limba decât Engleza: %s. Vreti sa le setati %s ca limba preferata?"
	start_desc					= "DISABLED"

	Settings_tree				= "Setari"
	settings_title				= "Setari"
	settings_01					= "Acestea sunt setari necesare.Revedeti-le, daca nu, vor fi folosite setarile implicite."
	settings_desc				= "DISABLED"

	Settings_location_tree		= "Locatia"
	settings_location_title		= "Selecteaza locatia platformei"
	settings_location_01		= "Locatia ..."
	settings_location_02		= "&Rasfoieste"
	settings_location_03		= "Selecteaza o locatie valida"
	settings_location_04		= "N/A"
	settings_location_05		= "Exploreaza catre un director care este valid pentru platforma de instalare selectata."
	settings_location_06		= "Schimbarea platformei de instalare"
	; %s="<name of the newly selected installation platform>"
	settings_location_07		= "Sunteti sigur ca vreti sa schimbati platforma de instalare la "%s"? Setarile curente vor fi pierdute, daca nu le-ati exportat!"
	settings_location_desc		= "Ce fel de director alegeti? Aceasta depinde de platforma de instalare pe care o folositi.|• Disc CD/DVD: directorul ce contine directorul I386.|• BartPE: directorul catre care un plugin DriverPacks va fi exportat.|• Disc multibootabil: directorul radacina al Discului multibootabil."

	updateChecker_tree			= "Verificator de update-uri"
	updateChecker_title			= "Verificator de update-uri"
	updateChecker_01			= "ÃŽncarca..."
	updateChecker_02			= "&Reîmprospatare"
	updateChecker_03			= "Imposibil de conectat la internet! Exista 2 cauze posibile:||1. Firewall-ul tau împiedica aceasta aplicatie de a se conecta. Daca acesta este cazul, dati permisiunea de a se conecta la internet prin portul 80 si apasa pe butonul 'Reîmprospatare'.||2. Nu aveti o conexiune la internet (disponibila)."
	; %s=""
	updateChecker_04			= "%s pare a fi offline. Încercati mai târziu."
	updateChecker_05			= "Noua versiune disponibila"
	updateChecker_06			= "Up-to-date!"
	updateChecker_07			= "De unde ai luat asta?"
	updateChecker_08			= "Instaleaza update-urile"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_09			= "Curent %s"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_10			= "Nou %s"
	; %s="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_11			= "V-ar placea sa descarcasi si (automat) sa instalati noua %s?"
	updateChecker_12			= "Initializare descarcare..."
	updateChecker_13			= "&Anuleaza"
	updateChecker_14			= "Progres descarcare"
	updateChecker_15			= "Anuleaza descarcare"
	updateChecker_16			= "Vreti sa anulati descarcarea?"
	updateChecker_17			= "Incep instalarea."
	updateChecker_desc			= "DISABLED"

	about_tree					= "Despre"
	about_title					= "Despre DriverPacks BASE"
	about_01					= "Credits"
	about_02					= "dezvoltator"
	about_03					= "metoda 2"
	about_04					= "DriverPack MassStorage original si hotfix-uri"
	about_05					= "intensifica setup-ul fals"
	about_06					= "intensifica metoda 2"
	about_07					= "Multumiri testerilor principali"
	about_08					= "Si restul echipei de testeri"
	about_09					= "si multi alti"
	about_10					= "Va rugam sa donati pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea DriverPacks.|Daca folositi DriverPacks pentru scopuri profesionale, va rog putenic sa faceti o donatie."
	about_11					= "Detectarea versiunii Windows"
	about_12					= "Traduceri"
	about_desc					= "DISABLED"

	settings_settFiles_tree		= "Fisierele cu setari"
	settings_settFiles_title	= "Selectati fisierele cu setari"
	settings_settFiles_01		= "fisier cu setari"
	settings_settFiles_02		= "&Adauga"
	settings_settFiles_03		= "&Sterge"
	settings_settFiles_04		= "Adauga fisier cu setari..."
	settings_settFiles_desc		= "DEZACTIVAT"

	settings_details_tree		= "Detalii"
	settings_details_title		= "Detalii pentru fisierul cu setari selectat"
	settings_details_01			= "Nici un fisier cu setari selectat."
	; %s=<number>
	settings_details_02			= "Vizualizare detalii pentru fisierul cu setari #%s."
	settings_details_desc		= "DISABLED"

	settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title			= "Selecteaza DriverPacks pentru integrare"
	settings_dps_01				= "Modul text al driverelor DriverPack MassStorage sunt necesare daca doriti sa|bootati de la un controller mass storage care nu este suportat de implicit."
	settings_dps_02				= "Selecteaza &toate"
	settings_dps_03				= "Nu selecta &nici unul"
	settings_dps_desc			= "DISABLED"

	settings_dpsMthd_tree		= "Metoda DriverPacks"
	settings_dpsMthd_title		= "Alege metoda de integrare"
	settings_dpsMthd_01			= "metoda &1"
	settings_dpsMthd_02			= "metoda &2"
	settings_dpsMthd_desc		= "• Metoda 1: copiaza driverele la $OEM$\$1\, apoi listeaza directoarele în intrarea winnt.sif's OemPnpDriversPath. Driverele vor fi compresate CAB.|• Metoda 2: instaleaza un setup fals care va fi executat înaintea setup-ului adevarat. Acest setup fals va extrage DriverPacks de pe CD/DVD pe HDD si apoi va updata cheia DevicePath în registri."

