Re: Testers Needed
look at post #13. ive uesd that through my proxy before without any issues so you can do it with Autoit.
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look at post #13. ive uesd that through my proxy before without any issues so you can do it with Autoit.
ok you tell me how and ill do it
I dont know. Someone on the Autoit forum wrote it.
here is the script if you can decifer it. Works through my ISA proxy to let me download MCafee DAT files
;set parameters for using
Global $UseIntegratedSecurity = True
Global $ProxyServer = ""
Global $ProxyUser = "" ;if $UseIntegratedSecurity is true (and working), these can be blank
Global $ProxyPass = "";create WinHttpRequest object for downloading config info
Global $oHttp = ObjCreate ("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
Global $oBinaryStream = ObjCreate("ADODB.Stream")
$oHttp.SetProxy(2,$ProxyServer) ; PRECONFIG = 0 (default), DIRECT = 1, PROXY = 2ConsoleWrite("Downloading update.ini..." & @TAB)
$sINI = httpget("")
ConsoleWrite("Complete" & @CRLF)
FileWrite("update.ini",$sINI)$curSdat = IniRead("update.ini","SuperDat-IA32","FileName","")
$sdatUrl = " … ish/intel/" & $curSdat
ConsoleWrite("Downloading " & $curSdat & "..." & @TAB)
$sdataBin = httpget($sdatUrl,@ScriptDir & "\" & $curSdat)
ConsoleWrite("Complete" & @CRLF)func httpget($url,$filename="")
$COMerrnotify = false
If $UseIntegratedSecurity Then
$oHttp.SetAutoLogonPolicy(0) ; Always = 0, OnlyIfBypassProxy = 1, Never = 2
$oHttp.SetAutoLogonPolicy(2) ; Always = 0, OnlyIfBypassProxy = 1, Never = 2
$status = $oHttp.Open("GET", $url,false)
If Not $UseIntegratedSecurity Then
$oHttp.SetCredentials($ProxyUser,$ProxyPass,0) ; HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER = 0
if $oHttp.Status <> "200" then
$status = $oHttp.Status
$StatusText = $oHttp.StatusText
Consolewrite("Status: " & $status & @crlf)
Consolewrite("StatusText: " & $StatusText & @crlf)
$COMerrnotify = true
return $status & " - " & $StatusText
$COMerrnotify = true
Consolewrite("Response Headers: " & $oHttp.GetAllResponseHeaders & @crlf)
If $filename <> "" Then
$adTypeBinary = 1
$adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
$oBinaryStream.Type = $adTypeBinary
$oBinaryStream.SaveToFile($filename, $adSaveCreateOverWrite)
Return $oHttp.Status
return $oHttp.ResponseText
$oIEErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","ComErrFunc")
global $COMerrnotify = true
Func ComErrFunc()
If IsObj($oIEErrorHandler) Then
if $COMerrnotify then
ConsoleWrite("--> ComErrFunc: COM Error Encountered in " & @ScriptName & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Scriptline = " & $oIEErrorHandler.scriptline & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Number Hex = " & Hex($oIEErrorHandler.number, 8) & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Number = " & $oIEErrorHandler.number & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Win Description = " & StringStripWS($oIEErrorHandler.WinDescription, 2) & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Description = " & StringStripWS($oIEErrorHandler.description, 2) & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Source = " & $oIEErrorHandler.Source & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Help File = " & $oIEErrorHandler.HelpFile & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Help Context = " & $oIEErrorHandler.HelpContext & @CR)
ConsoleWrite("----> Last Dll Error = " & $oIEErrorHandler.LastDllError & @crlf)
$HexNumber = Hex($oIEErrorHandler.number, 8)
Return 0
that may help thank you...
there is also this ...''
The Microsoft Proxy Server Web Proxy service is fully compatible with the CERN- proxy standard.
does your proxy server deny ping?
i am sure that i can fix this now... the clues are in the code above.
tell me if this picks up the settings automaticaly from IE and gets the list...
(try it without the /proxy: switch first)
link removed for PROXY test version. *edit...
code modified to allow proxy ?
fixed unreported problem,
if base detects that it was run on a source before it will back out of all of its changes and restore original files.
currently the mass storage ini from the most current pack is used to restore original files from a previous slipstream of base.
if the list of skipped or replaced drivers changed then it would be possable that not all files would be restored.
