(7 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)

Alright so I tested out sysprep for sp3 and same issue. System does not reboot. I am leaning towards it being the drivers within driverpack.

Why would I say that
I dumped the unsysprep image onto the dell laptop (has no drivers installed)  it is able to reboot and shutdown and I just want to see if its sysprep thats causing this freeze issue.

After the image is dumped i run the devpath c:\d command and then i run the run once script i made before i shutdown.
This run once script runs --> Db_Install

After i reboot, and log on, db_install runs and it installs all the drivers and when i try to reboot or shutdown it once again hangs. So it must be somthing with the driverpack because it works before i run the dn_install.

Can someone shine some light
Thanks again

You are following the old method of install driverpack as in using the C:\makepnf c:\D.

You do not want to makepnf as i was told by a pro on this forum and they are really bad and hes 100 precent correct.


(7 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)

Sorry for the delay, thanks for replying guys.

No, I have not tried offlinesysprep yet but i might take a look at it.

I did not know there was an sysprep for sp3. Yes i am using windows pro with sp3 and i am using i am using the older sysprep files. Whould this explain why it finish it less then 15 sec. My syspre.ini file seems to be ok and yes it does have all the mass storage files as well.  I will be trying the sp3 sysprep and will get back to you asap.

Also, I am pretty sure this is due to sysprep. After preparing the image the way i want it and get ready to sysprep to dump on other laptop models on one of the laptop model the resrtart and shutdown freezes when selecting those options and therefore when it tries to shutdown it stops at the blue screen and the mouse freezes. If I but up into safe mode, the restart and shutdown works perfectly.

Here are the models that I am building the image on and the info.

Models of Laptop                           
Toshiba M300
Toshiba M500
Toshiba M5
Dell E6500

If image gets build from sratch on the M300, it works on the M500 and the M5 but when it comes to the Dell E6500, the image seems fuine up into when rebooting and or shuting down that it hangs on a blue screen.

Test #2
Image was build on the Dell E6500, it works on the M5, M500 but when it comes to the Toshiba M300 it hangs when reboots and or shutdown.

If I just dump the E6500 image onto the M300 image without running sysprep it is able to restart and shutdown fine. So that means somthing is up with my sysprep correct?

The command that I am using to run sysprep is as follows:
sysprep.exe -reseal -activated -mini -pnp -quiet

Please advise
Thanks Again guys


(7 replies, posted in Universal Imaging)

Hey guys, been away from the site for a few weeks as I was out of town but caught up on the issue that people are having.

Anyhow, I know this is not a perfect place to ask this question as there are not that many sysprep pro here but issue is;

After running the sysprep command it somtimes takes 20-30 mins for sysprep to complete it self which is normal. For the last few times sysprep completes in 15sec or less and therefore i know the image is no good.

I run the sysprep command again and same thing. Any idea on what is happening and why. It seems either a hit or mess.


When i try to create the module for BartPE for Mass Storage, I get the following error when i click on slipstream:

There are not yet any slipstream modules avaiable for the selected platform!

According to the offline sysprep, I need this module for the mass storage section.



do I need to do anything in regards of the HAL. I took a look at the offline sysprep and its pretty much just a gui but are all the things mentioned by Galepos necessary? I mean I have been doing it since day one the way listed above and even before I started using driverpacks my sysprep command stayed the same -->  c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -reseal -activated -mini -pnp -quiet

Just wondering

Not a problem at all.

And no I did not know about the hidden section, will take a look when I get a chance.

P.S. I was more then happy to donate, and its not the last time thats for sure.



Well after testing and testing with the driverpack i ended up doing it the following way.

1) Add all the 3rd party drivers i needed into 3rd party folder
2) Run the db_base command and select SAD
3) Select all the drivers but de-selecting the MASS storage check box
4) Select method 1 etc,
5) Keep the other parts default and then slipstream it.
6) After slipstream is completed i copy it over to a usb key and drop it over to the root of C of the ghosted pc

Run the following commands
7) c:\devpath.exe c:\d
8) sysprep\ROE.exe 937
9) Then my sysprep command --> c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -reseal -activated -mini -pnp -quiet

Pc turns off after sysprep completes and then i boot it up into the network and dump the image using ghost onto the network.