	settings_fnshrMthd_tree		= "Metoda Finisher"
	settings_fnshrMthd_title	= "Alege metoda pentru e executa Finisher"
	settings_fnshrMthd_01		= "&GUIRunOnce"
	settings_fnshrMthd_02		= "&RunOnceEx"
	settings_fnshrMthd_03		= "&Particular"
	settings_fnshrMthd_04		= "Setarile RunOnceEx"
	; %s="937"
	settings_fnshrMthd_05		= "&Start ID (%s) implicit"
	settings_fnshrMthd_06		= "Start ID &particular"
	settings_fnshrMthd_07		= "Intoduceti ID-ul particular."
	settings_fnshrMthd_08		= "Executare particulara a DriverPacks Finisher: instructiuni"
	; %s=""%SystemDrive%\DPs_BASE.exe""
	settings_fnshrMthd_09		= "Ati decis sa setati dumneavostra executia DriverPacks Finisher, deci aici sunt instructiunile:||-executa %s|(Calea este copiata în clipboard, deci trebuie sa o lipiti daca nu vreti sa|faceti o greseala.)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_desc		= "• GUIRunOnce: executata dupa primul login, fara nici o interactiune cu utilizatorul.|• RunOnceEx: executata dupa primul login, o ferestra cu progres. Trebuie sa specificati un ID de start: implicit (937) sau particularizat (pentru a preveni interferenta cu alte obiecte RunOnceEx).|• Particularizat: daca vreti sa executati Finisher de unul singur (e.g. cu XPlode)."

	optSettings_tree			= "Setari optionale"
	optSettings_title			= "Setari optionale"
	optSettings_01				= "Acestea sunt setari optionale. Recititi-le, iar daca nu, toate setarile optionale vor fi dezactivate."
	optSettings_desc			= "DISABLED"

	optSettings_ktd_tree		= "KTDâ„¢"
	optSettings_ktd_title		= "KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_01			= "&Dezactiveaza KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_02			= "Activeaza KTD pentru &TOATE DriverPacks integrate"
	optSettings_ktd_03			= "Activeaza KTD pentru DriverPacks pe care le voi &SELECTA"
	optSettings_ktd_04			= "Activeaza KTD pentru driverele în &CAILE pe care le introduc"
	optSettings_ktd_05			= "Activeaza KTD pentru driverele ce se potrivesc cu &MODELE pe care le introduc"
	optSettings_ktd_06			= "KTD cache location"
	; %s="%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_07			= "&implicit (%s)"
	optSettings_ktd_08			= "&particularizat"
	optSettings_ktd_09			= "Introduceti locatile dumneavoastra cache particularizate KTD."
	optSettings_ktd_desc		= "KTD este o optiune ce va permite sa pastrati driverele dupa încheierea setup-ului. Aceasta înseamna ca driverele vor ramâne disponibile pentru instalari ulterioare: puteti adauga o piesa hardware care nu este suportata ca implicit si multumita lui KTD, driverele lor pot fi instalate fara a avea nevoie sa fie descarcate de pe Internet cele corecte sau sa fie cautat un CD/DVD suport."

	optSettings_ktdSett_tree	= "Setari KTD"
	optSettings_ktdSett_title	= "Setari KTD"
	optSettings_ktdSett_01		= "KTD este dezactivat: nu este nevoie de alte optiuni!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_02		= "KTD este activat pentru (disponibil) toate DriverPacks: nu este nevoie de alte optiuni!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_03		= "Selecteaza &toate"
	optSettings_ktdSett_04		= "Nu selecta &nici unul"
	optSettings_ktdSett_05		= "Aici poti introduce caile driverilor pentru care KTD este activat. Caile trebuie separate de punct si virgula (;).||Un exemplu corect:|D\G\N\1;D\W||Un exemplu incorcet:|D\G\N\1\nv4_disp.inf;D\W\||Nota: KTD va fi aplicata in directoarele specificate SI TOATE SUBDIRECTOARELE LOR!||Acum stegeti acest text informativ si introduceti caile necesare!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_06		= "&Sterge"
	optSettings_ktdSett_07		= "Aici puteti introduce modele a oricarui HWIDs a unui fisier .inf a unui driver care trebuie sa se potrivesaca înainte ca KTD sa fie aplicat pe acel driver. Ar trebui sa separati modelele folosind punct si virgula (;).||Un exemplu corect:|VEN_10DE;USB||Un exemplu incorect:" & @CRLF & "VEN 10DE;USB||De retinut ca KTD va fi aplicat în TOATE FISIERELE SI SUBDIRECTOARELE a directorului în  oricare .inf care se afla în director! Aceast lucru pare a fi problematic la prima vedere, dar - în general - daca sunt drivere multiple într-un singur director (sau subdirector), înseamna ca sunt necesare sau complementare pentru fiecare în parte. Asta înseamna ca rezultatul va fi pe masura asteptarilor!|De asemenea de retinut ca se poate folosi numele dispozitivului (specificat în fisierul .inf ', sectiunea [HwidsDatabase]) ca model!|Acum stergeti acest text informativ si introduceti caile necesare!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_desc	= "DISABLED"