Now we copy mass ini to i386 when adding textmode drivers then use that mass INI for restoreing original files before slipstreaming the current selections. this way the same list is used to reset / restore as was used to install.
Misc code cleanup...
The major issue was fixed, I'm now part of the credits list. Congrats!
btw, is there reason why base use an old version of 7zip ? 4.57 is out
Last edited by JakeLD (2008-02-01 16:28:25)
Well done guys. Its working... yippeeeee
thats without any /proxy switch as well
Last edited by chiners_68 (2008-02-01 20:23:57)
fixed unreported problem,
if base detects that it was run on a source before it will back out of all of its changes and restore original files.
currently the mass storage ini from the most current pack is used to restore original files from a previous slipstream of base.
if the list of skipped or replaced drivers changed then it would be possable that not all files would be restored.
Now we copy mass ini to i386 when adding textmode drivers then use that mass INI for restoreing original files before slipstreaming the current selections. this way the same list is used to reset / restore as was used to install.Misc code cleanup...
This could possibly explain why it worked for this tester and not for another when we read reports about some testpacks? Sometimes the testpack used renamed files, or different tagnames, or different sections were marked for skip. You can bet I will try look for signs of this now that I was made aware this could happen.
Testing the rc3alpha version. I am getting an AutoIt Error stating Line -1: Error: Variable used without being declared. the log follows
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.01.rc3alpha initialized.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Old temporary working directory deleted.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 7.10.1!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 7.04.1!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 7.10!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 7.12.1!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 7.12!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 7.12.1!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.01!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 7.12!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 7.12!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 7.12!
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Detected settings file "C:\driverpackssp3\DPs_BASE.ini".
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - Retail SP3 detected.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2008-02-01 10:17:32 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2008-02-01 10:17:43 : <GUI> Changed Windows installation files OR export (depending on the installation platform) location to C:\xpsp3rc1.
2008-02-01 10:17:44 : <GUI> Windows XP Professional - Retail SP3 detected.
2008-02-01 10:17:44 : <GUI> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2008-02-01 10:18:19 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2008-02-01 10:18:19 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2008-02-01 10:18:19 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2008-02-01 10:18:19 : <PREP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers!
2008-02-01 10:18:20 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2008-02-01 10:18:21 : <PREP> Generated \I386\winnt.sif file.
2008-02-01 10:18:21 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2008-02-01 10:18:21 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\dosnet.inf.
2008-02-01 10:18:21 : <SLIP> Processing the files now. This may take a minute.
2008-02-01 10:18:26 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2008-02-01 10:18:32 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2008-02-01 10:18:33 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2008-02-01 10:19:15 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-02-01 10:19:15 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2008-02-01 10:19:16 : <SLIP> Copied files necessary for method 2.
2008-02-01 10:19:16 : <SLIP> Extracted files necessary for method 2.
2008-02-01 10:19:16 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2008-02-01 10:19:16 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2008-02-01 10:19:16 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2008-02-01 10:19:17 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2008-02-01 10:19:32 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2008-02-01 10:19:32 : <SLIP> Extracted and deleted \I386\svcpack.in_.
2008-02-01 10:19:33 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\svcpack.inf file to support KB888111 and KB921401.
2008-02-01 10:19:34 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif file to support KB888111.
2008-02-01 10:19:35 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf file to support KB888111.
2008-02-01 10:19:36 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf file to support KB921401.
2008-02-01 10:19:36 : <SLIP> XP SP3 detected KB883667 will not be added
When I click the OK button the program shutdown.
FYI this is the first version in the past couple years that does do the update for me.
Bug or feature?
Ran M1, Mass storage nightly 8015 and TXTmode, on a source that had been done with an earlier Mass Storage Pack..
2008-02-02 01:58:56 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2008-02-02 01:59:36 : <CRIT> Invalid settings for D\M\S5\Si3112r driver!
I looked at the INI section [S5] of that pack. I saw nothing wrong, and then ran on a clean source.
Same error. Looked again.
in the INI, [S5] had ms_1_isBusExtender=False
The others have
I changed the False to false, then packed it up, and ran with this..