Once its completed I then give it a try and let it load into Windows, sysprep runs and honestly everything gets install prefectly on the three laptops and the sound even works as well. (I will explain what I mean later on, on why the sound didnt work.)

I then take the same image and dump it onto the other 2 computers, 1 of them installs perfectly and the other one also installs itself but except for the following two drivers; as I need to update them within device manager after the image gets installed; they are

Video --> q35 chipset
Lan --> 3 com

Now the strange apart about that is that the drivers are within the driverpack (not as a 3rd party) but you will need to point to the driver folder to update them as they are marked with a yellow symbol in device manager after sysprep does its thing.

Now I started this thread because after I install Windows xp with SP3 and with no drivers installed yet, I run the DB_install to see if all the drivers gets installed. Everything gets installed but the sound does not work even after a reboot. So I would have to un-install UAA and then let windows pickup the new device and it gets installed from using the driver from the driverpack.

I then noticed I needed to do this to every pc when I dump this image without sysprep as I would just run the db_install file. Then it came to my attention maybe it needs sysprep and let sysprep force the driver. So I did the following steps listed above and as of now it worked on 2 of the laptops, i still need to test the other two computers when I get back to work on Monday. Will keep you posted if it worked.

Now in regardes of the Mass Storage support. Within my sysprep.ini it only contains the windows mass storage files under mass stroage. I did not borther with adding the mass storage drivers to that section as it seemed to work without it. Do I need it? Do you think I should of selected the Mass Storage check box within DB_base?

Anyhow what do you think about the above method? Personally I think its great but if you know even an eaiser way with using sysprep then please tell.

Thanks Again

P.S. I was more then happy to donate, and its not the last time thats for sure.



I will like to take this time to mention that I just made a donation to driverpacks.net for all the support that I am getting from Overflow.

Thank You

Hey all

OS --> Windows XP PRO SP3
Driverpack--> SAD

With the help of Overflow I was able to prepare a nice SAD and added my own 3rd party drivers, (thank you OverFlow). Everthing is working  except for one thing. I have added the drivers for both SoundMax and Segmetel for both of the laptops and they get picked up by driverpacks and they get installed. When I look in the device manager it is completly clean and no drivers are missing.

However, when I try to play music to test out the sound within media player, it gives me a error claiming there is a issue with you sound. I will then have to un-install Microsoft UAA bus driver and then do a search for new hardware, which it then finds it and then I will need to point to my 3rd party driver to get the driver installed. Once I do that, everything is prefect and works like a charm.

Why does it do that, and why do I need to re-install UAA and then the driver to get it to work.

Thank you.

WOW, alright you must be kidding me right!

I went ahead and followed the FAQ posted here by you --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=2264  and I must say it worked like a charm. Yes you are right it is alot better and less pain of a** then the way I do it with KTD and with all the pop up alerts etc.

Its less overhead for sure to maintain. OverFlow I have a few question based of your FAD SAD. After I run the DBsBase and slipstream all drivers into the SAD folder --> c:\driverpacks.net which it took 3 hours or so to run, which is all good as it only needs to be done once, now my question is;

How would I call the Dp_install_tool after sysprep runs on the new computer and dumps the image? Also lets say when the driverpacks.net folder is on the root of c and when I run the dp_install_tool DpsFinshr runs but it doesnt delete the folder on the root of c after dp_install_tool runs. In that being said the driverpacks folder is still left on the root of c which I would like for it to get deleted after the install_tool runs.

Othe then that it workes like a charm and I must say its a lot easier and better.

On a side note is there an FAD on 3rd party drivers and how to add them part of the install? Only the image that I am preparing there is a bio-metric reader and there I need to have the driver install as well.

Thanks again

OverFlow this post will be long.

Ideally, All that I am doing or want to do is the following which so far it is working. We have 3 different kinds of pc at our workplace so which means we hace 3 different images that were created by myself back in the days but now there are getting harder and harder to maintain with SMS and WSUS. Pc are --> P5B-VM DO, P5E-VM DO, P5LD2-VM

Never the less, I am starting from starch from a fresh image so taking one of the 3 pc listed above (example P5B-VM DO) I am doing the following.

