Topic: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

thanks again to all of you translators

It is so important for those of us who have the skills to help others.
by translating BASE you make it accessable to an audience that may not have been able to use it otherwise.

author		= "Wim Leers and Jeff Herre"
authorContact	= " &"
lastUpdatedFor	= "9.01"

description		= "description"
slipstream		= "&Slipstream!"
exit			= "&Exit"
; %s="<name of settings file to overwrite>"
iniSave_01		= "Could not delete %s!"
iniSave_02		= "DriverPacks BASE settings files"
disc			= "Disc"
bartpe			= "BartPE"
multibootDisc		= "MultiBoot Disc"
StandAloneDrivers	= "Stand Alone Drivers"
instPlatform		= "installation platform"
none			= "none"
all			= "all"
select			= "select"
paths			= "paths"
patterns		= "patterns"
yes			= "yes"
no			= "no"
true			= "enabled"
false			= "disabled"
old			= "Old"
new			= "New"
both			= "Both"

start_tree				= "Start"
	start_title			= "Start"
	start_01			= "Welcome to DriverPacks BASE, the tool to slipstream the DriverPacks into your installation files.||Supported destination OS platforms:|• wnt5_x86-32 (Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003)||Supported installation platforms:|• disc|• multibootDisc (any of the above platforms)|• BartPE Plugin Mass-Storage |• Stand Alone Driver (SAD) Disk"
	start_02			= "Select your preferred language:"
	start_03			= "&Apply"
	start_04			= "Load settings file..."
	start_05			= "&Browse"
	start_06			= "Make a donation to support this project."
	start_07			= "Load other language?"
	; %s="<name of the other language>"
	start_08			= "The settings file you've opened has a different preferred language than English: %s. Would you like to set %s as the preferred language?"
	start_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_tree				= "Settings"
	settings_title			= "Settings"
	settings_01			= "These are the required settings. Please review them, if you don't, the default settings will be used."
	settings_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_location_tree			= "Location"
	settings_location_title		= "Select location of platform"
	settings_location_01		= "Location"
	settings_location_02		= "&Browse"
	settings_location_03		= "Select a valid location."
	settings_location_04		= "N/A"
	settings_location_05		= "Please browse to a directory that is valid for the installation platform you selected."
	settings_location_06		= "&Disc"
	settings_location_07		= "Bart&PE"
	settings_location_08		= "&MultiBoot Disc"
	settings_location_09		= "Stand &Alone Drivers"
	settings_location_10		= "S&ysPrep"
	settings_location_11		= "Changing the installation platform"
	; %s="<name of the newly selected installation platform>"
	settings_location_12		= "Are you sure you want to change the installation platform to "%s"? Your current settings will be lost, unless you have exported them!"
	settings_location_desc		= "What kind of directory to choose?| That depends on the installation platform you're using.||• Disc: the directory that contains the I386 directory.|• BartPE: the \plugin directory to which DriverPacks will be exported.|• MultibootDisc: the MultibootDisc's root directory.|• Stand Alone Driver Disk - The directory Base will export to.|• SysPrep browse to %SystemRoot% (Windows)"

updateChecker_tree			= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_title		= "UpdateChecker"
	updateChecker_01		= "Loading..."
	updateChecker_02		= "&Refresh"
	updateChecker_03		= "Could not connect to the internet! This has 2 possible causes:||1. Your firewall is preventing this application to access the internet. If this is the case, please give it the permission to connect to the internet through port 80 and then click the 'Refresh' button.||2. You don't have an (available) internet connection."
	; %s=""
	updateChecker_04		= "%s seems to be offline. Please try again later."
	updateChecker_05		= "New version available"
	updateChecker_06		= "Up-to-date!"
	updateChecker_07		= "Where did you get that?"
	updateChecker_08		= "Installing updates"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_09		= "Current %s"
	; %s ="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_10		= "New %s"
	; %s="DriverPacks BASE"
	updateChecker_11		= "Would you like to download and (automatically) install the new %s?"
	updateChecker_12		= "Initializing download ..."
	updateChecker_13		= "&Cancel"
	updateChecker_14		= "Download progress"
	updateChecker_15		= "Cancel download"
	updateChecker_16		= "Do you want to cancel the download?"
	updateChecker_17		= "Starting installation."
	updateChecker_18		= "&Update Selected"
	updateChecker_desc		= "DISABLED"