It got past this section, (Case sensitive about F/false?? ) and somewhat later gave me a line -1 variable used without being declared.
this log was generated when I ran it AGAIN, to read the error again.. (sorry about that.. I just re-installed snagit so I can capture output..)
2008-02-02 02:38:00 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.01.rc3alpha initialized.
2008-02-02 02:38:00 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Old temporary working directory deleted.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 8.01.2!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 8.01.2!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 8.01!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 8.01!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.01.6!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.01.7!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 8.01!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 8.01!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 8.01.2!
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Detected settings file "F:\_DP_RC3\DPs_BASE.ini".
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - SP2 detected.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2008-02-02 02:38:01 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2008-02-02 02:38:02 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2008-02-02 02:38:04 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2008-02-02 02:38:04 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2008-02-02 02:38:04 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m1.
2008-02-02 02:38:04 : <PREP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers!
2008-02-02 02:38:07 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Deleted old method 1 related files.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver DPTI2O.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver adpu160m.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ALIIDE.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver mraid35x.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac2w2k.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac960nt.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ultra.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ql12160.sys.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored \I386\winnt.sif.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2008-02-02 02:38:09 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
2008-02-02 02:38:10 : <SLIP> Processing the files now. This may take a minute.
2008-02-02 02:38:11 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2008-02-02 02:38:18 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2008-02-02 02:38:18 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2008-02-02 02:39:02 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-02-02 02:39:02 : <SLIP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage!
2008-02-02 02:39:09 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DriverPack MassStorage using the QuickStream Cache.
2008-02-02 02:39:09 : <SLIP> No DP Graphics packs were selected KB883667 will not be added
2008-02-02 02:39:10 : <SLIP> Extracted bin\DPsFnshr.7z to \$OEM$\$1.
2008-02-02 02:39:10 : <SLIP> Created OemPnpDriversPath entry. The length is 1000, which does not exceed the 4096 characters limit.
2008-02-02 02:39:10 : <SLIP> Added OemPnpDriversPath entry to \I386\winnt.sif.
I will look at path.
EDIT; winntsif was processsed, and Mass storage path was there.
Last edited by Jaak (2008-02-02 13:35:46)
the alpha was only intended to be a test of the proxy feature...
not to be critiqued... lol
the fix for mass was a side effect of what im working on for chipset.
got to fix the bad code before i can add new.
I've also get AutoIt Error Line -1: Error Variable used without being declared.
Logs attached below
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.01.rc3alpha initialized.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Old temporary working directory deleted.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 7.10.1!
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 7.10!
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 7.12.1!
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.01!
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 7.12!
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 7.12!
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2008-02-03 01:15:34 : <INIT> Detected settings file "C:\33\DPs_BASE.ini".
2008-02-03 01:15:35 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - Retail SP2 detected.
2008-02-03 01:15:35 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2008-02-03 01:15:35 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2008-02-03 01:15:35 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2008-02-03 01:15:35 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2008-02-03 01:15:35 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2008-02-03 01:15:52 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2008-02-03 01:15:52 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2008-02-03 01:15:52 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2008-02-03 01:15:57 : <PREP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage to a temporary working directory.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPacks.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Deleted old method 2 related files.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver DPTI2O.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver adpu160m.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ALIIDE.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver mraid35x.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac2w2k.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac960nt.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:00 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ultra.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:01 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ql12160.sys.
2008-02-03 01:16:01 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-02-03 01:16:04 : <PREP> Cleaned up \I386\svcpack.inf.
2008-02-03 01:16:04 : <PREP> Unslipstreamed KB883667, KB888111.
2008-02-03 01:16:04 : <PREP> Restored \I386\winnt.sif.
2008-02-03 01:16:04 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2008-02-03 01:16:04 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
2008-02-03 01:16:05 : <PREP> Restored original setup: method 2 was used previously.
2008-02-03 01:16:05 : <SLIP> Processing the files now. This may take a minute.
2008-02-03 01:16:22 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DriverPack MassStorage text mode driver files.
2008-02-03 01:16:26 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2008-02-03 01:16:27 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Copied files necessary for method 2.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Extracted files necessary for method 2.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Deleted old presetup.cmd file from \I386.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2008-02-03 01:17:02 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2008-02-03 01:17:03 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2008-02-03 01:17:11 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2008-02-03 01:17:11 : <SLIP> Extracted and deleted \I386\svcpack.in_.
