Topic: Driverpacks rollup torrent?
Do you plan to offer one rollup torrent of all recent XP/2k3 driverpacks? Starting 12 seperate torrents when I need everything seems silly.
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Do you plan to offer one rollup torrent of all recent XP/2k3 driverpacks? Starting 12 seperate torrents when I need everything seems silly.
Probably not. We don't update all the DriverPacks at the same time.
We'll take your idea under advisement though.
Welcome to DriverPacks!
Thanks for the reply! I have been using driverpacks pretty much since the whole idea of packing drivers into windows installations started over at that razors guys site? Can't remember the name. Long time lurker, happy to be a part of the process.
as far as i know Wim Leers pioneered the idea at MSFN under the nickname Bâshrat the Sneaky. He was told it was not possable and was laughed almost off the forum... till he made it work.
Yep, that's the story
And bradgillap, no, we won't provide a "single torrent that contains all DriverPacks", because now we get a nice amount of seeders for each DriverPack, it would be significantly less for such a "combo pack". Also, we do like the fact that we get *some* page views, since that results in *some* AdSense revenue, which helps pay the server bills.
There is however an archive with *all* .torrent files for all DriverPacks available via BitTorrent, right here:
It's intended to make it easy for people to add new seedboxes (just read the "Donate bandwidth" section right there). That might be useful for you
You can automate the downloading of new DriverPacks by writing a script that automatically fetches that archive and extracts it to a directory that your BitTorrent client is watching.
Well, before i start a new thread, why not posting here, it's a similar "question" , i dont like to click every driverpacks link into and copy/paste the download BT link.
is there no option to get at one time all the recent BT download links so i can push into my orbit downloader and download them in one step one by one ,
It's like my request of getting the MD5 hashes in one list at one time , this was also approved. so why not approve my above request ;-)
Well, before i start a new thread, why not posting here, it's a similar "question" , i dont like to click every driverpacks link into and copy/paste the download BT link.
is there no option to get at one time all the recent BT download links so i can push into my orbit downloader and download them in one step one by one ,
It's like my request of getting the MD5 hashes in one list at one time , this was also approved. so why not approve my above request ;-)
The answer is just above your post
This is the relevant part of what I said:
There is however an archive with *all* .torrent files for all DriverPacks available via BitTorrent, right here:
It's intended to make it easy for people to add new seedboxes (just read the "Donate bandwidth" section right there). That might be useful for youYou can automate the downloading of new DriverPacks by writing a script that automatically fetches that archive and extracts it to a directory that your BitTorrent client is watching.
I checked today the torrents.tar.gz file with all the latest files. Would it be possible to change those OS descriptions to one proper format :
wnt6-x86 (reason why wnt6-x86 and not wnt6_x86 ? )
to have quickly the latest packages i would like to have some included .batch file which auto-deletes the older packages , instead of sorting a-z and manually marking/deleting the older numbers. also numbers with 5-digits are going to the end e.g. :
so you cant sort a-z and delete just the latest , you always have to keep an eye on this.
another request : instead of putting all into one folder, what about some /latest folder, or e.g. wnt5_x86 , wnt6_x86 , wnt6_x64 folders ?
anyone could explain what difference between audio_ package and sound_x packages ? Also found some typos in filenames , some are DP_Monitor, some DP_Monitors
also that one has typo : DP_CardReaders_x64_911. , instead of wnt6_x64 ?
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