Hey, Coccinelle, got any high-res vserion of those pics you posted?
They look marvellous and could make for some great desktop backrounds big_smile

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

@Helmi: the cleanup problem is now solved too. See my last post here.

Jup, will try later today.

Thanks! smile

Hmm, I just came around this problem:


It remains to be seen whether the .59 drivers are indeed an updated version of the .57 not containing this issue...

Then again, I never use their control panel so I shouldn't be affected...

Major wrote:

I think it is better add the driver ati catalyst 6.5 which i think is easier and safer than the modified inf file.

Theoretically, yes, however, people are already complaining about file sizes and this would add another ~20MB or so I'm sure.

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

Well, I will just add a modified .inf file and not add the driver itself. No WHQL signing then, of course. But at the benefit of the space saved.

Fair enough I'd say.

At least we know the driver has been WHQL-tested so whether it has actually been signed or not is rather secondary (to me, at least).
Or would a Windows Update possibly pefer an older but signed driver and install that over this version?
I know it does not automatically update the drivers but some folks might do it if they don't know the internals...

lieblingsbesuch wrote:

fu ati, this is not very sportive to kick support for old cards!

While I'd generally agree with the above statement, one has to consider they DID support them for quite some time now.
I've seen HW support being dropped much, much sooner and you cannot expect eternal support for a consumer product (it may look different if these were server cards), esp. in the fast-living 3D sector.

Even if they did update the driver, the question is whether you'd benefit from that at all.
While I still own a AIW Radeon 8500 DV, you can count the amount of modern games that card supports on a single hand, if any.
Which game does NOT require at least PS 2.0 if it's 3D?

And if you only play 2D games then there are hardly any issues with them.

It would still have been very nice of ATi if they just kept the INF entries in the driver packet even if they don't update them anymore as to keep it an all-Radeon unified driver.
Now, you always have to keep backups of the old ones (ok, they still have them on their site).
Lest not forget about the DP troubles for Bâshrat the Sneaky wink

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

EDIT: may I ask you what company you work for? Drivers for biometric devices and HDD shock protection systems are completely unknown to me! You can contact me through mail if you prefer to not put it in public.

While IDK whether he works for a certain company or not, these things are not too uncommon among modern notebooks.

Mine already has a smart card reader that includes a security card which works much like a password (or, as you can see in many movies, as a substitute to a door key wink), the next step obviously is a finger print reader so you don't have to carry the card around and it can't get lost/stolen.

If the notebook features a camera, that can also be used to idetify the user.
Heck, for your MacBook, you can get a software that will take a mugshot of any stranger trying to play around with the thing! big_smile

HDD shock protection is also common among higher-rpcied business models.
It contains an acceleration sensor that will move the HDD's head into parking position once a certain threshhold is exceeded (eg when you move the notebook very fast or drop it!), as to avoid a headcrash.

So obviously you will need the proper drivers for all these shiny new inventions to work smile

The way I see it you have two choices:

Either interate your special drivers using nLite or create your own 3rd Party DP as described here:


http://downloadmirror.intel.com/df-supp … _autol.zip

I second the request!

However, it should be noted that Intel is only offering the v10.5.1.57 drivers on their site so far...
http://support.intel.com/support/wirele … 010623.htm

http://broadcom.com/docs/driver_downloa … -9.52b.zip

No word on what's changed, though.
At least they are small smile

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:


2006-08-22 12:44:13 : <CLNP> The cleanup has already taken more than 10 minutes, because C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk' is locked by a process. The cleanup has been ended.
2006-08-22 12:44:13 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the cleanup of the 'C:\D' directory will be retried (through CLI, not through the Finisher) after a reboot.

That's the reason why it did not finish wink

I know, I know, which is why I said:

Helmi wrote:

* Cleanup doesn't run through properly.
This can be seen at C:\D\ folder not getting deleted as well as the error message in the log.


Thing is, I didn't even look at the file UNTIL I did the restart (I'm well aware of this by now wink), yet C:\D\ didn't get deleted so I figured it might be connected somehow.

Also, as you might know by now, my testing machine uses nVidia.

But as you can see, it will be deleted after the next reboot.

The file was infact gone (providing it was even present to begin with), however, I wasn't so sure whether cleanup did take up on exactly the same spot afterwards.

If it does, could you make it so it updates the log file to prevent this possible confusion?

It's very strange though: none of the control panels was installed, so I wonder why that file is locked...

Also, the way I take it, the file is given 5secs to get unlocked.
However, this is happening several times, is this the intended procedure?

IMO it would be smarter to try once, if it fails, add the exception to the registry to clean after next boot and then proceed as normal.
Having to wait 10min for a file that could not get deleted after 5sec sounds like a waste of time to me.

And I'll try to reproduce your KTD problem with the same setting.

Either I'm too dumb and making something seriously wrong or I'm blind and cannot see where it puts the drivers if it works ;P

Surprised no one else came across this...