2008-02-03 01:17:11 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\svcpack.inf file to support KB888111 and KB921401.
2008-02-03 01:17:13 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif file to support KB888111.
2008-02-03 01:17:15 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf file to support KB888111.
2008-02-03 01:17:15 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf file to support KB921401.
2008-02-03 01:17:16 : <SLIP> Extracted and deleted \I386\svcpack.in_.
2008-02-03 01:17:16 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\svcpack.inf file to support KB883667.
2008-02-03 01:17:16 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif file to support KB883667.
2008-02-03 01:17:16 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf file to support KB883667.
is anyone else getting AutoIT error, paramater used without being defined?
Using Latest RC with all latest nightlies (that is all DriverPacks except DriverPack Sound A).
; preferred language
prefLang = "German"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "E:\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "all"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
; this section is optional!
; CCC/CCP, use ATI Catalyst Control Center or ATI Catalyst Control Panel (only relevant when slipstreaming DriverPack Graphics A)
ATI_cpl = "CCC"
2008-02-03 16:43:11 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.01.rc3alpha initialized.
2008-02-03 16:43:11 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 3, v.3264 on X86 CPU.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Old temporary working directory deleted.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 7.10.1!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 8.0127_Jaak_for_M1!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 7.04.1!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 7.1220!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 7.10!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 8.01.2!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 7.12.1!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 8.01.2!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 7.12!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 8.01!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 7.12.1!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 8.02!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.01!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.02nightly!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 7.12!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 7.12!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 8.01.2!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 7.12!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 8.02_pruning!
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected 3rd party DriverPack(s).
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Detected settings file "Q:\Downloads\UWXPCD\DriverPacks\DPs_BASE.ini".
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - SP2 detected.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2008-02-03 16:43:15 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2008-02-03 16:43:16 : <GUI> Set the last used language, German, as the GUI language.
2008-02-03 16:43:27 : <GUI> Refreshed UpdateChecker with success.
2008-02-03 16:43:28 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2008-02-03 16:43:28 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2008-02-03 16:43:28 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2008-02-03 16:43:44 : <PREP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage to a temporary working directory.
2008-02-03 16:43:57 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2008-02-03 16:43:58 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\winnt.sif.
2008-02-03 16:43:58 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2008-02-03 16:43:59 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\dosnet.inf.
2008-02-03 16:44:02 : <SLIP> Processing the files now. This may take a minute.
2008-02-03 16:44:45 : <SLIP> Created QuickStream Cache for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-02-03 16:44:46 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2008-02-03 16:45:12 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2008-02-03 16:45:14 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2008-02-03 16:53:16 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-02-03 16:53:16 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2008-02-03 16:53:18 : <SLIP> Copied files necessary for method 2.
2008-02-03 16:53:18 : <SLIP> Extracted files necessary for method 2.
2008-02-03 16:53:19 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2008-02-03 16:53:19 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2008-02-03 16:53:20 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2008-02-03 16:53:20 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2008-02-03 16:54:14 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2008-02-03 16:54:15 : <SLIP> German (Sereby's) UpdatePack detected: no HDA hotfix will be slipstreamed.
2008-02-03 16:54:17 : <SLIP> Extracted and deleted \I386\svcpack.in_.
2008-02-03 16:54:18 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\svcpack.inf file to support KB883667.
2008-02-03 16:54:19 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif file to support KB883667.
2008-02-03 16:54:20 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf file to support KB883667.
Going to revert back to the previous RC (gonna need to finish a DVD today...).
lol thanks guys i am going to release alpha versions more often... it keeps us in touch...
to reiterate - the only reason the alpha was leaked was to test the proxy functionality.
the rc2 version should be solid until i get rc3 ready for prime time...
Hiya Helmi - where you been i missed ya...
Hiya Helmi - where you been i missed ya...
Missed you guys, too!
I've been totally busy with university and stuff (guess kinda like Bâshrat the Sneaky...) and didn't get around to fiddle with the DriverPacks AT ALL (not even keeping up to date on the progress or visiting the forums regularly).
Since I haven't had a current UWXPCD in months now, it was more than about time I created one (plus, I got this machine from my cousin here that needs fixing).
