Oh man, I wish you guys would have talked to me a LONG time ago. When I created my first driver pack ( http://ubcd4win.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1374 ) for the UBCD4Win back in 2005, everything that was stated here about the damn nVidia drivers I always ran into. At first it wasn't too big of a deal to copy and rename the files and such to make things work, but over time as the pack grew, it was a huge pain and it brought up more problems, as what OverFlow and others have already stated. Damn nVidia and all of their different driver versions having same names for files... I constantly ran into that issue and began to hate the nVidia drivers...
1.) Yes, you can copy the files and rename the copied files to get rid of the BartPE missing files errors, but then you have the problem where BartPE only copies the very last file of the same name and thus you'll only get working hardware which is based on that file and not all of them. Thus, this option wont work in the long run.
2.) Yes you can take each driver version, rename all files to something else and make sure inf references match, etc., but then you still have the issue of many duplicates HWIDs. To me, this still isn't the best way to go.
3.) Joshua's plugin/pack, which I think he originally made for the UBCD4Win to address the above two issues, for the most part works pretty well, but there are a few systems that may not work. I know he a ton of time into this but I don't know the specifics of how it all works. For now, this is the best bet for good nVidia driver support.
4.) Obviously, if we can find a way better than the first 3 above, then the new Bâshrat the Sneaky LAN driver pack for the BartPE community is born IMO.
Due to the issues above and the now excellent Bâshrat the Sneaky MassStorage BartPE support, I've only recently released some LAN only driver packs ( http://ubcd4win.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9314 )where, I believe, I've completely left out the nVidia drivers and just rely on Joshua's plugin/pack instead. Much easier for me, as least until the real Bâshrat the Sneaky LAN BartPE pack becomes available. I've been doing my pack for over 2 years now and will just be so glad and happy once I can just rely on the Bâshrat the Sneaky packs from then on. I know the UBCD4Win and BartPE communities will be eternally grateful as well. 
If you need any help with anything, though I'm limited on time, I'll do my best.