Topic: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

It is important for the code team to be able to let the translators know when new DriverPacks BASE features require language files updates.

Please, would all of the translation team members subscribe to this Topic

You will all be emailed when its updated and in this way we can contact all of the translators with one post...

IE BASE 8.08 adds three new options for Nvidia control panel.
these translation options need to be added or your language will show error messages.
not the end of the world i know... but still...

I assume that if you all knew that it needed to be done...

thus my idea of having everyone subscribe to this topic...

A single point of contact for the DriverPacks Translations Team

PS if your not in this list let me know

You guys make an important contribution to our project, and i appreciate it and each of you!

Thanks a Million


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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

ALERT! Base 8.08.28a Language Updates required!!!

Had any of our translators Subscribed to this topic:

They would have received this alert VIA E-mail
and been notified immediately about new (beta) DriverPacks BASE GUI features wink
and received a copy of the new master file

Line added in the [GUI] Section

StandAloneDrivers= "Stand Alone Drivers"

Lines added to [wnt5_x86-32_disc__GUI] Section

optSettings_other_05= "Nvidia Control Panel"
optSettings_other_06= "Nvidia Control Panel (old style)"
optSettings_other_07= "Nvidia Control Panel both"

Don't forget that you can put "debug" in for the language in the DPs_BASE.ini = Very cool for translators wink

author		= "Wim Leers and Jeff Herre"
authorContact	= " &"
lastUpdatedFor	= "8.08"

description		= "description"
slipstream		= "&Slipstream!"
exit			= "&Exit"
; %s="<name of settings file to overwrite>"
iniSave_01		= "Could not delete %s!"
iniSave_02		= "DriverPacks BASE settings files"
disc			= "Disc"
multibootDisc		= "MultiBoot Disc"
StandAloneDrivers	= "Stand Alone Drivers"
instPlatform		= "installation platform"
none			= "none"
all			= "all"
select			= "select"
paths			= "paths"
patterns		= "patterns"
yes			= "yes"
no			= "no"
true			= "enabled"
false			= "disabled"

start_tree				= "Start"
	start_title			= "Start"
	start_01			= "Welcome to DriverPacks BASE, the tool to slipstream the DriverPacks into your installation files.||Supported destination OS platforms:|• wnt5_x86-32 (Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003)||Supported installation platforms:|• disc|• multibootDisc (any of the above platforms)|• BartPE Plugin Mass-Storage |• Stand Alone Driver (SAD) Disk"
	start_02			= "Select your preferred language:"
	start_03			= "&Apply"
	start_04			= "Load settings file..."
	start_05			= "&Browse"
	start_06			= "Make a donation to support this project."
	start_07			= "Load other language?"
	; %s="<name of the other language>"
	start_08			= "The settings file you've opened has a different preferred language than English: %s. Would you like to set %s as the preferred language?"
	start_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_tree				= "Settings"
	settings_title			= "Settings"
	settings_01			= "These are the required settings. Please review them, if you don't, the default settings will be used."
	settings_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_location_tree			= "Location"
	settings_location_title		= "Select location of platform"
	settings_location_01		= "Location"
	settings_location_02		= "&Browse"
	settings_location_03		= "Select a valid location."
	settings_location_04		= "N/A"
	settings_location_05		= "Please browse to a directory that is valid for the installation platform you selected."
	settings_location_06		= "Changing the installation platform"
	; %s="<name of the newly selected installation platform>"
	settings_location_07		= "Are you sure you want to change the installation platform to "%s"? Your current settings will be lost, unless you have exported them!"
	settings_location_desc		= "What kind of directory to choose?| That depends on the installation platform you're using.||• Disc: the directory that contains the I386 directory.|• BartPE: the \plugin directory to which DriverPacks will be exported.|• MultibootDisc: the MultibootDisc's root directory.|• Stand Alone Driver Disk - The directory Base will export to."