about_tree				= "About"
	about_title			= "About the DriverPacks BASE"
	about_01			= "Credits"
	about_02			= "developer"
	about_03			= "method 2 methodology"
	about_04			= "original DriverPack MassStorage and hotfixes"
	about_05			= "enhanced dummy setup"
	about_06			= "enhanced method 2"
	about_07			= "Thanks to the main testers"
	about_08			= "And the rest of the testing team"
	about_09			= "and many others"
	about_10			= "Please make a donation to support the DriverPacks development.| Especially when using the DriverPacks professionaly."
	about_11			= "Windows version detection"
	about_12			= "Translations"
	about_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_settFiles_tree			= "Settings Files"
	settings_settFiles_title	= "Select the settings files"
	settings_settFiles_01		= "settings file"
	settings_settFiles_02		= "&Add"
	settings_settFiles_03		= "&Delete"
	settings_settFiles_04		= "Add settings file..."
	settings_settFiles_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_details_tree			= "Details"
	settings_details_title		= "Details for selected settings file"
	settings_details_01		= "No settings file selected."
	; %s=<number>
	settings_details_02		= "Viewing details for settings file #%s."
	settings_details_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

settings_dpsMthd_tree			= "DriverPacks method"
	settings_dpsMthd_title		= "Choose the slipstream method"
	settings_dpsMthd_01		= "method &1"
	settings_dpsMthd_02		= "method &2"
	settings_dpsMthd_desc		= "• Method 1: copy drivers to $OEM$\$1\, then list the directories in winnt.sif's OemPnpDriversPath entry. The drivers will be CAB compressed.|• Method 2: install a dummy setup that will be executed before the real setup. This dummy setup will extract the DriverPacks from the CD/DVD to the HDD and then update the DevicePath key in the registry."

settings_fnshrMthd_tree			= "Finisher method"
	settings_fnshrMthd_title	= "Choose the method to start the Finisher"
	settings_fnshrMthd_01		= "&GUIRunOnce"
	settings_fnshrMthd_02		= "&RunOnceEx"
	settings_fnshrMthd_03		= "&Custom"
	settings_fnshrMthd_04		= "RunOnceEx settings"
	; %s="937"
	settings_fnshrMthd_05		= "&Default start ID (%s)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_06		= "C&ustom start ID"
	settings_fnshrMthd_07		= "Enter your custom start ID."
	settings_fnshrMthd_08		= "Custom execution of DriverPacks Finisher: instructions"
	; %s=""%SystemDrive%\DPs_BASE.exe""
	settings_fnshrMthd_09		= "You decided to set up the execution of the DriverPacks Finisher your self, so here are the instructions:||-execute %s|(The path is copied to the clipboard, so please paste it if you don't want to|make a mistake.)"
	settings_fnshrMthd_desc		= "• GUIRunOnce: executes during first login, no GUI output.|• RunOnceEx: executes during first login, progress window. You must specify a start ID: default (937) or custom (to prevent interference with your other RunOnceEx items).|• Custom: if you want to start the Finisher yourself (e.g. through XPlode)."

optSettings_tree			= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_title		= "Optional settings"
	optSettings_01			= "These are the optional settings. Please review them, if you don't, all optional settings will be disabled."
	optSettings_desc		= "DISABLED"

optSettings_ktd_tree			= "KTDâ„¢"
	optSettings_ktd_title		= "KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_01		= "&DISABLE KTD"
	optSettings_ktd_02		= "Enable KTD for &ALL slipstreamed DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_03		= "Enable KTD for the DriverPacks I will &SELECT"
	optSettings_ktd_04		= "Enable KTD for the drivers in the &PATHS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_05		= "Enable KTD for the drivers that match the PA&TTERNS I enter"
	optSettings_ktd_06		= "KTD cache location"
	; %s="%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
	optSettings_ktd_07		= "&default (%s)"
	optSettings_ktd_08		= "&custom"
	optSettings_ktd_09		= "Enter your custom KTD cache location."
	optSettings_ktd_desc		= "KTD is an option that allows you to Keep The Drivers after setup finishes. This means the drivers will remain available for installation: you can add hardware that is not supported by default and thanks to KTD, their drivers can be installed without having to download the correct drivers or searching for a support CD."

optSettings_ktdSett_tree		= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_title	= "KTD settings"
	optSettings_ktdSett_01		= "KTD is disabled: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_02		= "KTD is enabled for all (available) DriverPacks: no further settings needed!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_03		= "Select &all"
	optSettings_ktdSett_04		= "Select &none"
	optSettings_ktdSett_05		= "Here you can enter the paths of the drivers you wish to apply KTD on. You should separate paths using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|D\G\N\1;D\W||An incorrect example:|D\G\N\1\nv4_disp.inf;D\W\||Note: KTD will be applied on the directories you specify AND ALL THEIR SUBDIRECTORIES!||Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_06		= "&Clear"
	optSettings_ktdSett_07		= "Here you can enter the patterns any of the HWIDs of a .inf file of a driver should match before KTD would be applied onto that driver. You should separate the patterns using a semi-colon (;).||A correct example:|VEN_10DE;USB||An incorrect example:" & @CRLF & "VEN 10DE;USB||Note that KTD will be applied on ALL FILES AND ALL SUBDIRECTORIES of the directory in which ANY .inf with a match was in! This may seem problematic at first sight, but - in general - if there are multiple drivers in one directory (or drivers in one of the subdirectory), then that's because they are necessary or complementary for each other. This means the results would still be as expected!|Also note that you can use the device names (as specified in the .inf files' [HwidsDatabase] section) as a pattern!|Now delete this informative text and enter the paths you need!"
	optSettings_ktdSett_desc	= "DISABLED"

