
This morning I looked through a whole series of expanded drivers we had, have, and may have (those in test-packs, old, and releases.)
Well, I did not find a folder with 299 in it, and not a single  INF pointed to that folder either.
Was the computer installed with a DriverPacks integrated CD?

Hi maxximum

Graphics A is not bugfree.. Can you please retry with Graphics A, 7.04 (or 7.052, which is actually same as 7.04)?

maybe that only one of the three types of iastor was affected.. who knows.
I saw the issue on i955X with ICH7, and undid the lines..

I told the sysprep users they can test changes like that, but the tests also have to work on live machines, with a normal from CD/DVD DISC install.

@ TigerC,
the dutch pack for RVM had a bug in june.. it is apparently fixed, and I have used it without hiccups.

I cannot reproduce what you report.


raksasas wrote:

Any update on this?

yes, DriverPack was updated, and the driver with "arcsas.sys " should now work.


mass storage should NOT be put in 3rd party folder.

( in D\3\M\In\1 ...)


(33 replies, posted in Other)

OverFlow wrote:

what is your reference to setupold about jaak?


does not always work, and a zappit cmd I wrote works but interupts unattended, and add to runonce, that i have not figured to make it not halt unatended yet.

if this is coded in finisher, it would help me, and all guys that will ever do a repair with a DriverPacks optimised disc.


bring sushi or dumplings <<  How Wonderful Industrial Documents suck.


(33 replies, posted in Other)

OH, I will again make a request to have automatic removal of setupold in DpsBase.
That would be a killer.

hmmm... I can edit the fini and other CMD files.
But I cannot do changes to Base.


(33 replies, posted in Other)

I would have thought that the members doing a lot of syprep work would have come forward with a way to run a minisetup/noreboot (whatever that makes windows automagically rescan everything) as the last line(s) in fini.cmd



is it possible to write a query or script what would delete a duplicate entry if all of the following match?
1; the HWID is a dupe
2; the folder the INF is in, is a dupe
3, the INFname is a dupe

(edit, 2009: excel 2007 has superb sort functions. this sorting problem is solved.)


a thank you to chud is in order.
I learned something new..
(google helped, of course. smile )

the INF name, is easy.. rename it..
but, same SYS..
If we rename the SYS, the INF must be edited.
The copyfiles list, is easy enough.

What torrero says, sorta made sense. The description of the driver in registry..
but, it is not easy to make that happen and one wrong line will break the driver.

I tried.
If there is Anyone who makes a set of iastor that works for sysprep and from Disc, we can use you.

and via, and all these others which use same INF name/same SYSname

Is there anyone good at datamining here?
just look at an INF in a folder.
It will probably have sections with hwids for all the Operating systems it supports.
I mean, they are from one file, and one can have three dupes from this single INF.

a query which removes those, that would be handy.

After removing dupe hwids we got from a single INF, we can still find dupe hwids found in OTHER infs IN SAME driver folder. They interest you.
Probably for separate OS, but also happens for different mode of a chip (ahci/raid)

Dupe Mass storage HWIDs from other drivers, those are possible cause for conflict.
The first CSV I made was from chipset (which currently has three sets of same files.) and mass storage.

Is there anyone who can help on this?

I NEEDED to put a further REFINEMENT in there..
I looked at output, and some entries were 'truncated'
An Nvidia driver contains this line
%PCI\VEN_10de&DEV_01b4.DeviceDesc% = NO_DRV, PCI\VEN_10de&DEV_01b4
and that became

smile it took me a while to find that A-Z was case sensitive..

Now it is good for mining.
I'll not use code tags, because that makes the batch read all wrong ...
I read that delims= defaults to space TAB, so you do not have to add a space and tab..
(yep, I tried it.)

Here is the batch as it is now, it works for me.