updateChecker_tree			= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_title		= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_01		= "Loading..."
	updateChecker_02		= "&Refresh"
	updateChecker_03		= "Could not connect to the internet! This has 2 possible causes:||1. Your firewall is preventing this application to access the internet. If this is the case, please give it the permission to connect to the internet through port 80 and then click the 'Refresh' button.||2. You don't have an (available) internet connection."
	; %s=""
	updateChecker_04		= "%s seems to be offline. Please try again later."
	updateChecker_05		= "New version available"
	updateChecker_06		= "Up-to-date!"
	updateChecker_07		= "Where did you get that?"
	updateChecker_08		= "Installing updates"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_09		= "Current %s"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_10		= "New %s"
	; %s="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_11		= "Would you like to download and (automatically) install the new %s?"
	updateChecker_12		= "Initializing download ..."
	updateChecker_13		= "&Cancel"
	updateChecker_14		= "Download progress"
	updateChecker_15		= "Cancel download"
	updateChecker_16		= "Do you want to cancel the download?"
	updateChecker_17		= "Starting installation."
	updateChecker_desc		= "DISABLED"

about_tree				= "About"
	about_title			= "About the DriverPacks BASE"
	about_01			= "Credits"
	about_02			= "developer"
	about_03			= "method 2 methodology"
	about_04			= "original DriverPack MassStorage and hotfixes"
	about_05			= "enhanced dummy setup"
	about_06			= "enhanced method 2"
	about_07			= "Thanks to the main testers"
	about_08			= "And the rest of the testing team"
	about_09			= "and many others"
	about_10			= "Please make a donation to support the DriverPacks development.| Especially when using the DriverPacks professionaly."
	about_11			= "Windows version detection"
	about_12			= "Translations"
	about_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_settFiles_tree			= "Settings Files"
	settings_settFiles_title	= "Select the settings files"
	settings_settFiles_01		= "settings file"
	settings_settFiles_02		= "&Add"
	settings_settFiles_03		= "&Delete"
	settings_settFiles_04		= "Add settings file..."
	settings_settFiles_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_details_tree			= "Details"
	settings_details_title		= "Details for selected settings file"
	settings_details_01		= "No settings file selected."
	; %s=<number>
	settings_details_02		= "Viewing details for settings file #%s."
	settings_details_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dpsMthd_tree			= "DriverPacks method"
	settings_dpsMthd_title		= "Choose the slipstream method"
	settings_dpsMthd_01		= "method &1"
	settings_dpsMthd_02		= "method &2"
	settings_dpsMthd_desc		= "• Method 1: copy drivers to $OEM$\$1\, then list the directories in winnt.sif's OemPnpDriversPath entry. The drivers will be CAB compressed.|• Method 2: install a dummy setup that will be executed before the real setup. This dummy setup will extract the DriverPacks from the CD/DVD to the HDD and then update the DevicePath key in the registry."

settings_fnshrMthd_tree			= "Finisher method"
	settings_fnshrMthd_title	= "Choose the method to start the Finisher"
	settings_fnshrMthd_01		= "&GUIRunOnce"
	settings_fnshrMthd_02		= "&RunOnceEx"
	settings_fnshrMthd_03		= "&Custom"
	settings_fnshrMthd_04		= "RunOnceEx settings"
	; %s="937"
	settings_fnshrMthd_05		= "&Default start ID (%s)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_06		= "C&ustom start ID"
	settings_fnshrMthd_07		= "Enter your custom start ID."
	settings_fnshrMthd_08		= "Custom execution of DriverPacks Finisher: instructions"
	; %s=""%SystemDrive%\DPs_BASE.exe""
	settings_fnshrMthd_09		= "You decided to set up the execution of the DriverPacks Finisher your self, so here are the instructions:||-execute %s|(The path is copied to the clipboard, so please paste it if you don't want to|make a mistake.)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_desc		= "• GUIRunOnce: executes during first login, no GUI output.|• RunOnceEx: executes during first login, progress window. You must specify a start ID: default (937) or custom (to prevent interference with your other RunOnceEx items).|• Custom: if you want to start the Finisher yourself (e.g. through XPlode)."

