OverFlow wrote:because it may need to be updated...
IE i cant tell you how many times i wish i had the source code for our setup.exe. I am just SOL on that one.
I am not going to do to someone else what i would not want to be done to me. ( and it has been and i hate it )
If I include something with base then the source code for it will be available to the code team, period.
( Wim can of course do as he pleases )
We have no intention of useing more than one language to code DriverPacks.
You and I might both get hit by a truck on the same day
for many reasons... is the reason
Sure, I will publish the source code when I'll be back from vacation. I will cleanup the code and put GPL header. But, IF it becomes a part of DP base, maybe you can let it in Delphi and I'll do the updates needed
Well, we're not yet at this stage, I don't care if it's written in Delphi or AutoIt, I'm just afraid that some functions are not avalaible in AutoIt. I used Delphi because I couldn't find a great gui builder for AutoIt.
OverFlow wrote:wouldnt even need a dialog if they select no packs ther is nothing for the finisher to do...
no reason to keep it - so no reason to bother asking...
Well, as sT0n3r pointed it out, if we remove the finisher, then we will have an error when RunOnceEx/GuiRunOnce/WPI will launch it becomes it won't be present in %SystemDrive%. One solution would be to launch finisher from a .cmd, something like that :
@echo off
:: Run DriverPack finisher ...
IF EXIST "%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe" start "DPsFnshr" /wait "%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe"
del /Q "%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.cmd"
OverFlow wrote:For example - converting 8.3 pack names to thier full names is an existing function that is built into the code
You are useing a data file for this. So i would not need to do that i would just call the routine .
this automates a now manual process and eliminates an unneccessary file.
by extension there is no need for you to write a routine to do this since we have one.
I cant give you code bytes or subroutines to use because you did not take the bait when i offered AutoIt as your starting point.
Well, maybe my explications was confused, but DriverPacks Extractor doesn't convert to 8.3 format. I just say that when someone use a 3rd party DriverPacks, he needs to put it in OEM folder in 8.3 format and modify DPsXtrct.ini.
OverFlow wrote:What you have works. It is simple and effective. that is great!
Let's see if what you have already put here generates any interest before you or I sink a bunch of time into it.
If it IS popular then I will make it a feature,
Thank you
To become popular, maybe we need to move this thread to a place where there's more visitors, or make an announcement or something like that. I don't mind if it's popular or not, I just made this to suit my needs and fill request from others in the thread.
I'm really glad that it worked like a charm for you! It's good news. The bug you found will be solved by the trick I explained above. But it will requires extra files edit...
I will add the Keep The Drivers option when I'll be back
To conclude, Sardena is bellisima