@ECHO off
Echo Create CSV listings from INF files from extracted Drivers
echo drag folder containing driverfolder from Windows Explorer into this Dos-box
echo (or, Type a valid path to the folder ie C:\DriverPacks\extracts.)
set /P DPS_INF=
if not exist %DPS_INF% goto nonvalid

Echo on    
del raw-dump*.csv 2>&1>nul

FOR /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "%DPS_INF%\D\*.inf"') DO (

FOR /F "delims=" %%l in ('type "%%f" ^| sed -n "/PCI\\\VEN/p" ^| sed "s/.*\(PCI\\\VEN_[0-9A-Za-z&_]*\).*/\1/g"') DO (
echo %%l,%%f >> "raw-dump.csv"

::filter out path slashes
type "raw-dump.csv" | sed "s/PCI\\VEN/PCI_VEN/g" | sed "s/\\/,/g" | sed "s/PCI_VEN/PCI\\VEN/g"> "raw-dump-filtered.csv"

::sort file
sort "raw-dump-filtered.csv" /o "raw-dump-filtered-sorted.csv"

::remove duped lines
type "raw-dump-filtered-sorted.csv" | sed "$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D" >> "raw-dump-filtered-sorted-nodupes.csv"


done 55 / 62 / 75 like this

AddService = iaStor75, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, iaStor_Service_Inst, iaStor_EventLog_Inst

AddService = iaStor75, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, iaStor_mobl_Service_Inst, iaStor_EventLog_Inst

these changes did NOT work on a live test from DISC
(it worked on three machines, but not on fourth..)
That means these changes were NOT enough.

If you can make the changes to INFs and they work for SYSPREP, then it must also be tested from a DISC on a live machine with hardware that uses the driver.
There will be no other way to get this in a release.

you can put it in code tags

[ code here]your script[ /code here] without spaces and here, of course

I don't need perl. Cool.
I'll try it.

OH.. the change I had done to iastor.inf /ahci.inf for sysprep, will not work on DISC based install.
(could be that this is in that other topic..)


(28 replies, posted in News)

I told Muiz I had voted on zero effort.

I am still for a revolving txt in slogan.

dakiwi, et all, please redownload.

a minor fix had to be uploaded.
six lines for SYSPREP were undone.
Some cosmetical change in names where XP or windows would appear before drivername during TXTmode.
(win version now after drivername if relevant.)

No version update.
Nobody had reported on issue with the six lines.
A private test on a fourth testmachine tells me it could be an issue, and I undid the lines.
(I had tested live on three machines, today I ran live on a fourth machine, and had issue. I narrowed it down to iastor for sysprep.)

http://www.driverpacks.net/DriverPacks/ … .php?pag=m


(28 replies, posted in News)

I don't care.. I saw it happen too.


(11 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Hi Chud.

That would be convenient, but by the time Finisher runs and checks exceptions, it is too late.

The newer BIOS/driver has ALL HWIDs that the driver for OLD BIOS has, but will not work for old bios.
Can you make this query happen during TXTmode?


(11 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)


These Self Extracting Files are intended to be used INSTEAD of other driver(s).
These SFXminiPacks contain the Mass Storage INI section that has to be replaced as well.

An example ;
Unzip Mass storage,
Replace driver at Location D\M\H\2 and INI section [H-2] with the txt you find in For_INI.txt
Then repack Mass storage ( 7zip the D folder and INI )

We will tell you the location of the files these SFXminiPacks can replace.

These files are for your convenience.
; Highpoint Rocketraid hpt374

; HighPoint RocketRAID 404/454 ATA RAID (HPT374)
; DriverVer=05/08/2004, 3.0.4
; SFX filename H2_404_454.exe
; Location D\M\H\2
; download location http://driverpacks.mirror.thesneaky.com … 04_454.exe

Bâshrat the Sneaky asked a valid Q.

I will too.
was it method 1 or method 2?
(with M1, I saw reports on issues.. )

we'll need Base log (created when you streamed the source) and finisher log (found on the installed machine, in windows folder)