I take it you were using the current Graphics Packs (6.08), right?

Maybe it's due to the fact support for radeons < 9500 got dropped after the CAT 6.5 drivers. I still couldn't try the pack on my Radeon 8500 system.

As a workaround, try this tool --> http://www.driverheaven.net/patje/ and also post your HWIDs (the link found in Bâshrat the Sneaky's sig).

Alright, here it is...

First things first:
The updater is finally working! YAY!

However, the cancel button is too narrow for the German language scheme (obviously I could never check that before wink).

Not much remaining, I'm sattisfied so far, however...:

* Cleanup doesn't run through properly.
This can be seen at C:\D\ folder not getting deleted as well as the error message in the log.

* KTD still does not work.
Either it's related to the above problem OR it would apply KTD to C:\D\ rather than the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DriverPacks\ default dir.

Aside from that, everything worked perfectly.

I'm really tempted to burning this version on a CD-R rather than a CD-RW wink


; preferred language
prefLang	= "German"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons	= "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI		= "yes"

; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform	= "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location	= "C:\Downloads\XPCD"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks	= "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod	= "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod	= "GUIRunOnce"

; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD		= "all"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation	= "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC		= "yes"

; this section is optional!
; CCC/CCP, use ATI Catalyst Control Center or ATI Catalyst Control Panel (only relevant when slipstreaming DriverPack Graphics A)
ATI_cpl		= "CCC"
2006-08-22 10:06:45 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 6.08.5 initialized.
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected settings file "C:\Downloads\UWXPCD\DP\DPs_BASE.ini".
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional -  SP2 detected.
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 6.08!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 6.08!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 6.08!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 6.03!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 6.03!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 6.08!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 6.08!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 6.08!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 6.06!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 6.05!
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> Detected 3rd party DriverPack(s).
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <INIT> DriverPacks scanned sucessfully.
2006-08-22 10:06:46 : <GUI>  Initialized GUI.
2006-08-22 10:06:48 : <GUI>  Created a list of all available language files.
2006-08-22 10:06:48 : <GUI>  Set the last used language, German, as the GUI language.
2006-08-22 10:07:16 : <GUI>  Refreshed UpdateChecker with success.
2006-08-22 10:07:31 : <GUI>  Saved settings!
2006-08-22 10:07:31 : <GUI>  Closed GUI.
2006-08-22 10:07:32 : <SEL>  Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2006-08-22 10:08:40 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2006-08-22 10:08:41 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\winnt.sif.
2006-08-22 10:08:41 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2006-08-22 10:08:41 : <PREP> Created a backup of \I386\dosnet.inf.
2006-08-22 10:08:41 : <PREP> Created temporary working directory.
2006-08-22 10:08:56 : <SLIP> Extracted necessary files for method 2.
2006-08-22 10:08:56 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2006-08-22 10:08:57 : <SLIP> Copied files necessary for method 2.
2006-08-22 10:10:42 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2006-08-22 10:10:42 : <SLIP> German (Sereby's) UpdatePack detected: no HDA hotfix will be slipstreamed.
2006-08-22 10:10:42 : <SLIP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers!
2006-08-22 10:10:52 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2006-08-22 10:10:59 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2006-08-22 10:11:00 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2006-08-22 10:11:37 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to enable KTD for all DriverPacks.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2006-08-22 10:11:39 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 4 minutes and 8 seconds.
2006-08-22 10:11:42 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
2006-08-22 10:11:42 : Program terminated.
; DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY, LET THE DriverPacks BASE DO IT FOR YOU! (may NOT contain any spaced, if it does, all exceptions must be adapted to be compatible!)
DPsRoot	= "%SystemDrive%"
KTD	= "paths:D"
; system variables supported: %SystemDrive%, %SystemRoot% and %WinDir%, one
; location cannot be used as KTDlocation: the root directory specified in
; [Settings]\DPsRoot
KTDlocation	= "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"

; =============================================================================
; =============================================================================
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; About adding your own exceptions
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; - The following system variables are supported:
;  * %SystemDrive%
;  * %SystemRoot%
;  * %WinDir%
;  * %ProgramFiles%
;  * %DPSROOT% (equals the value of [Settings]\DPsRoot)
;  * %DPSTMP% (when you must extract files for example)
; - Available executables:
;  * addUsepmtimer.exe
;  * devcon.exe
; - The unique ID in the sectionnames (i.e.: [<OS platform>__<unique ID>__
;   <driver dir, including the master 'D' dir>]) must NOT be sequential, it
;   must just be unique. Only numbers (0-9) can be used. The reason for the
;   existence of this string is that sometimes there are multiple exceptions
;   for the same driver, which would result in identical section names, which
;   is not allowed.
; - A requirement of the type 'tagFiles' is considered forfilled if ALL of the
;   listed conditions are met.
; - A requirement of the types '+hwids', '-hwids', '+infFiles' and '-infFiles'
;   is considered forfilled if ANY of the listed conditions is met.
; - The commands will ONLY be executed if ALL the active requirements are
; - The commands will be executed in the order they are entered.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; About the implementation of KTD
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; - To optimize the DevicePath entry in the registry (to allow more drivers to
;   be added), a new system variable will be created, which will accessible
;   through the variable %KTD%. The result is that each path that is added
;   (that refers to a driver), will be much shorter - and therefore this allows
;   more drivers to be added.
; =============================================================================