1) Install Windows Pro SP2
2) Windows Update --> SP3
3) Installing MS Word 2003

Everything else will be done by SMS as I want to keep this universal image as basic as possible. So once the above is done, I do not install any drivers for that pc yet, so which mean everything in device manager is not installed.

4) Before I begin sysprep, I delete the processor information in the registry command --> "sc config intelppm start= disabled", Then I reboot then within device manager I delete the Processor, I DO not reboot and then delete the registry key "intelppm"
5) At this point on another computer I have prepared all the necessary files that I need to sysprep and integrate the driverpacks. This folder gets copied over to the root of C without the folder, so just the files.

What contains in this folder. (Imaging Folder)
- D folder --> Extracted all the driverpacks drivers. (C/G/L/M/S/W) Note, For the Chipset folder I only kept the Intel stuff as the AMD were giving me errors when it ran
- Sysprep Folder --> My sysprep.inf that I have modified and been using for years now. I have added the following entry in my sysprep.ini file for driverpacks according to the sticky in this section.

UpdateInstalledDrivers = Yes
DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore


- Sysprep Folder --> ROE.exe is also located in the sysprep folder also with all the other default sysprep files (setupcl.exe etc)
- Within the root of the Imaging folder I have the following files as well.
   - devcon.exe
   - DevPath.exe
   - DpsFnshr.exe
   - DPsFnsher.ini file

Here is what my DPsFnsher.ini file looks like after I modified it:

DPsFnsher.ini file
; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot    = "%SystemDrive%"
KTD = "paths:D\C;D\G;D\L;D\M;D\S;D\W"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list) one location cannot be used as
; KTDlocation: the root directory specified in[Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation    = "%SystemRoot%\Options\Drivers"
; system variables supported (see remarks for a list)
logLocation = "%SystemRoot%"
; enables/disables debug mode (enabled by default)
debug = "true"

   - All the DriverPack_*_wnt5_x86-32.ini files that are provided with the download.
   - DSPdsblr.exe
   - makePNF.exe
   - mute.exe
   - pmtimer.exe
   - MassStorage.cmd --> This is a batch script that was made by someone on this forum to add all the chipset drivers I have within the d:\D folder to
     my [SysprepMassStorage] section.

Now listed above are files that get transferred over to the pc that I will be running sysprep on.

Steps that I take to prepare before sysprep and up to sysprep.
Note* The following commands are being done on the pc that is being used to build the image*

Note, the below two steps are already down as part of the files/folder that gets transferred to the pc image.
1) sysprep.exe -bmsd  --> As you know this will get all windows pci drivers and places them into the  [SysprepMassStorage] section.
2) run masstorage.exe D\M --> This will print out to a file all of the Mass-storage within the driverpacks. After it spits it out into a file, I make sure there are no broken links aka gaps, I then insert then into the [SysprepMassStorage] section.

3) c:\devpath.exe c:\d
4) c:\makePNF.exe c:\d --> I was running this command, until you told me not to in the other post smile
5) sysprep\ROE.exe 937  (At this point I do not reboot as it will run this command)

And last but not least my sysprep command
6) c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -reseal -activated -mini -pnp -quiet

At this point the sysprep will run for about 20-25 mins or so. However sometime the sysprep runs for only 1 mins and I know there is something wrong so I then let it finish and re-do the above steps again, not sure why this happens but oh well.

After sysprep takes its time the pc then turns off.  At this point I will then insert my multibootdisk that I made to dump the image to the network but before that I want to make sure everything got installed and ran perfect. I know by letting it bootup and letting sysprep run again I will need to do the above steps again.

So sysprep runs it takes its time as its installing the drivers and then when login into windows the driverpack runs. Apparently it is claiming cleaning registry in the bottom left corner and then it moves my d folder to --> C:\windows\system32\options, which is what I want as the team that are deploying these images would like to have the drivers said in a folder rather then carrying there usb stick that have the drivers. Dont ask why they just want them stored on the pc just in case.

