Topic: SAD (Stand Alone Drivers) disc - A DriverPacks Drivers Only CD / DVD guide
Will a S.A.D. makes us happy?
Answer - Yes!
DriverPacks BASE now includes the Stand Alone Driver platform.
simply install DriverPacks per the tutorial and select the SAD option in DriverPacks BASE instead of Disc.
Note: it is not neccessary to have a source OS. That step can be skipped for SAD.
then burn the created folder to any local drive (ODD, ThumbDrive, USB HDD, ect...)
Note: Network locations will only work with M2...
Run DP_Install_Tool.cmd from the\ folder and all drivers on the current machine will be updated.
if you wish you can create an ODD with an Autorun.inf to call the .CMD file.
can you say Automatic updater!
*** Edit ***
New SAD2 utility with NT5/NT6 (Vista/Win7) compatibility is here: … 590#p41590
If you have DP_Base version 8.x or newer then see the later post in this topic since DPInst is included. … 159#p20159
the following directions are here now only for reference and background info
- click link above for up to date directions
- although the info is still all accurate, it is simplified by the DP_Install_Tool.cmd that is now included with DriverPacks BASE and added when the DriverPacks are slipstreamed. the DP_install_Tool automates the directions below. It is also no longer necessary to cab compress the files to make them fit on a CD the tool will extract them from an \OEM\ folder that has been copied to a CD from a DriverPacks slipstreamed source. (it will extract teh 7zip archived packs although this format is not "searchable" it is effective )
-------------------------- Searchable CD directions
this method fits all the main packs on a CD and DOES NOT require extraction from the CD to the local machine
for Manual Driver updates From a searchable ODD
To create a CD we must conserve space and CAB compress the drivers so they will actually fit on a CD
1) Run DriverPacks BASE as normal on any OS source folder useing Method 1 (M1).
Doing so will create "Source Folder \$OEM$\$1\D\"
2) Burn the \D folder from "Source Folder \$OEM$\$1\" to a CD.
It is not neccessary to select MassStorage Text-Mode for this and it will save a little time if you don't
Method One will cab compress the DriverPacks so they all will fit on a single CD.
All of the DriverPacks when simply extracted will require about 1.5 GB of disk space.
All of the DriverPacks when cab compressed by M1 only require about 500 MB of disk space.
The $OEM$\$1\D folder will contain a sub-folder for each type of DriverPack you selected in DriverPacks BASE.
If you wish you may select individual sub folders of the D\ folder for your "Drivers Only" CD.
-------------------------- Searchable DVD directions
When creating a DVD space is no longer a concern and no sense in wasting time with the cab compression.
for Manual Driver updates From a searchable ODD
1) Extract the packs to a temporary folder
2) Burn the \D folder to a DVD.
---------------------------How to Search your ODD
insert your CD/DVD in the PC and:
1. find the device manager items without correct drivers.
2. click "Update driver" for one of those items
3. click "Install from a list or specific location"
4. checkbox "Search removable media" and click next
-------------------------How to add the One Click update Option...
If you do not wish to manually install the drivers you may, if you wish, use the following method
This is based on info brought to our attention by one of our members - Warm Snow (WsnoW)
It uses the MS dpinst tool an excellent redistributable minisetup... TY MS!
1. Download … /DPInst.7z
2. Extract DPINST.exe and DPInst.xml to the same folder as \D
3. To use it simply double click on the DPInst.exe file and click the next button!
.... ahhh curious why i said one click when that is obviously three clicks...
4. for True One Click updateing one must add DPInst.exe to autorun.inf in the root of the disc -
----------------------------How to More add even more Options...
For thumbdrive with 2Gb or better.
- Really this will make any disk a "drivers only disk" or SAD disk simply copy to that media.
- Special note Network locations are not advisable...
the OS gets a little annoyed when the chipset and or the NIC drivers are being updated,
this has been known to make the drivers unavailable in the middle of updateing them.
See DVD instructions 1. and 2. and How to add the One Click update Option 1. and 2.
The D\ folder must be a subfolder of the one that contains the DPINST.exe and DPInst.xml files ! ! !
If you wish to rename the D\ folder you will have to edit the DPInst.XML file, and hopefully rtfm
-------------------Unnattended Option:
create a .CMD file (or if you dare ... an Autorun.inf) with the following line ---> DPInst.exe /c /s
/c enables logging to the command window (the install is totaly silent without this switch - progress window)
/s enables silent mode (no GUI / Unattended)
Last edited by OverFlow (2008-08-25 17:10:08)

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