	optSettings_qsc_tree		= "QuickStream Cacheâ„¢"
	optSettings_qsc_title		= "QuickStream Cache"
	optSettings_qsc_01			= "&Activeaza QuickStream Cache (recomandat)"
	optSettings_qsc_02			= "&Dezactiveaza QuickStream Cache"
	optSettings_qsc_desc		= "QuickStream Cache este o optiune care creaza un cache de integrare: nu va trebui sa compresati DriverPacks de fiecare data când le integrati!||Important: DE ACUM trebuie sa stegeti QuickStream Caches nefolositoare (directorul QSC) de unul singur de fiecare data!"

	optSettings_other_tree		= "Altele"
	optSettings_other_title		= "Alte setari optionale"
	optSettings_other_01		= "DriverPack Graphics A"
	optSettings_other_02		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Center (ATI CCC) (Necesar .NET FW!)"
	optSettings_other_03		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Panel"
	optSettings_other_04		= "DISABLED"
	optSettings_other_05		= "Nvidia Control Panel"
	optSettings_other_06		= "Nvidia Control Panel (stilul vechi)"
	optSettings_other_07		= "Nvidia Control Panel both"
	optSettings_other_desc		= "DISABLED"

	overview_tree				= "Privire generala"
	overview_title				= "Privire generala a setarilor"
	overview_01					= "Platforma"
	overview_02					= "implicit"
	overview_03					= "particularizat"
	overview_04					= "Nici un DriverPacks selectat."
	overview_05					= "Nespecificat înca."
	overview_06					= "&Exporta setari"
	overview_desc				= "DISABLED"

	settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title			= "Selecteaza DriverPacks pentru integrare"
	settings_dps_01				= "Modul text al driver-elor DriverPack MassStorage sunt necesare daca vrei sa|incarci de pe un controller MassStorage care nu este suportat ca implicit."
	settings_dps_02				= "Selecteaza &toate"
	settings_dps_03				= "Nu selecta &nici unul"
	settings_dps_desc			= "DISABLED"

	overview_tree				= "Privire generala"
	overview_title				= "Privire generala a setarilor"
	overview_01					= "Platforma"
	overview_02					= "implicit"
	overview_03					= "particularizat"
	overview_04					= "Nici un DriverPacks selectat."
	overview_05					= "Nespecificat înca."
	overview_06					= "&Exporta setari"
	overview_desc				= "DISABLED"

Re: [ATT] New entries for upcoming BASE 8.08 require translation!

Kay that is so awsome for you to step up to the plate!

can you do me a huge favor (another one)

subscribe to this topic, and can you also...

below from this Bâshrat the Sneaky post:

3. Maintaining language files.
The more you use the bugtracker, the more you offload my job. And the cleaner this forum can be kept. So, please DO use the bugtracker whenever it's reasonable to do so.

1. Users can submit bugs at the bugtracker, that includes typo's to your language files. As a translator, you will get the user level 'updater' at the bugtracker. That allows you to assign bugs to someone and to change the status of an issue (like 'confirmed' and 'resolved'). All changes you make here will automatically be included in the changelog.
2. When you change the status of an issue to 'resolved', I expect you to attach the fixed file. DON'T POST UPDATES FOR YOUR TRANSLATIONS HERE IN THE FORUM (Again, doesn't clutter the forum, and easy to track for me. The forum is just meant for discussing translations: for suggesting improvements etc.)

Note 1: your first release can (MUST, actually) be added to the bugtracker as well.

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The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: [ATT] New entries for upcoming BASE 8.08 require translation!

i tried to sign up but the image with the code didn't display correctly

Re: [ATT] New entries for upcoming BASE 8.08 require translation!

by george your right... I'll email Bâshrat the Sneaky and let him know!

DP BartPE Tutorial   DP_BASE Tutorial   HWID's Tool     Read BEFORE you post    UserBars!
The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.