optSettings_tree			= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_title		= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_01			= "These are the optional settings. Please review them, if you don't, all optional settings will be disabled."
	optSettings_desc		= "DISABLED"

optSettings_ktd_tree			= "KTDâ„¢"
	optSettings_ktd_title		= "KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_01		= "&DISABLE KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_02		= "Enable KTD for &ALL slipstreamed DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_03		= "Enable KTD for the DriverPacks I will &SELECT"
	optSettings_ktd_04		= "Enable KTD for the drivers in the &PATHS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_05		= "Enable KTD for the drivers that match the PA&TTERNS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_06		= "KTD cache location"
	; %s="%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_07		= "&default (%s)"
	optSettings_ktd_08		= "&custom"
	optSettings_ktd_09		= "Enter your custom KTD cache location."
	optSettings_ktd_desc		= "KTD is an option that allows you to Keep The Drivers after setup finishes. This means the drivers will remain available for installation: you can add hardware that is not supported by default and thanks to KTD, their drivers can be installed without having to download the correct drivers or searching for a support CD."

optSettings_ktdSett_tree		= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_title	= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_01		= "KTD is disabled: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_02		= "KTD is enabled for all (available) DriverPacks: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_03		= "Select &all"
	optSettings_ktdSett_04		= "Select &none"
	optSettings_ktdSett_05		= "Here you can enter the paths of the drivers you wish to apply KTD on. You should separate paths using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|D\G\N\1;D\W||An incorrect example:|D\G\N\1\nv4_disp.inf;D\W\||Note: KTD will be applied on the directories you specify AND ALL THEIR SUBDIRECTORIES!||Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_06		= "&Clear"
	optSettings_ktdSett_07		= "Here you can enter the patterns any of the HWIDs of a .inf file of a driver should match before KTD would be applied onto that driver. You should separate the patterns using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|VEN_10DE;USB||An incorrect example:" & @CRLF & "VEN 10DE;USB||Note that KTD will be applied on ALL FILES AND ALL SUBDIRECTORIES of the directory in which ANY .inf with a match was in! This may seem problematic at first sight, but - in general - if there are multiple drivers in one directory (or drivers in one of the subdirectory), then that's because they are necessary or complementary for each other. This means the results would still be as expected!|Also note that you can use the device names (as specified in the .inf files' [HwidsDatabase] section) as a pattern!|Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_desc	= "DISABLED"

optSettings_qsc_tree			= "QuickStream Cacheâ„¢"
	optSettings_qsc_title		= "QuickStream Cache"
	optSettings_qsc_01		= "&Enable QSC (Recommended)"
	optSettings_qsc_02		= "&Disable QSC"
	optSettings_qsc_desc		= "QuickStream Cache is an option that creates a sliptream cache: you won't have to compress the DriverPacks again for each time that you slipstream them!||Important remark: FOR NOW you have to delete unused QuickStream Caches (QSC directory) yourself every once in a while!"

optSettings_other_tree			= "Other"
	optSettings_other_title		= "Other optional settings"
	optSettings_other_01		= "DriverPack Graphics A"
	optSettings_other_02		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Center (ATI CCC) (Requires .NET FW!)"
	optSettings_other_03		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Panel"
	optSettings_other_04		= "DISABLED"
	optSettings_other_05		= "Nvidia Control Panel"
	optSettings_other_06		= "Nvidia Control Panel (old style)"
	optSettings_other_07		= "Nvidia Control Panel both"
	optSettings_other_desc		= "DISABLED"

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"

As always submit your language updates at the bugtracker

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The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Hey, could it be that even the English file is missing some entries?

I stumbled across these when updating the German file only not to find any relating one in the English one...

Other than that, the German file is finished (for the time being...) but I'll wait with uploading it the bugtracker until you have updated the English reference file wink

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

that might be the meat virus again... wink Ill check it out...