optSettings_qsc_tree			= "QuickStream Cacheâ„¢"
	optSettings_qsc_title		= "QuickStream Cache"
	optSettings_qsc_01		= "Enable &QSC (Recommended)"
	optSettings_qsc_02		= "&Disable QSC"
	optSettings_qsc_desc		= "QuickStream Cache is an option that creates a sliptream cache: you won't have to compress the DriverPacks again for each time that you slipstream them!||Important remark: FOR NOW you have to delete unused QuickStream Caches (QSC directory) yourself every once in a while!"

optSettings_other_tree			= "Other"
	optSettings_other_title		= "Other optional settings"
	optSettings_other_01		= "DriverPack Graphics A"
	optSettings_other_02		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Center New (Requires .NET FW!)"
	optSettings_other_03		= "ATI Catalyst Control &Panel Old style"
	optSettings_other_04		= "&Disabled"
	optSettings_other_05		= "&Nvidia Control Panel New"
	optSettings_other_06		= "Nvidia Control Panel &Old style"
	optSettings_other_07		= "Nvidia Control Panel &Both"
	optSettings_other_desc		= "The selections above will only be applied by the finisher if an appropriate graphics card is found in the target machine."

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"

settings_dps_tree			= "DriverPacksâ„¢"
	settings_dps_title		= "Select the DriverPacks to slipstream"
	settings_dps_01			= "DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers are necessary if you wish to|boot from a mass storage controller that's not supported by default."
	settings_dps_02			= "Select &all"
	settings_dps_03			= "Select &none"
	settings_dps_desc		= "DISABLED"

overview_tree				= "Overview"
	overview_title			= "Overview of settings"
	overview_01			= "Platform"
	overview_02			= "default"
	overview_03			= "custom"
	overview_04			= "No DriverPacks selected."
	overview_05			= "Not yet specified."
	overview_06			= "&Export settings"
	overview_desc			= "DISABLED"

Last edited by OverFlow (2009-01-03 17:21:46)

DP BartPE Tutorial   DP_BASE Tutorial   HWID's Tool     Read BEFORE you post    UserBars!
The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

Note that both BartPE and SysPrep use the same letter for keyboard shortcuts

Edit: I would like to know which letter you guys are thinking on using for English language before I submit my Spanish language file

Edit2: Nevermind I will use "y" (SysPrep)

Last edited by ricktendo64 (2009-01-03 03:26:59)

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

French language updated for DP BASE 9.01.002 : bugtracker issue 489.

BartPE and SysPrep are still using the same "P" letter.
Please advise about this "issue", then I'll update the french language.

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

Spanish translation updated, I am using "Alt + y" keyboard shortcut for SysPrep (may change if you guys chose a different one for English)

Last edited by ricktendo64 (2009-01-03 10:11:07)

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

As for hotkeys, you can use whatever you like in your translation (doesn't have to be identical with English and sometimes even would be impossible to achieve).
Just make sure that there's no overlapping on the same page.

That said, I need to check on my translation for this as I just used the "suggestion" from the English file...

Good find!!!

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

I know Helmi I don't have to use the exact same letter as English but if it does not conflict I would like to...I am just anal that way

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

I Like 'Y' I am going to fix that in my translation...

I belive you should report me at the bugtracker for that ! wow... i must be getting old... wink

edited master and above

Last edited by OverFlow (2009-01-03 17:22:27)

DP BartPE Tutorial   DP_BASE Tutorial   HWID's Tool     Read BEFORE you post    UserBars!
The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

That's alright, Rick.
I just wanted to make sure you knew there is no such obligation.

But I can fully unsterstand your motives, after all, we're all perfectionalists around here big_smile

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

LOL big_smile

PS  HE  REPORTED  ME !  LOL roll tongue big_smile

It actually turned out nicely.
I was able to assign other translations that copied my error and relate them to my bug.
in bugtracker this groups them as related issues (and blames them ALL on me wink)
also as a result I was able to update existing submissions as I added them.

the bugtracker is a very nice tool... thanks Bâshrat the Sneaky

see how the changelog develops as we use it...
I recently got the proper permissions in order to use it properly

So Far we have SEVEN translations turned in that are version 8.12 or newer.

That is just amazing... You guys Rock!

French      maxximum
German    Helmi
Polish       dziubek
Slovenian Amitri
Spanish    ricktendo64
Turkish     Kenan Balamir

English obviously by Jeff Herre

DP BartPE Tutorial   DP_BASE Tutorial   HWID's Tool     Read BEFORE you post    UserBars!
The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: SysPrep platform added - Translation update needed

Here the portuguese translation big_smile

And happy 2009 to you guys ^^
cya later