Gonna reinstall my main rig, too, very soon (hopefully over the next week).
Now, I finally got a bit time on my hands as we've just got vacation from uni
EDIT: Just tried with RC2 and it worked like a charm (slipstream that is, install to commence right now).
11'43 is a bit long but at least no darn error
Yes, I can also confirm RC2 worked flawlessly.
Ok, so I tried the installation but it locked up before it boots the OS (prior to OOBE, I presume, I wasn't watching the installation progress)...
Since this machine had a presumably defective HDD (but the scan tools couldn't find any bad sectors) I'm not sure what the real cause is.
The HDD LED was alit brightly though...
Trying again now and if problem persist, I will change HDD and report back.
just discovered yet another case sensitive mass storage driver when I ran a RC2 test on win2000.
LSI_SAS worked in 2000, but the 2000 driver in M\P\K would not get found during TM in 2000 setup.
( The uploaded mass802nightly has an error in section for M\P\K .. Its systemfile name in the INI is in lower case, and when changed that to upper case, 2000 TM worked. I will have to run another test for 2003 now.)
Ok, the installation worked this time, however, from some reason unknown to me, T-13 only took like 20 secondsand more than half of my addons did not get installed.
Also, the CCC is missing.
I also got a prompt from the IDT Sigmatel audio drivers to please configure jack sensing setting (speakers or headphones) during installation!
Couldn't proceed before I had moved the window so I could reach the X to close it (guess [ALT]+[F4] would have worked, too)...
I did a retest on a VM this time using the same image just prior to slipstreaming the DriverPacks in (I always create one "backup" ISO since I am dealing with the nightly packs) which did install my stuff during T-13, however BSOD'ed on me a bit later (NON_PAGED_AREA or such).
Rerunning the installation right now.
Hi all
where to get access to the latest RC for DriverPack base for testing?
The link in the first post (overflow's Testers Needed) is a dead link!
hi, top post has link to other topic.
That topic has the link and extra information.
edit; OOPS.. SORRY
I forgot the testing forum is not accessible to everybody.
It is accesible to applicants for testing team and all team members, and to donators.
Since OverFlow intended that this gets tested, the link to a working RC might be put back in public.
On the other hand, RC2 has been tested, RC3alpha was tested (and the work done in that RC3alpha shows us that new features are not easily implemented, that old flaws are not easily worked around.)
RC2 and RC3alpha is the basis of still newer work main team members have not yet pre-viewed..
So, I wonder. Should I link to a "old" version?
When a new Release candidate can be tested in a wider audience, I think OverFlow will put it up in public for testing. This could be in an existing public forum, a new "public testfiles" forum (Name not fixed, it does not exist yet), or here. He will decide.
Last edited by Jaak (2008-02-16 00:41:49)
Hi All ,
Please can anyone provide the link to download RC2 of DB_Base ?
and , May I ask , why the link to RC3 alpha available although it has the Autoit error !!!!!
Where is the RC3 linked to?
I couldn't find any in the first posts of the linked threads (not going to crawl through all of it).
If you refer to it still being on the server, well, you don't have to dl and use it, now do you?
Anyway, Jaak, I think we should let them have RC2.
It contains support for XP SP3 (of which a new RC2 build 3311 has been released btw), so if anyone wants to try and fiddle with that, let them do.
Personally, RC2 has worked perfectly fine for me and I wouldn't want to go back to the last final any time soon
I would say it's stable enough not to cause us any great amount of support requests from regular users that are not testing it but rather using it for the real deal.
RC2 I always intended for public testing...
I thought i had a link directly to it in my news artical for a while...
now that link is changed to a thread in the semi-private testing team forum.
i wont mention jaaks name or anything... ahem...
The best reason to have it out is; to make sure that no uglies pop up with SP3
the fact that QSC and the double D\D error are fixed is just a bonus.
this is the link to DPs_BASE_801RC2
Link has been updated in first post (home page)
I dont think i want to release it yet - as helmi said we don't want a flood of support issues
But a broader testing group is very desirable at this point.
I tried to sync my local copy of rc3 with the SVN server last week and it blew up, and instead of an offline backup i got garbage.
more than 20 hours of codeing went in the toilet... ironicly while trying to backit up. on the up side it should not take me as long to do it the second time as it did the first.
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