Looks like they are in the one above ... IDK
still checking

it was the meat virus and its fixed in 80831 or better wink

Last edited by OverFlow (2008-09-01 21:54:50)

DP BartPE Tutorial   DP_BASE Tutorial   HWID's Tool     Read BEFORE you post    UserBars!
The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

how i update the ?
I want change the file there
I add the changes in the translation and  put the file here temporaly here

=> … _.lng.html

take a look

And I am not in the list of translators smile

Last edited by Sandrion (2008-09-04 15:35:19)

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

@Sandrion You should be able to attach your file to your existing report
you also need to email Bâshrat the Sneaky and ask to be added to the team... wink Admin at

new language file available for translations team

author		= "Wim Leers and Jeff Herre"
authorContact	= " &"
lastUpdatedFor	= "8.09.03"

description		= "description"
slipstream		= "&Slipstream!"
exit			= "&Exit"
; %s="<name of settings file to overwrite>"
iniSave_01		= "Could not delete %s!"
iniSave_02		= "DriverPacks BASE settings files"
disc			= "Disc"
bartpe			= "BartPE"
multibootDisc		= "MultiBoot Disc"
StandAloneDrivers	= "Stand Alone Drivers"
instPlatform		= "installation platform"
none			= "none"
all			= "all"
select			= "select"
paths			= "paths"
patterns		= "patterns"
yes			= "yes"
no			= "no"
true			= "enabled"
false			= "disabled"
old			= "Old"
new			= "New"
both			= "Both"

start_tree				= "Start"
	start_title			= "Start"
	start_01			= "Welcome to DriverPacks BASE, the tool to slipstream the DriverPacks into your installation files.||Supported destination OS platforms:|• wnt5_x86-32 (Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003)||Supported installation platforms:|• disc|• multibootDisc (any of the above platforms)|• BartPE Plugin Mass-Storage |• Stand Alone Driver (SAD) Disk"
	start_02			= "Select your preferred language:"
	start_03			= "&Apply"
	start_04			= "Load settings file..."
	start_05			= "&Browse"
	start_06			= "Make a donation to support this project."
	start_07			= "Load other language?"
	; %s="<name of the other language>"
	start_08			= "The settings file you've opened has a different preferred language than English: %s. Would you like to set %s as the preferred language?"
	start_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_tree				= "Settings"
	settings_title			= "Settings"
	settings_01			= "These are the required settings. Please review them, if you don't, the default settings will be used."
	settings_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_location_tree			= "Location"
	settings_location_title		= "Select location of platform"
	settings_location_01		= "Location"
	settings_location_02		= "&Browse"
	settings_location_03		= "Select a valid location."
	settings_location_04		= "N/A"
	settings_location_05		= "Please browse to a directory that is valid for the installation platform you selected."
	settings_location_06		= "&Disc"
	settings_location_07		= "Bart&PE"
	settings_location_08		= "&MultiBoot Disc"
	settings_location_09		= "Stand &Alone Drivers"
	settings_location_10		= "Changing the installation platform"
	; %s="<name of the newly selected installation platform>"
	settings_location_11		= "Are you sure you want to change the installation platform to "%s"? Your current settings will be lost, unless you have exported them!"
	settings_location_desc		= "What kind of directory to choose?| That depends on the installation platform you're using.||• Disc: the directory that contains the I386 directory.|• BartPE: the \plugin directory to which DriverPacks will be exported.|• MultibootDisc: the MultibootDisc's root directory.|• Stand Alone Driver Disk - The directory Base will export to."

updateChecker_tree			= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_title		= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_01		= "Loading..."
	updateChecker_02		= "&Refresh"
	updateChecker_03		= "Could not connect to the internet! This has 2 possible causes:||1. Your firewall is preventing this application to access the internet. If this is the case, please give it the permission to connect to the internet through port 80 and then click the 'Refresh' button.||2. You don't have an (available) internet connection."
	; %s=""
	updateChecker_04		= "%s seems to be offline. Please try again later."
	updateChecker_05		= "New version available"
	updateChecker_06		= "Up-to-date!"
	updateChecker_07		= "Where did you get that?"
	updateChecker_08		= "Installing updates"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_09		= "Current %s"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_10		= "New %s"
	; %s="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_11		= "Would you like to download and (automatically) install the new %s?"
	updateChecker_12		= "Initializing download ..."
	updateChecker_13		= "&Cancel"
	updateChecker_14		= "Download progress"
	updateChecker_15		= "Cancel download"
	updateChecker_16		= "Do you want to cancel the download?"
	updateChecker_17		= "Starting installation."
	updateChecker_desc		= "DISABLED"