Note run the dbsfinsih runs, I get a prompted to Install Intel (R) Q35 (Graphics B). If I hit ok it looks for the driver in C:\windows\system32\options\g\i2 and all I have to do is hit next and it install with no problem. At this point everything in device manager is installed just nicely, but questions is which is why this thread started to begin with is why I’m I being prompted if it knows the driver is there. I personally dont really care about this, one prompt is better then a lot of prompts. As of now I have no problem leaving it like that and deploying the image like that. I am prompted when dbsfnshr is running for the driver install.

Anyhow OverFlow, the above is the exact step I do from start of the image to the end. Do you for see any problems on how I am doing this. I have read up many posts and I think I got it down pat. Answer to your questionYes then it is true KTD that I want to use.

If I leave it the way I am doing it, it should be good no? Honestly I didn’t even use DPs_BASE, I just extracted the drivers from the driverpacks.

Let me know what you think.
Sorry for the long post smile

Thanks Again

Yes you are correct, I want the drivers installed and also would like to keep them somewhere on the C drive. I know this will take up space. Now saying that, I exacuted DPs_BASE and select SAD and then exported the .ini file without choosing any drivers to splimstream them with my image as I just need the SAD file.

Is the .ini file the SAD file i need. What is the SAD folder you talk about? It does not create any folder, after I run BASE. Also what command do I need to run before sysprep because as of know the commands i run before sysprep are:

C:\devpath.exe C:\d
C:\sysprep\ROE.exe 937
And then my sysprep command --> c:\sysprep'syspre.exe -reseal -activated -mini -pnp -quiet

Please advise OverFlow

Note, A donation will be made as I am using this in a workplace and also to thank Overflow for the help that he is giving me as well.

Excellent just the answer that I was looking for.


Well, I want to be able to save the drivers local after the image gets dumped. After reading post after post, KTD is the one way to do so, but keep in mind it might not be the best way to do it as mentioned by you. What other way I can do this? Doesnt KTD do a final install of drivers after the image gets dumped? I was told that not only KTD moves the drivers to a path you desire but it also install drivers, is this true?

What is this SAD you talk about. I read up on it but still not clear on how to create it or use it.

Also what makes KTD run after sysprep on the new image. Does it run auto if the file DPsFnshr.ini is present, or does the C:\DevPath.exe command makes it to run.

Thanks Again Man

OverFlow, Very interesting read for sure, going back and fore. Anyhow after reading everything in that post; I still do not understand how to create the SAD file and how to run it.

As you mentioned in the other post, its possible to move the drivers to a different location after the image is dumped, which is what I want to, because thats how my KTD file is setup.

Do I create this SAD file or is there one already made and what commands do I run before sysprep.

Please advise
Once again, thank you for the support

After sysprep runs on the new computer that it is being installed. Driverfinisher kicks in and moves all the drivers to c:\windows\options, the problem is when that runs I get a "New hardware detect" and its the video driver and I have to click on next to let it scan to add the driver.

The driver located in D:\G\I1 does work and it does install it but it just doent do it auto and therefore I get prompted for it.

Driver Signing Options is turned to Ignore before sysprep runs.

Note I had a issue with I4 folder so I deletect as it was picking up the wrong driver for intel Q35.

Any idead all
If More info is needed please just.

Windows XP SP3 (Corp edition)

OverFlow wrote:

If you are asking me what I would do...
  I would slipstream SP3...

As far as order of operations, ServicePacks, Patches and HotFixes will normaly be first. You definately have to do it before you sysprep wink tongue

OverFlow, Your the man brother. It worked like a charm the patch was missing.

Thanks again.

Where can I download the wnt5_x86-32.ini file for WLAN?

Thank You

Perfect, will give that a try.

Would i just add the patch before sysprep to my image for sysprep to install the required drivers?


Fair enough OverFlow, I thought the link i posted above post was not enough, Never the less, your right.

