Dear gentlebeings,
I am sure we do not want moderated submission approval when a user wants to submit a "testpack", but I also realise that having 3rd party DriverPacks ftp access code in the "public" has caused a few "mishaps" when non-team updated. (I mean the instances when non-team removed older releases.).
Over two months ago I looked at a 3dr party pack and saw a path-hog which is, to me, sign of ineptitude and totally in disregard to what a clean tested pack should be.
We do understand enthusiasts.
We should not allow that enthusiasts simply add their driver to a pack when it should have been an update (which means the Developer did not look at other content, across ALL DriverPacks.)
We should also not allow the wild growth of folder path names.
(a long name folder with long name nested folders is a poor substitute to proper update of the supported device list.)
I am not sure about how we can teach people to do it in a proper way.
We will eventually have to use a Dbase of sorts.
Of that I am sure.
the weakest point (and you have no idea how many hours of work went into supported device list on main DriverPacks..) is the Third Party DriverPacks supported devices list.
It will probably have to be get done by volunteers in the team. But, it will have to be teamwork.
A team-member looking at the collections and looking at a submission before approving a release (so it gets linked to in main 'sticky") can question and remedy the work.
I think nobody here wants to add a driver which creates issues and misery in another DP.
Last edited by Jaak (2008-07-01 03:13:04)
The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.