Topic: DPSfnshr.exe

im runnig base 8.05 with a RIS image created by Roguespears Autoimage.

dpsfnshr.exe is runnig from my runonceEX which it runs fine but its leaving all the drivers in c:\ even though ive got KTD disabled.

any ideas on what the problem could be?

here is my base ini file

; preferred language
prefLang    = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons    = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI        = "yes"

; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform    = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location    = "C:\AutoImageTmp"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks    = "select"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod    = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod    = "custom"

; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD        = "false"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation    = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC        = "yes"

; you should only add this section if you've set [Settings]\DriverPacks to "select"
DP_Chipset    = "yes"
DP_Graphics_A    = "yes"
DP_Graphics_B    = "yes"
DP_Graphics_C    = "yes"
DP_LAN        = "yes"
DP_MassStorage    = "yes"
DP_Sound_A    = "yes"
DP_Sound_B    = "yes"
DP_WLAN        = "yes"
DPs_3rd_party    = "yes"
DP_MassStorage_textmode = "yes"

; this section is optional!
; CCC/CCP, use ATI Catalyst Control Center or ATI Catalyst Control Panel (only relevant when slipstreaming DriverPack Graphics A)
ATI_cpl        = "CCC"

Re: DPSfnshr.exe

are you sure the finisher is running?

are there any other files left behind?

can we see the finisher log?

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Re: DPSfnshr.exe

DPsfnshr.exe is defernatley running. you cant miss the GUi that apears. it runs thorugh its bits aswell  ie Cleaning etc.

my runonceEX entry is

REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "Bâshrat the Sneaky Driver Pack Finisher" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe" /f

I have other apps that follow this.

thie bin folder in root of C is remainnig.(I normally manually delete this & the log file. ive set not to delete so Bin file has remained but the log file dosent exisit.

dpsfnshr.exe & log files are not in c:\

Last edited by chiners_68 (2008-06-20 22:21:51)

Re: DPSfnshr.exe

i need to run soe trsts but it may be an issue in VMWare Workstation.

Re: DPSfnshr.exe

the bin folder should not exist on the destination - the contents of the bin folder should be copied to the root folder.

i assume you are modifying the presetup.cmd file?

i belive we have found your problem... wink

PS the finisher log is in the windows folder (%systemroot%)

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Re: DPSfnshr.exe

Hi overflow,
  maybe i need to report this to Roguespear then as his autoimage deals with the driverpack integration into my RIS images.
  The Driver packs seem to not exist on a normal workstation but they remain on a vmware install. I need to confirm with more testing on monday but Im pretty shore that is the case.


FOR %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO IF EXIST "%%i:%TAG%" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:

IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\7z.exe Copy /V /Y %OEM%\bin\7z.exe %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7z.exe
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\7z.exe Copy /V /Y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\7z.exe %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7z.exe
IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\un7zip.exe SET UN7ZIP=%OEM%\bin\un7zip.exe
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\un7zip.exe SET UN7ZIP=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\un7zip.exe

IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini Copy /V /Y %OEM%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DPsFnshr.ini
IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini Copy /V /Y %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DPsFnshr.ini
IF EXIST %OEM%\*.ins Copy /V /Y %OEM%\*.ins %SYSTEMDRIVE%\

IF EXIST %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\7z.exe (
    IF EXIST %OEM%\D*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\D*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
    IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\D*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\bin\D*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
    IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\D*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\D*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
    IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SR*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_SR*.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%
    IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SR*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SR*.7z -o%SYSTEMROOT%
    IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SD*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %OEM%\000_SD*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
    IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SD*.7z 7z x -y -aoa %SYSTEMDRIVE%\000_SD*.7z -o%SYSTEMDRIVE%
) ELSE (
    IF EXIST %OEM%\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
    IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\bin\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
    IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %SystemDrive%\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
    IF EXIST %SYSTEMDRIVE%\bin\D*.7z %UN7ZIP% %SystemDrive%\bin\D*.7z %SystemDrive%\
    IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SR*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\000_SR*.7z %SYSTEMROOT%\
    IF EXIST %OEM%\000_SD*.7z %UN7ZIP% %OEM%\000_SD*.7z %SYSTEMDRIVE%\


IF EXIST %OEM%\bin\DevPath.exe SET SDP=%OEM%\bin\DevPath.exe

%SDP% %DP%

Ive got the dpsfnshr.log but its to big for a post.

Last edited by chiners_68 (2008-06-22 06:51:17)

Re: DPSfnshr.exe

bottom end of the dpsfnshr.log

2008-06-20 14:54:40 : <DBG>  0 exceptions have forfilled the requirements to be executed!
2008-06-20 14:54:40 : <KTD>  KTD will not be applied, the DriverPacks will be deleted.
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Could not delete the DriverPacks, which are located in "C:\D".
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the cleanup of the "C:\D" directory will be retried (through CLI, not through the Finisher) after a reboot.
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\hwids.dat"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\DPsFnshr.ini"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\devcon.exe"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\makePNF.exe"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\pmtimer.exe"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\*.ins"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\DSPdsblr.exe"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\DriverPack_*.ini"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\mute.exe"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\DP_Install_Tool.cmd"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\DPINST.exe"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Deleted "C:\DPInst.xml"!
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the DriverPacks Finisher itself will get deleted after the next reboot.
2008-06-20 14:55:20 : Program terminated.

c:\BIN folder contains these files


Re: DPSfnshr.exe

that is the important part of the finisher... did it remove the \D folder and the finisher after a reboot?
It indicates it staged that to happen.

yes the bin folder being on the destination drive is not a DriverPacks function and therfore must be AutoImage related.
and that is definately not a DriverPacks presetup.cmd. wink

Tell RogueSpear hello from his good freinds here at DriverPacks since he hasn't dropped by recently.

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Re: DPSfnshr.exe

no the D remains after a reboot.

As i said i eed to ceck but i think its possibly only remaining on a vmware install for some odd reason.

Re: DPSfnshr.exe

OverFlow wrote:

Tell RogueSpear hello from his good freinds here at DriverPacks since he hasn't dropped by recently.

I apologize for being so invisible lately hmm  I am finding it difficult just to keep up with the few projects I maintain, let alone to be involved in more projects.  It is great to see that the DriverPacks project not only lives on, but continues to get better as time passes.

Now that I have recently completed a months long project at work, and will be taking a three week vacation, I will try to make a conscious effort to visit here more frequently and try to contribute a little.



Re: DPSfnshr.exe

you're always a welcome sight here! We miss you and many of the other founders of this and other great UXP projects.

I understand as much as anyone that we (me, you, Wim, Signet, Ryan, ect) only have so much time for volunteer work.

It is truly awesome when you stop by, even if it is only briefly. you're a hero in my book sir!

Thanks for your kind words, and my best wishes for you.


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