has twig123 seen this yet?
126 2008-10-05 15:29:24
Re: [REL] DP_USB_wnt5_x86-32_1008 (11 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
127 2008-10-05 15:08:24
Re: Possible fully silent installation with pre-set *.ini file ??? (35 replies, posted in Software)
a thirsty horse gets you to a water hole.
Jeff, yesterday I installed (long story why it could not be done in a test plank is not needed) a card reader in my main machine and I also connected my Canon Eos 350.. bugger. the SD microdrive can be read from the interneal, and not from USB???
I KNOW I could read the camera drive when i connected it by USB
it does not work today.
what is different?
Online armor
different graphics card
service packs updates.. I know it worked in SP3.
what I mean here is that I know nothing to be certain forever.
it worked
it don't.
tomorrow, I can fire up a testplank, and a direct connect to USB from my eos 350 might work?
Folks, I described a series of events without getting into detail.
a, bughunter needs: what version in what OS
b; bughunter needs, what did I do/and what was the expected result.
c: can I reproduce this? bughunter needs; the logs.
128 2008-10-05 12:40:02
Re: Possible fully silent installation with pre-set *.ini file ??? (35 replies, posted in Software)
get to end up with all HDD and opticals before card readers; yes.
129 2008-09-27 16:56:24
Re: [REL] DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_90813 (53 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
quite so.
130 2008-09-27 14:40:31
Re: [REL] DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_90813 (53 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
We all learn by example, don't we?
I was virtually unable to pour in the time required to keep up with things main team can do after I got back to work after surgery.. This was because I have had to spent the better part of my free time on chores and tasks I have to fulfil, all of which were triggered by a house remodelling I have in advanced planning stage.
I also have the sudden discomfort of having over 11,000 items that were in storage coming in because the storage space I had them at cannot store them any longer. (The space I rented as storage is now in an inheritance and has to be freed.)
anyway, it seemed somewhat odd to see a main team (roguespear) do releases and not have access to the topic where it is done, or the ftp we keep them.
I won't have the time, tho.
I suppose twig123 will be asked to update.
as for tuts, jeesh.
Erik, fire away, WE ALL need the tut you just mentioned.
And, we should help rewrite the tut on base AFTER Jeff finds no more new features and improvements he wants added.
SAD and PE building module is becoming of age, sysprep module is in a pipeline, M3 (which is, perhaps, for getting 32bit baseline OS to HDD, and M3 does the archived DriverPacks.)
((we established that M1 and M2 installs run for roughly same time, and M1 has a couple advantages.. so M3 could be the answer for the things that cannot be done in M2 without the build time required for a full M1))
131 2008-09-27 14:11:52
Re: [REL] DP Modem v8.05 [updated to 8.06 by team] (16 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
to all, this topic not yet closed, but it should be.
132 2008-09-27 14:10:50
Re: [REL] DP Modem v8.05 [updated to 8.06 by team] (16 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
@ Ra
about REQ
I suggest YOU start a REQ or (why not?) help build a new REL.
133 2008-09-27 14:07:05
Re: [REL] DP Modem v8.05 [updated to 8.06 by team] (16 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
hi abdou
I was not subscribed to your topic here. (that is a shame, I had updated the modem dp you posted, so I am sorry about that.)
Meantime, you added requests to a release topic.
(that is usually not going to attract attention. The proper way is to start a topic with REQ in the title.)
in feedback, you have another REQ for modem.
I suggest YOU start a REQ or (why not?) build a new REL.
134 2008-09-27 13:57:36
Re: Self Signing Drivers (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I edited the earlier comment (it sounded somewhat gruff, and probably came over in a manner I did not intend.)
The essential thing was said in there, tho.
A tinkered CAT is of no benefit to us tinkerers.
135 2008-09-27 13:46:00
Re: Fijitsu siemens amilo pro 3515+DPs_BASE_809rc1+nightlies (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
here is a fine example of why it would be useful to get the list of used Third Party DriverPacks in log file.
136 2008-09-27 13:41:38
Re: Fijitsu siemens amilo pro 3515+DPs_BASE_809rc1+nightlies (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
hi abdou
I suspect there is (a quite common problem, actually) a missing modem sound driver preventing proper install of sound.
IF your modem driver is not in Third Party DriverPacks please REQ the modem driver in 3rd party forum.
We appreciate the thoroughness of a post like this one, though.
thank you very much for the links and details.
137 2008-09-27 13:30:10
Re: [SLV] Duplicates, Duplicates... did I say duplicates! (15 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
What this also shows is that a report has to include the DriverPacks that were used, because this folder structure for intel is going to be abandoned in DriverPack Chipset anyhow.
138 2008-09-27 13:25:07
Re: [SLV] Duplicates, Duplicates... did I say duplicates! (15 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
actually, DriverPack MassStorage does not list PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_266F at all.
139 2008-09-27 06:59:07
Re: [SLV] Duplicates, Duplicates... did I say duplicates! (15 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
those foldername entries tell me they are files in chipset dp.
140 2008-09-22 16:19:25
Re: Graphics A 8.09rc4 for testing purposes (REPORTS wanted) (280 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
legacy will be a thorn in our sides.
I wish people stopped screaming about adding REQ for ancient hardware, and I also wish WHQL would have a good screening against old and ancients with NO 'my cards only" restriction.
