( Link Killed ) DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_803RC3.7z[/url]
[N-TM] loads after other Nvidia
[N-TM] contains the two abit HWIDs (again)
INI Fixes by Overflow for server and windows 2000.
INI fix for Symmpi for XP.
INI fix for [N-6] by OverFlow
S8A, Silicon removed
V3, Via updated
Silicon sections now in THREE blocks so that a user can easily move these around or remove these from INI.
Silicon image load order changed
first softraid, then raid, then base-ide
I cannot fix AHCI. (your driver and ours have same HWIDs)
Do NOT re-stream an old source.
Use a fresh copy of a source you have not yet used DriverPacks on.
Make another copy of that to fall back to..
Now, if this testpack does not work, I will ask you do the following.
Unpack this testfile.
Replace content of D\M\i3 with the intel driver from HP (sp36132 has version and our pack has
You don't have to edit the INI section for it since they have the same HWIDs.
Then recompress. (select INI and D, rightclick to run 7zip)
7z, lzma, 256wordLength, compact.
Use the changed file to restream the source you used (there was no change to INI.. so this will correctly replace the mass storage pack)
And if THAT works, I will want to know.
If I hear that other users have issues with version I could roll back to
Last edited by Jaak (2008-03-30 03:29:34)
The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.