Topic: Registry entries from the inf files - Is it possible to change these?

I made the 3rd party driverpack for my Synaptics TouchPad driver, and it works fine, but the default inf has an option that gets enable that is set to turn "Tips" on.  I'd like to change that value, and I have maually edited it, and if I just right-click the inf file and chose install it does set the registry correctly to having that item disabled.  The only problem is obvious when I edit the inf file I break the driver signing and then it won't load during the Windows install.  If I manually update the driver to my modified version I get the warning saying it may harm my computer or whatever, but it does work the way I want.  Is there an INI file or something that I could create to allow me to let the driver install, but then after make changes to the registry?  Thanks for your time everyone.

Re: Registry entries from the inf files - Is it possible to change these?

No idea, jaak could help mebbe. Can you sent me your changes I will integrate it into the Input pack.

Good job and thank you.

Re: Registry entries from the inf files - Is it possible to change these?

Well like I said, the driverpack doesn't load during the Windows install after I break driver signing so putting in my changes will just break the Input pack more... I'll keep playing with it and let you guys know if I figure anything out.  Thanks.

Re: Registry entries from the inf files - Is it possible to change these?

You could of course simply disable the check for signed drivers so any, signed or not, will install without problems.