Windows Xp Pro sp2
Volume Licesen (Corporate edtion as I am doing this for work)

These are the exact step I am taking;
Based of steps listed here --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=1682

1) Install the Corp edition Windows Pro Sp2 on a (P5E-VM) just to test out sysprep.
2) Copy over the sysprep folder I need
3) Download the latest Dbase drivers
4) Extract BASE to a folder by running the .exe you downloaded (example: DPs_BASE_7052.exe)
3) Extracted BASE, open the 'bin' folder.  Copy DPsFnshr.ini and extract DPsFnshr.7Z to C:\ on the computer you'll be running Sysprep on.
5) Inside of the BASE 'bin' folder, open the 'wnt5_x86-32' folder.  Copy ROE.exe to C:\sysprep, and extract DevPath.exe from M2.7z to C:\ on the computer you'll be running Sysprep on.
6) Extract your DriverPacks  and merged into the same folder structure under the 'D' folder (D\C, D\G, etc).  You should also have a set of files ending with wnt5_x86-32.ini.  These contain the various exceptions that DPsFnshr.exe reads when it runs.
7)Moved extracted DriverPacks ('D' folder) and wnt5_x86-32.ini files to C:\ on the computer you'll be running Sysprep on.
8) Open a command prompt and typed the following; C:\DevPath.exe C:\D and then C:\makePNF.exe C:\D
9) Open C:\DPsFnshr.ini and edit KTD = "false" as I do not want to get the drivers
10) KTD = "paths:D\G;D\3"   --> I know I have to name all folders and sub folders but this part doesnt matter as KTD is set to false
11) KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\Options\Drivers"
12) Edit c:\sysprep\sysprep.inf and add the following lines under the [Unattended] section

UpdateInstalledDrivers = Yes
DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore

13) Added the [SysprepMassStorage] line to the very end of syspre.ini
14) Ran c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -bmsd
15) Ran this script provided here by Skillz --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 639#p11639
      This will print out a file with all the massstorage drivers I have located in c:\d\m
16) Once script is done I modify it and take out all the known intel stuff as we only deal with intel at work
17) I then add the entry after [SysprepMassStorage]
18) At command prompt type C:\sysprep\ROE.exe 937
19) Run c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -reseal -activated -mini -pnp -quiet  (To start my sysprep) it runs for 20-30 mins or so, after everything is done it turns  off and now at this point i will make an image of this by dumping it onto the network but i just want to see if sysprep worked, so i turn it on, it does it thing, Dbfinisher runs and everything else is installed except for the Realtek High Definition and only thing that is shown within the sound is;
Audio Codecs
Legacy Audio Drivers
Legacy Video Capture Devices
Media Control Devices
Video Codecs

So idealy i dont splitstream any drivers into any image, its all done by sysprep. Now reading what you wrote on the other forum, you claime I do not need to run the c:\makePNF.exe c:\d  command, and hence could be why it is giving me this issue?

Does this help, any more info please just ask.

Thanks again man.

windows xp

hey all;

so are you saying not to run makePNF before sysprep? does makepnf need to run to get the drivers to work? Would this solve my sound issue as realtek driver wont install.


Thank you was wondering where to post.
Thanks again.

  XP SP2,
  KB888111 HDAudio patch not installed.

Greetings All;

I would like to thank you guys for letting me sign up and post. I just heard about this driverpacks a few days ago and just started working on it for my work, but i am running into a few problems,

I followed this guide here:

I pretty much got everything done and also took out un-nessary massstorage drivers that were giving me problems.

After doing all the commads blah blah such as c:\devpath.exe c:\d and then c:\makePNF.exe c:\d, then sysprep using this command as i use it at work.
c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -reseal -activated -mini -pnp -quiet

After sysprep finishes then I boot up into window, sysprep runs same goes with driverfinisher etc, when I then take a look at the device manager looking in the Sound video and game controllers, I do not see the "Realtek High Definition Audio" driver installed; I just see the basic sound drivers such as;
Audio Codecs
Legacy Audio Drivers
Legacy Video Capture Devices
Media Control Devices
Video Codecs

Never the less, the driver "Realtek High Definition" is not there and therefore the sound wont work. I downloaded the latest driverapacks and I believe the driver I need is located in D:\S\R2, i also went ahead and replace all the files with the drivers from the cd, and still sysprep does not want to trigger the Realtek install.

I'm I missing somthing here.

Please advise
Thank you

Info needed:
DriverPacks BASE version: version 8.12.4
Sound pack: 8.05

Here are the HWID of the sound driver that suppose to get installed: