Topic: New: Graphics, Lan, and BASE!
DriverPacks BASE 8.12.2 released
8 Languages updated by our translations team! Cudos to them!
Credits on the 'about' page of the program!
Update! these recieved no feedback and are now considered solid.
They are now all now officialy released!
Existing RC links were removed - please see the OverView page for complete details
mr_smartepants & OverFlow reporting...
We've got some new release candidate DriverPacks ready! They're RC's and not finals because they need some more testing to ensure they're stable.
You can find RC's for DriverPacks LAN, Graphics A, B and C there.
Read down for info on a newer version of DriverPacks Base.
We are expecting Mass Storage packs at any minute...
the packs are ready we just need the changelogs. Look for this post to be updated again very soon...
Please report good or bad results so we can finalize these driverpacks - your voice matters!
By Mr Smartepants (Erik)
- 3rd Party DriverPacks addons for Graphics -
MD5: 288337909EDB6E760B4A410B55161B72
Size: 70.1 MB
Added every language and locale when used in conjunction with nightly DriverPack Graphics A & B & C.
Place DriverPacks in \DPs_BASE\3rd party DriverPacks\ directory
Updated to PhysX v8.10.13
MD5: 7DF7332B78AB59E4BB73BDAC36658F5E
Size: 33.6 MB
- -
MD5: 41d77650896d554445f5cba31f9984cb
Size: 62.0 MB
Added "nvidia.ins" registry entries install method for new DPs_BASE
Changed DriverPacks Finisher .ini to include exception to install PhysX v8.10.13
(when DP_Graphics_A_PhysX_wnt5_x86-32_812.7z is added to 3rd Party DriverPacks)
This dp was realigned based on the format in this post:
MD5: 976dc59e041d045291412dfee1ef0521
Size: 97.3 MB
Moved language files to Graphics_Languages dp
This dp was realigned based on the format in this post:
EN-US ONLY. Additional languages in 3rd party dp above.
MD5: 5cd4622f6ca8f525c83cc82b7e151ba4
Size: 84.3 MB
by OverFlow
The new version of Base is 8.12.1rc.
the Release candidate has the following changelog:
All DriverPacks can now be upgraded from the base program
- there are new check boxes on the update checker page.
The base updater itself has also been upgraded
- it will now launch the new version of base after the update.
Base now finishes the log files before it is upgraded.
- A speed indicator will approximate your download speeds.
abdou reported an issue that occurs if a winntsif gurunonce command does not have a CRLF after it.
[BUG] dolivas and hectorfx report a dsp-disabler issue in testing team thread
[BUG] fixed base settings ini file issue reported by dolvias … 457#p26457
Control panel settings would only be saved to the DPs_BASE.ini if the ATI setting was not 'none'.
Added a test to see if native windows drivers have been removed
If required driver files that should always exist in any NT 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 source are not found by base a critical error occurs and the slipstream is aborted with a popup warning.
Expanded feature - Mass, Graphics, LAN and WLAN are now selectable for BartPE!
This is still a Request for Comments feature. Please report good or bad results in the PE forum here at DriverPacks.
I am informed by hilander that UBCD4Win needs an additional plugin (not written yet) to make the rest of the packs work properly, and a vanilla BartPE may need some additional plugins to run the graphics and LAN drivers plugins properly.
[BUG] fixed When using the base 8.09 rc1, and even 8.10 rc3 when you change the installation platform to ANY of the 4 bullets you are prompted with a message asking if you're sure you want to change the platform, and if you answer NO to the prompt, the bullet in the installation platform changes anyways.
[REQ] SAD / SOFI platform DPINST not to create add/remove programs entries
(Stand Alone Drivers / SOftware First Installer Platform) … 848#p25848
adding /sa switch to dp install tool command line for dpinst.exe
this sets the suppressAddRemovePrograms flag to ON, which configures DPInst to suppress the addition of Add or Remove Programs entries that represent the driver packages and driver package groups that it installs.
[REQ] logging Third Party DriverPacks files used
added feature and base now recognizes the smartepants packs
if the language or PhysX files are found in third party they will be renamed like a main pack.
[BUG] Multi Boot Option w/3rd Party DriverPacks creates multiple copies … 214#p25214
When using the Multi Boot Option and having 3rd Party DriverPacks (like PhysX) they get processed multiple times. Causing several copies with different names to be added to the OEM folder.
OverFlow - Jeff Herre
By JakeLD
MD5: 820c405d504fde1afc339c63be61d2fe
Size: 7.2 MB
812 (23 December 2008)
Last edited by OverFlow (2009-01-04 02:46:38)
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