I have some good contacts opportunities, and I am not the only MVP using DriverPacks.
I got here because a fellow MVP led me here. I sorta hung around and started to help.
There are approx 4000 active MVP awardees in the world nowadays. Most of them I never have touched base with. The fields we post in and are interested in is so varied I easily lose track.
Do not think I am the only cruizer.
I cruized and googled for a solution to a problem and got here on a recommendation by a fellow MVP, and then started spend time here.
Spending large amounts of time on it is the only difference between the mvp I know to have used and recommended DriverPacks and I.
Don't think too much of the title I carry.
Think of it as a title which gives a person the abilty to test in MSDN provided OS environments, and with contacts he doesn't want to lose.
I won't risk any production machine to test experimental work (software betas) and DriverPacks testpacks.
I build machines and dedicate them, long term, for DriverPacks testing. I sometimes buy "CRAPOLA" hardware for that.
Hehe, the worst combo motherboard you can think of (after serious reports to investigate on..) is the best.
Failure is the way to succes. (I found nice shirts with that slogan.)
It is one of the reasons my battle cry became "help us help you."
Nobody figured Bâshrat the Sneaky could pull this when he took the task.
Nobody figured we doubled the amount of supported drivers after that.
But, we did, with a lot less conflicts.
MVP are like that.. We help you help the users. We build community.
The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.