Topic: KTD if you like it or not ;)
First time I tried driverpacks base I created a KTD-enabled install DVD as it was for some desktop machines which are likely to get graphics cards / network cards etc swapped out and replaced, dedicating a few gig HD to drivers seemed like a sensible move. Laptops are a different case though so I was hoping that if I slipstreamed XP SP3 and automated it with nlite and then added all the very latest DriverPacks with the latest base but DISABLED KTD then the DP script fairies would magically delete all the unused driver files after an install ie DON'T keep the drivers? Seeing as a plain XP SP3 install, albeit DP non-KTD enhanced is taking almost 5GB of HD space then I'm presuming this is not the case ie is it not possible to slipstream all the driverpacks and then have all the unused ones auto-deleted at the end of the install, or am I just messing something up or is this a potential future DP base install/config option?
Thanks for your help
a random DP newb
Last edited by danboid (2008-08-14 07:06:44)