Topic: Install drivers during installation from share

I'm preparing my own deployment setup for a network of around 400 desktops/laptops. What I've learned so far when it comes to installing drivers and using driverpacks during a sysprepped installation of XP is that you always have to place the driver-files locally on the cd og in the wim-image.

Why isn't it possible to keep the image/cd free of driver and instead point to a networkshare according the the model you're installing on? This has puzzled me for some days now.

Re: Install drivers during installation from share

It's normal because your host pc or vmware image use a different network driver. So how your suppose to read the drivers network share if you have no network driver installed in 1st place ? Plus sysprep resets the network settings at the 1st boot.

The best way to get around this would be to boot in windows PE and use offlinesysprep to deploy your image. with offline sysprep you can inject the single mass storage driver that is detected in your PE, so you don't need those drivers in your cd or image. Plus you can copy on your image all your drivers from the PE.

Re: Install drivers during installation from share

Thanks for your reply.

Okay. I was suspecting something concerning network drivers not being available and/or installed.

By copying all drivers from PE, do you mean that I could pick out specific drivers from PE that the image would install when the mini setup starts?

Re: Install drivers during installation from share

JakeLD wrote:

So how your suppose to read the drivers network share if you have no network driver installed in 1st place ?

I normally face the machine in the direction of the server, and point with my finger... wink

its worse than that chipset and other drivers will interupt the network connection too...
there is no way around haveing the drivers available localy... period...

PS the entire basic DriverPacks are around 300meg which is still less than the OS wink
pss a 300MB copy at 100Mb or better is quite fast... wink (less than 30 seconds)

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Re: Install drivers during installation from share

I normally face the machine in the direction of the server, and point with my finger... wink

That was a good one! big_smile

By copying all drivers from PE, do you mean that I could pick out specific drivers from PE that the image would install when the mini setup starts?

Well OfflineSysprep is not perfect yet. I know Galapo and TheCharlic are working on version 2 which should add big improvements like unattended usage. For now, OfflineSysprep 1.9.02 has an option called "extra driver pack" which is what your looking for. Unfortunately I did not have any success with it so far. However, I'm still running test and when I'll find the solution I will tell everyone I promise. If we have more people testing this and reporting valuable informations I'm sure Galapo will help us as usual. Good luck and plz report back!

Re: Install drivers during installation from share

Must have been a finger like this then...

I'll report back any results worth sharing smile Thanks for letting me in on this one.