mickmack wrote:the problem is in WINNT.SIF. maybe it has something to do with WINNT.SIF limitations. i integrated all the packs including 3rd party, and got blue screen. then i removed PNPDrivers paths in WINNT.SIF and no blue screen.
That's not a valid conclusion. You assume that the cause lies in the very method that is used that allows setup to install drivers. Or more specific: you think it's caused by the way the DriverPack Sound B has applied that method.
Drivers are still being loaded correctly: else you'd have gotten an error about an invalid line in the winnt.sif file. It really is a driver conflict, or a driver that is failing (although that is very unlikely).
EDIT: after searching for '0x8e bsod setupdd.sys' it seems that the best hits even refer to the old DriverPacks forum at MSFN.org
One was due to a corrupted CD/ISO, one was due to 'an error in my process of creating the multibootDisc' and the last one was due to faulty RAM.
According to KB315335, it has GOT to be your RAM. So please put some other RAM sticks in it, even if only temporary. This is the resolution, according to Microsoft:
To troubleshoot this behavior, follow these steps:
1. Remove some of the memory modules that are installed on the computer. Leave at least the RAM that is required for the computer to start and run Windows XP.
The recommended RAM to run Windows XP is 128 megabytes (MB). The minimum is 64 MB, and the maximum is 4 gigabytes.
For example, if two 256-MB memory modules are installed on your computer, remove one of the memory modules.
2. Restart your computer, and then run the Setup program:
a. Insert the Windows XP Setup CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive, start the computer, and then click OK to select the first option screen to install a copy of Windows XP.
b. Click Accept, and then follow the instructions on the screen to complete the Windows XP installation.
3. If you again receive the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section, go to step 4.
4. Remove a different memory module, or install the RAM in a different memory slot.
5. Restart your computer, and then rerun Setup.
You may have to restart your computer several times to identify the specific memory modules that are not working correctly.
I'm sorry, but there isn't much I can do about this!
Last edited by Bâshrat the Sneaky (2006-08-08 00:04:08)
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