(4 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Allready implemented... allthough I think your program has to be registered with Bashrat first to be able to use API mode.

/API:"(Name of your App) (Version)" /SETTINGS"X:\Path\to\your\mysettings.ini"

Don't think he's implemented an autoupdate feature yet. But I don't think there would quite be a need for that yet.

Woops sorry Bash. I meant I saw it reported on the forums.


(21 replies, posted in Installation Platforms)

inhib wrote:

you must be one of the most famous in the unattended world !

Bashrat is one of the most famous... at least in my book! wink

Hopefully I'll be on that list someday too. big_smile
Me and Bashrat have had our programs reviewed in one UK mag together. wink
The latest mag the RVM Integrator will apear in is July/2006 pg 98-99 CPU Magazine (USA).

So our 15 mins of fame is upon us! lol!

If someone leaked their login info it would show on the site.  When bashrat sees 2 or more people logging in at a time he cancels there login info.  Also a lot of forums only allow one login at a time.  So no one would be able to log in at the same time anyways.  Someone may try to hack the file... but unless they hack Bashrats forums somehow and creates some sort of login that has access without being logged... I have no idea how they could do that... but hey... I have seen worse things happen.  But who cares... If that happens... then something else could be done later.  But the point is... it is something for Bashrat to give to those who donate.  I am sure it wouldn't hurt him too much if someone so desperatly had to crack a free program to unlock a few pro features.

BTW... we both know that muiz would allready have the pro version if it was available. wink  Muiz is a strong contributer to the DP project. :thumbsup:

It has been reported. wink

Sorry bout that coalis. sad  I will hopefully be releasing a new beta of PowerpAcker soon that will work with the new DP Base.

@razormoon  I had mentioned a pro version that would unlock other areas of the DriverPacks... not a pay version... just an enhancment for those that have donated.  Wether that be money or bug tracking is up to bashrat.

What people like yourself do not understand is the coding is a lot harder than you imagine.  People like Bashrat (and myself) have spent countless hors, days, weeks... on developing tools to make things easier for people like you.  If you don't mind doing it manually... then suit yourself.  No one is forcing you to do anything.  You act like I had reccomended Bashrat to stop providing the DriverPacks for free.  I just mentioned a pro version for those who contribute.  It is the least that Bashrat deserves. 

I myself have worked so hard on my programs that I have actually got a pinched nerve in my neck from sitting at the computer so much coding.  Then you want to down the idea of Bashrat offering a Pro version for those that contribute?  The option to donate has allways been there.  Why shouldn't Bashrat offer something as a thanks to those that do?? 

You're right people can manually do everything that the DriverPacks do.  But the DriverPacks simplify that task.  You can spend hours to manually do it... or use the DP Base to do it in less than a min.  Hmmmm... wonder what most would do?  Dude... you have no idea what you are talking about.  The only people who would take your side in an argument like this would be simple minded and have no idea the amount of work it takes to create a project like this. I can go on and on about the reasons you're post is meaningless... but my coding finger is more important.

BTW... it is sad if this thread turns into an argument about wether or not Bashrat should make something like what I had mentioned.  It is something for Bashrat to make to say thanks to those who support him.

They couldn't leak it.  My thought is when someone donates Bashrat gives the "donators" access on the forum.  Only Donators will have access to download updates via the DP Base. wink  If their login info was leaked... then Bashrat could demote their access. wink

So to use the pro features one would have to be logged in to the forum.

It is simular to an idea I plan for a later version of the integrator and powerpacker.

That looks like it is due to the HD Audio code.  In windows 2000 the code may not be doing the right thing.  Bashrat may need to fix some code for 2k.

In my opinion I think Bashrat should make some sort of Pro version of his DP Base that he gives to people who donate money to him.  The update features could be in the pro version.  He can give all donators access to a certain area of his site which will open the pro version to have access to auto download them.

I think Bashrat deserves it... and I also think that it would be a good gesture to the ones who donate to him. wink

Method 2 is more compact and faster.


(26 replies, posted in Other)

lol... sorry I was just in a rush. wink  Had to go but wanted to make sure you knew I was here for support.   Now where did I put that can of spam?? roll

When the release is final I am sure Bashrat will update the site with newer DriverPacks.  As of now it is still in beta.  Basically Bashrat is letting more of the members beta test it openly. There has been so much changed since the last DP Base that the new Base needs to be extensivley tested.


(26 replies, posted in Other)

Woot Woot!
Whaz Up!