about_tree				= "About"
	about_title			= "About the DriverPacks BASE"
	about_01			= "Credits"
	about_02			= "developer"
	about_03			= "method 2 methodology"
	about_04			= "original DriverPack MassStorage and hotfixes"
	about_05			= "enhanced dummy setup"
	about_06			= "enhanced method 2"
	about_07			= "Thanks to the main testers"
	about_08			= "And the rest of the testing team"
	about_09			= "and many others"
	about_10			= "Please make a donation to support the DriverPacks development.| Especially when using the DriverPacks professionaly."
	about_11			= "Windows version detection"
	about_12			= "Translations"
	about_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_settFiles_tree			= "Settings Files"
	settings_settFiles_title	= "Select the settings files"
	settings_settFiles_01		= "settings file"
	settings_settFiles_02		= "&Add"
	settings_settFiles_03		= "&Delete"
	settings_settFiles_04		= "Add settings file..."
	settings_settFiles_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_details_tree			= "Details"
	settings_details_title		= "Details for selected settings file"
	settings_details_01		= "No settings file selected."
	; %s=<number>
	settings_details_02		= "Viewing details for settings file #%s."
	settings_details_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dpsMthd_tree			= "DriverPacks method"
	settings_dpsMthd_title		= "Choose the slipstream method"
	settings_dpsMthd_01		= "method &1"
	settings_dpsMthd_02		= "method &2"
	settings_dpsMthd_desc		= "• Method 1: copy drivers to $OEM$\$1\, then list the directories in winnt.sif's OemPnpDriversPath entry. The drivers will be CAB compressed.|• Method 2: install a dummy setup that will be executed before the real setup. This dummy setup will extract the DriverPacks from the CD/DVD to the HDD and then update the DevicePath key in the registry."

settings_fnshrMthd_tree			= "Finisher method"
	settings_fnshrMthd_title	= "Choose the method to start the Finisher"
	settings_fnshrMthd_01		= "&GUIRunOnce"
	settings_fnshrMthd_02		= "&RunOnceEx"
	settings_fnshrMthd_03		= "&Custom"
	settings_fnshrMthd_04		= "RunOnceEx settings"
	; %s="937"
	settings_fnshrMthd_05		= "&Default start ID (%s)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_06		= "C&ustom start ID"
	settings_fnshrMthd_07		= "Enter your custom start ID."
	settings_fnshrMthd_08		= "Custom execution of DriverPacks Finisher: instructions"
	; %s=""%SystemDrive%\DPs_BASE.exe""
	settings_fnshrMthd_09		= "You decided to set up the execution of the DriverPacks Finisher your self, so here are the instructions:||-execute %s|(The path is copied to the clipboard, so please paste it if you don't want to|make a mistake.)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_desc		= "• GUIRunOnce: executes during first login, no GUI output.|• RunOnceEx: executes during first login, progress window. You must specify a start ID: default (937) or custom (to prevent interference with your other RunOnceEx items).|• Custom: if you want to start the Finisher yourself (e.g. through XPlode)."

optSettings_tree			= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_title		= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_01			= "These are the optional settings. Please review them, if you don't, all optional settings will be disabled."
	optSettings_desc		= "DISABLED"

optSettings_ktd_tree			= "KTDâ„¢"
	optSettings_ktd_title		= "KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_01		= "&DISABLE KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_02		= "Enable KTD for &ALL slipstreamed DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_03		= "Enable KTD for the DriverPacks I will &SELECT"
	optSettings_ktd_04		= "Enable KTD for the drivers in the &PATHS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_05		= "Enable KTD for the drivers that match the PA&TTERNS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_06		= "KTD cache location"
	; %s="%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_07		= "&default (%s)"
	optSettings_ktd_08		= "&custom"
	optSettings_ktd_09		= "Enter your custom KTD cache location."
	optSettings_ktd_desc		= "KTD is an option that allows you to Keep The Drivers after setup finishes. This means the drivers will remain available for installation: you can add hardware that is not supported by default and thanks to KTD, their drivers can be installed without having to download the correct drivers or searching for a support CD."

optSettings_ktdSett_tree		= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_title	= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_01		= "KTD is disabled: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_02		= "KTD is enabled for all (available) DriverPacks: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_03		= "Select &all"
	optSettings_ktdSett_04		= "Select &none"
	optSettings_ktdSett_05		= "Here you can enter the paths of the drivers you wish to apply KTD on. You should separate paths using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|D\G\N\1;D\W||An incorrect example:|D\G\N\1\nv4_disp.inf;D\W\||Note: KTD will be applied on the directories you specify AND ALL THEIR SUBDIRECTORIES!||Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_06		= "&Clear"
	optSettings_ktdSett_07		= "Here you can enter the patterns any of the HWIDs of a .inf file of a driver should match before KTD would be applied onto that driver. You should separate the patterns using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|VEN_10DE;USB||An incorrect example:" & @CRLF & "VEN 10DE;USB||Note that KTD will be applied on ALL FILES AND ALL SUBDIRECTORIES of the directory in which ANY .inf with a match was in! This may seem problematic at first sight, but - in general - if there are multiple drivers in one directory (or drivers in one of the subdirectory), then that's because they are necessary or complementary for each other. This means the results would still be as expected!|Also note that you can use the device names (as specified in the .inf files' [HwidsDatabase] section) as a pattern!|Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_desc	= "DISABLED"

optSettings_qsc_tree			= "QuickStream Cacheâ„¢"
	optSettings_qsc_title		= "QuickStream Cache"
	optSettings_qsc_01		= "Enable &QSC (Recommended)"
	optSettings_qsc_02		= "&Disable QSC"
	optSettings_qsc_desc		= "QuickStream Cache is an option that creates a sliptream cache: you won't have to compress the DriverPacks again for each time that you slipstream them!||Important remark: FOR NOW you have to delete unused QuickStream Caches (QSC directory) yourself every once in a while!"

optSettings_other_tree			= "Other"
	optSettings_other_title		= "Other optional settings"
	optSettings_other_01		= "DriverPack Graphics A"
	optSettings_other_02		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Center New (Requires .NET FW!)"
	optSettings_other_03		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Panel Old style"
	optSettings_other_04		= "&Disabled"
	optSettings_other_05		= "&Nvidia Control Panel New"
	optSettings_other_06		= "Nvidia Control Panel &Old style"
	optSettings_other_07		= "Nvidia Control Panel &Both"
	optSettings_other_desc		= "The selections above will only be applied by the finisher if an appropriate graphics card is found in the target machine."

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"
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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

you are not listed in Bâshrat the Sneaky translations team, and, far as I know, not in any team.


Jeff posted while I wrote.

it is not my call.
New helpers are welcome.

apology to sandrion

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

How  i can enter in the team ?
i Put he file in the bugtracker

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

need to email Bâshrat the Sneaky and ask to be added to the team...  Admin at

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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

@ sandrion

By the looks of the files one has to translate ANYBODY should be able to translate base, who KNOWS what DriverPacks BASE does.

I would think that files will have distinct changes when:

When features get added,
When features change in function but not in name (technicalities)
hehe; when M1 gets dropped
when method 3 and SAD  MERGE.

When PE works for all DriverPacks (main DriverPacks)
?? when M2 and SAD merge into M4 ..??

when a dream is no dream, and not a nightmare, it is a fact. Or not.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Jaak wrote:

hehe; when M1 gets dropped

Oh noes, the legacy!!!

