I am only interested on the drivers, if you have them inside your packs, then isn't necessary to add them, if not, please put only the drivers, for the software i mostly use only word and photoshop i never use the progs, thanks
2 2007-02-20 04:38:47
Re: [REQ] Modem Driver (7 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
Ok i will try, thank you very much
3 2007-02-18 06:35:03
Re: [CLOSED] Clevo Sounddriver (2 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)
Ok i see it, i think is the AC97 driver, the same one as in your driverpack,not more requested
4 2007-02-18 05:53:08
Re: [closed] Clevo VGA Driver (5 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
No am sorry, if they are inside, then i excuse me. i will mark it closed, thanks anyway and its because i want be sure before i make the sleepstream. i allready destroyed some dvds without have them all inside
5 2007-02-18 05:48:29
Topic: [REJECTED] Modem Drivers (1 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
Ok helmi as said, they are missed, please update the driverpacks, or tell me if they are allready included
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/Modem.zip or
6 2007-02-18 05:46:01
Topic: (REQ) Printer Drivers (1 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
Ok helmi as said, they are missed, please update the driverpacks, or tell me if they are allready included
http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/soft … mp;dlc=en#
in the driverpacks, thanks
7 2007-02-18 04:59:58
Re: [Closed] Clevo AGP Chipset Driver (11 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)
Thanks very much!
8 2007-02-18 04:30:18
Re: [IMPLEMENTED] Clevo LAN Driver (5 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
Believe me, its not my link, its the link ofr the vendor, i am awaithing his answer why there is an error, i will post then the answer...
9 2007-02-18 04:23:24
Re: [Closed] Clevo AGP Chipset Driver (11 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)
Ok helmi as u said, they are missed, please update the driverpacks, or tell me if they are allready included, thanks
10 2007-02-17 17:17:07
Topic: [REQ] HP Printer Driver (9 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
Ok as helmi said, they are missed, please update the driverpacks, or tell me if they are allready included
http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/soft … mp;dlc=en#
in the driverpacks, thanks
11 2007-02-17 17:11:41
Topic: [Closed] Clevo AGP Chipset Driver (11 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)
Especially driver i whould prefere to have as a driverpack are with direct links to:
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/AGP.zip or ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/AGP.zip
It whould be nice, if you can help me,thanks
12 2007-02-17 17:09:11
Topic: [REQ] Modem Driver (7 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
Ok as helmi said, they are missed, please update the driverpacks, or tell me if they are allready included
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/Modem.zip or
13 2007-02-17 17:07:19
Topic: [IMPLEMENTED] Clevo LAN Driver (5 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
A Driver as a request to Update the driverpacks:
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/LAN.zip or
14 2007-02-17 17:03:32
Topic: [IMPLEMENTED] Clevo WLAN Drivers (4 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
It whould be nice if you can help me to have this drivers as a driverpack for my wlan:
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/PCMCIA/PCMCIA.zip or
2. And http://www.netopia.com/equipment/intl/e … xtract.exe
15 2007-02-17 17:00:38
Topic: [CLOSED] Clevo Sounddriver (2 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)
Ok helmi as said, they are missed, please update the driverpacks, or tell me if they are allready included
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/AUDIO/Audio.zip or
16 2007-02-17 16:56:07
Topic: [closed] Clevo VGA Driver (5 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/VGA_805.zip or ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/VGA_805.zip
It whould be nice, if you can help me,thanks
As helmi said,i mean they are missed, please update the driverpacks, or tell me if they are allready included, thanks
17 2007-02-17 06:03:07
Re: Clevo Drivers (7 replies, posted in Hardware)
ohh ok i do understand now. I will try first your driver backup utility. and if helps, then i do nothing need anymore, if not, then i will do as bashrat said, thanks for the answers anyway;)
18 2007-02-16 11:17:51
Re: Clevo Drivers (7 replies, posted in Hardware)
Hello, my name is iacob, i come from switzerland an i am 30 years old. I whould like it, if you could put all clevo Hardware drivers into ur driver packs: http://www.clevo.com.tw/download/default.asp.
Whould be good to reach up and fill the amount of the drivers inside the driverpacks from driverpack.net
Especially drivers i whould prefere to have are with direct links to:
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/VGA_805.zip or ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/VGA_805.zip
2. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/AUDIO/Audio.zip or
ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/AUDIO/Audio.zip3. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/PCMCIA/PCMCIA.zip or
ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/PCMCIA/PCMCIA.zip4. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/AGP.zip or
ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/AGP.zip5. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/LAN.zip or
ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/LAN.zip6. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/Modem.zip or
ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/Modem.zip7. And http://www.netopia.com/equipment/intl/e … xtract.exe
Those 7 Drivers are very important for me, if i could have them as a driverpack, i whould be very happy. Can somebody help me with this issue?Thanks
And this 7 drivers are for my xp laptop i picked out of the site above and anotherone, i whould like them as one pack, see yah iacob
19 2007-02-16 11:09:38
Re: Clevo Drivers (7 replies, posted in Hardware)
Hello Bashrat,thanks for answering. The 7 drivers i mentioned above, whould like them as one driverpack. So why should i split them?
20 2007-02-16 05:47:54
Topic: [CLOSED] Hello, Clevo Drivers (0 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
Sorry, i should'nt had to put the topic in the false place, because this one should be here:
21 2007-02-16 05:40:01
Topic: Clevo Drivers (7 replies, posted in Hardware)
Hello, my name is iacob, i come from switzerland an i am 30 years old. I whould like it, if you could put all clevo Hardware drivers into ur driver packs: http://www.clevo.com.tw/download/default.asp.
Especially i have a laptop from the Type D4xEV with VGA type 8.05 under
http://www.clevo.com.tw/download/ftpOut … ubmit=+GO+
I whould be very happy, if i could have them all as a driver pack.
Also the Netopia 3d reach pc card driver.
Especially drivers i whould prefere to have are with direct links to:
1. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/VGA_805.zip or ftp://ftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/VGA_805.zip
2. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/AUDIO/Audio.zip or
3. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/PCMCIA/PCMCIA.zip or
4. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/VGA/AGP.zip or
5. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/LAN.zip or
6. ftp://sftp.clevo.com.tw/D4xEV/OTHERS/Modem.zip or
7. And http://www.netopia.com/equipment/intl/e … xtract.exe
Those 7 Drivers are very important for me, if i could have them as a driverpack, i whould be very happy. Can somebody help me with this issue?Thanks