141 2008-09-22 15:50:35
Re: Graphics A 8.09rc4 for testing purposes (REPORTS wanted) (280 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
testpacks most oft include a changelog for team, so un7zip, and read the changelog.txt
hehe, whether it has a changelog or not, compare all files to earlier, you will always learn.
142 2008-09-22 14:39:10
Re: [SLV] UBCD4WIN not recognizing ALi M5229 PCI Bus Master IDE (23 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
scrap gut
fdisk will not recognise more than four primary
oops, did you have more than foure drive letters?
fdiks cmbr /2 can throw an error (1876 or something like it.. my memory is poor)
go to dos, and do fdisk /cmbr 2
whatever was on HDD2 and had same erroneously designated letter may now be missing
never change boot records and extended partition table if you cannot afford to lose data
what to do if data is not to be lost.
remove / disconect all; bring in a spare
now the fun part, helix, ubcd4win and other off line
do you realise that a faulty mobo (controller or south bridge) can have you go thru all what I went thru, and what you did?
that a north bridge is a lot easier to find fault in?
143 2008-09-22 14:24:28
Re: [SLV] UBCD4WIN not recognizing ALi M5229 PCI Bus Master IDE (23 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
I could not think of a reason in hardware (int 13 and 19) where a partition (w/i keyword here) is not shown on a drive in UBCD4win.
My personal gutfeeling is there was a virtual CD drive letter embedded in mbr and ebmr of disk 0.
144 2008-09-22 13:13:36
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
Oh frigging no, time zone is not the same as "twilight zone"
I AM ashamed about the fact that I cannot link to the skipping "broadcom" drivers
(Is this because the broadcom generic chip is used by a wide variety of 'OEM-whom-uses-broadcom"?)
I remember I scanned every single of those OEM "broadcom" with utilityscanner, and it outputted an empty csv.
for what it is worth.
somebody should link to \old DriverPacks
collect those over a year old
in Wlan we had like almost 300 folders
DIR /S | yopie001.txt
dragdrop (this is a cmd tool available to interested, team and testers with access to test dowwloads)
root folder tally
145 2008-09-22 12:50:23
Re: [SLV] UBCD4WIN not recognizing ALi M5229 PCI Bus Master IDE (23 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
thank YOU very much, Gnee.
Welcome to DriverPacks .
We usually work around issues with vendor supplied material.
(we sometimes mix up, and fess up when we did. )
146 2008-09-22 10:47:50
Topic: [IMPL] logging Third Party DriverPacks files used (3 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
I have a request for Jeff.
I know we never, so far, showed which Third Party DriverPacks are selected in GUI, but..
WOULD it be possible to show all used Third Party DriverPacks filenames in logging?
147 2008-09-22 09:47:03
Re: Drivers Pack Unpacker & Installer by Warm Snow (210 replies, posted in Software)
Thank you for helping us revolutionise some of the things our users can do with DriverPacks.
148 2008-09-22 09:33:34
Re: DriverPacks BASE 8.09.rc1 - We need your comments, Please! (33 replies, posted in News)
This DriverPacks BASE release candidate has a helluvalot of revolutionary changes.
In essence, SAD is becoming some sort of M3.
When one is not using all of the features this RC has, then one can quite easily miss unknown bugs while the beta is in testing, and that is where our call for a "drive testing" by the large public is needed.
Some of the new features will most probably become big hits, and some improvements in the way things get processed are probably not going to be noticed.
Jeff has listed MORE changes than I was capable of testing.
Others tested those.
We can use your help, and this is a good opportunity.
what do we expect to hear from you when you report?
what did you do?
what did you expect our programme would do. (what was the result you expected/and the result you got?)
Can you reproduce it?
Do you know the fix?
There is better error checking code in DriverPacks BASE than ever before.
Nothing in this world is perfect, and one of the saddest things is that some drivers are themselves causing us quite a bit of grief.
DriverPacks BASE is backward compatible with older DriverPacks, tho.
Driver conflict related problems can have a relevancy to error checking in DriverPacks BASE, but they are most likely to be handled in the driver forae.
There is a lot of work being done on support for PE/ubcd4win.
It looks like ALL future main DriverPacks will have an INI, but do not despair when you have one that has no INI.
149 2008-09-19 16:20:40
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
I will spend some time on those broadcoms.. I must have some old test/temp sheets with the manually added sed-scanned skippers.
anyone with access to OLD lan or wlan packs (say, over a year old) could scan those and undupe "folder name", make a count and tally what is in the pack
(this is how I found out moons ago.)
changelog, Wlan, 802 was where I worked away well over 70 dupe drivers..
so, it was probably in wlan.
150 2008-09-19 15:49:04
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
@ tingmorris.
welcome to DriverPacks
you said vbs? VBS?
did you know how often I asked for a guy to look the infinforead tool in utilityspotlight05.exe?
OK, the prize is XP or vista of choice, but I did promise that a guy whom would correct the blind spot in that scanner gets sent a retail box.
((that was almost a year ago? That challenge and the offer still has me honour bound.))
I believe the offending skippers are no longer in the pack
There were ten drivers, and only one of them was not completely duped, and that one had one HWID.
the challenge is, find the originals at broadcom, scan and get output.
this bugged me so much I made a human decision. I bet it is not in a release now.