Topic: Testers Needed
Release Candidate for DriverPacks Base is available
Are you Tech enough?
Added XP SP3 (RC1) support.
Fixed the code that caused the nested folder error in method one when QSC was off (the \D\D\ problem)
Corrected the M1 bug that added the $OEM$ folders and finisher files when only mass storage textmode was selected. If only textmode is selected then these files and folders are not needed.
Corrected the M1 bug that did not copy the INI files for the packs to the \$OEM$\$1 with the finisher files.
Corrected - needs an extra " added at the end of the line for BusExtenders.Load line in mass storage module for BartPE
Added support for HJW update packs (similar to RyanVM update packs)
Added a fix for the Setupold.exe problem
when an XP repair-setup was run on a machine originaly loaded with Driverpacks M2 drivers then setup would fail with the error cannot create setupold.
new command line switch by request /proxy
Usage /proxy:"LocalProxy:Port"[,"Username","Password"]
DPs_BASE.exe /proxy:""
DPs_BASE.exe /proxy:"LocalProxy:8080","administrator","password"
A new method for Chipset? stay tuned to see.
please test everything!!!!
I feel confident it is solid - but I can only do so much testing on my own.
Please read the topic, because it has some info about why there are changes.
For those of you willing to test,
this is the link to DPs_BASE_801RC2
Last edited by Jaak (2008-02-01 21:28:45)

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