@ sandrion:
You need to "resolve" (change status to) any translation "issue" you report no notify the system that your translation is ready to be included in the next version of BASE.
I'll do that for you this time smile

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

I don't understand

[ IE
&Integrar! - if you were to press << ALT >> << i >> it would start the slipstream wink
remember you can't use the same letter twice on any given page wink
slipstream = "&Integrar!"
exit = "&Sair"

I and S are not going to be available for any others to use becausse the
slipstream and exit buttons appear on every page wink

thanks ]

So I change the letters ? Don't have others using the "S" or the "I" .

Last edited by Sandrion (2008-09-05 03:25:27)

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Open driverpacks base select all of your options and instead of hitting the Slipstream button with the mouse do this

hold down the ALT key on your keyboard
you will then notice that the first letter after the "&" sign in the word "&Integrar" is the letter I and it is underlined
as you hold down the ALT key you will also notice there is an underline under the letter S in Sair.
now that you can see the "Hot-Keys" (because they are underlined after you hold the ALT key)
Hit the letter S (while still holding the ALT key down) POOF DriverPacks BASE Exits
Hit the letter I (while still holding the ALT key down) POOF DriverPacks BASE Starts wink

Each of the buttons in the language file can (and probably should be) assigned a Hot-Key...
Look at the English language pages with the alt key down wink big_smile


PS many of us who have been around longer than the mouse like hot-keys wink tongue
PSS it is also nice if your mouse is misbehaving

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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Ah, yes, totally forgot that by default you have to press [ALT] to have the underscores show.
I always pre-tweak that with nLite to always show the letters.
It's kinda dumb, IMO, not to show them.
The underscore does not bother me at all and you can certainly press keys faster than move and click with the mouse.

Also, back in the days of PS/2 or even RS-232, you couldn't connect a mouse on-the-fly (plug'n'play-wise) as with USB.
So if you booted without the mouse or the cable came lose (not going to happen with RS-232, dunno why those retention screws were removed on the newer interfaces) you couldn't use it unless you rebootet.
If the keyboard wasn't connected, the machine wouldn't even boot so you could always be sure that the KB was working, so hotkeys can be God-sent wink

Also, if you are already typing, having to constantly move one hand to the mouse and thereby off the KB can really hamper your workflow.
You'd want to only work with the KB in such cases so we try to ease that as far as possible by providing hotkeys big_smile

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Ok, here's another job waiting for you smile … 330#p24330

Please try to get this done in time so we can have a nice fully translated final release on the new BASE smile

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Attention, translators, there's a new entry that needs translation:

3 Language file lng\German.lng invalid: [any_any_any__GUI]\updateChecker_18 entry does not exist! The English text will be shown instead! Please contact the translator for this language (German), Helmi, in the forum to fix this!

(this is just an example, the German file has of course already been fixed wink)

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Where can I get the new lang file with the new entry

I can add it but I would like to have the exact english text that goes there

Last edited by ricktendo64 (2008-12-30 10:59:11)

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

the rc version link is on the homepage...
you will need to add one line, for the update button I added wink

    updateChecker_18        = "&Update Selected"


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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Yes but whats the EXACT english text that you need

EDIT: Never mind its in the english version of the lng file...I tried BeyondCompare but the stupid program did not find this line missing

Last edited by ricktendo64 (2008-12-30 11:10:10)

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

we cross posted when i updated the previous post sir...

updateChecker_18        = "&Update Selected"

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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

SysPrep platform added in new alpha version of DriverPacks BASE

If anybody has a few moments a translation update is needed. … 517#p27517

PS Cudos to Helmi
He posted his translation before I could even make this announcement!

Thanks a Million!

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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Heh, that was just because I saw your other post about the alpha and was very eager to give it a try.

I was off preparing food, otherwise I'd announced it myself.
Anyhow, this way it's proper teamwork big_smile

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

I'm late with the translation again sad
Sorry for that

Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

Better late than never! thanks a million!

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Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!)

With tne version 10.06, I added
"settings_dps_04            = "DriverPack MassStorage text mode - Update 'F6' drivers".

If you guys have a chance can you submit updated language files?

sorry... i forgot to ask before release and got busted by  icare  LOL

Thanks Guys you make DriverPacks a world class project!


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