tagFiles	= 0
+hwids		= 1
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 0
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command1	= "%SystemDrive%\addUsepmtimer.exe"

tagFiles	= 2
tagFile1	= "%SystemDrive%\ATICCC.ins"
tagFile2	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 4
command1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe -y -o"%DPSTMP%""
command2	= "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ISScript9.Msi /qn /norestart"
command3	= "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ATICCC.msi /qn /norestart"
command4	= "rd /s /q "%DPSTMP%""

tagFiles	= 2
tagFile1	= "%SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins"
tagFile2	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 3
command1	= ""%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe" -y -o"%DPSTMP%""
command2	= "start /wait "%DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K""
command3	= "rd /s /q "%DPSTMP%""

tagFiles	= 2
tagFile1	= "%SystemDrive%\ATICCC.ins"
tagFile2	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\2\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 4
command1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe" -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2	= "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ISScript9.Msi /qn /norestart"
command3	= "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ATICCC.msi /qn /norestart"
command4	= "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"

tagFiles	= 2
tagFile1	= "%SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins"
tagFile2	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\2\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 3
command1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2	= "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K"
command3	= "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\CPanel.exe"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 3
command1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\3\CPanel.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2	= "start /wait %DPSTMP%\setup.exe /K"
command3	= "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\3dfxV2ps.dll"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\3\1\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\3\1\V2_OC_control_panel.exe"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sigrp.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\S\1\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 3
command1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\G\S\1\UVGA3.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2	= "start /wait "%DPSTMP%\setup.exe -s"
command3	= "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"

tagFiles	= 0
+hwids		= 1
+hwid1		= "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2"
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 0
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 2
command1	= "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe update %DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\123\nvnetbus.inf "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00DF&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_A2""
command2 	= "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe update %DPSROOT%\D\L\NV\123\nvnetfd.inf "{1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV*""

tagFiles	= 2
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys"
tagFile2	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 19
command1	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\1"
command2	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common"
command3	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386"
command4	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang"
command5	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386"
command6	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp"
command7	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data"
command8	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386"
command9	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\*.??_"
command10	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\*.??_"
command11	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\*.??_"
command12	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\*.??_"
command13	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\lang\i386\*.??_"
command14	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\*.??_"
command15	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\data\*.??_"
command16	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_"
command17	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command18	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\common\i386\CtPanel.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command19	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\1\CTZAPXX.exe /S"

tagFiles	= 3
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha10x2k.sys"
tagFile2	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys"
tagFile3	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 19
command1	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\2"
command2	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common"
command3	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386"
command4	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang"
command5	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386"
command6	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp"
command7	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data"
command8	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386"
command9	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\*.??_"
command10	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\*.??_"
command11	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\*.??_"
command12	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\*.??_"
command13	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\lang\i386\*.??_"
command14	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\*.??_"
command15	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\data\*.??_"
command16	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\win2k_xp\i386\*.??_"
command17	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtCtlPan.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command18	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\common\i386\CtPanel.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\"
command19	= "start /wait "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\2\CTZAPXX.exe /S"

tagFiles	= 2
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\P17.sys"
tagFile2	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Ctzapxx.ini"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 19
command1	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.* %DPSROOT%\CR\3"
command2	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\AddOn\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\AddOn"
command3	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common"
command4	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386"
command6	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP"
command7	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\i386"
command8	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\*.??_"
command9	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Addon\*.??_"
command10	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\common\*.??_"
command11	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Lang\i386\*.??_"
command12	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2K_XP\*.??_"
command13	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\Win2k_XP\i386\*.??_"
command14	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\CR\3\CTZapxx.Exe /S"

tagFiles	= 0
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command1	= "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe install %DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf "PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_6003&SUBSYS_*""
command2	= "%SystemDrive%\devcon.exe install %DPSROOT%\D\S\H\2\wdmaherc.inf "HERCULES\*""

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\N\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 3
command1	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\N\AudioUtl.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2	= "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe -s -f1"
command3	= "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sthda.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\3\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 6
command3	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.dll %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stacgui.cpl %SystemRoot%\system32"
command3	= "md "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI""
command3	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\sttray.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\STACGUI""
command3	= "copy /y %DPSROOT%\D\S\S\U\stlang.dll "%ProgramFiles%\Sigmatel\C-Major Audio\WDM""

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sis7012.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\1\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command3	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\1\SI_7012.exe x -y o%SystemRoot%\"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\sis7018.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\2\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command3	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\SI\2\SI_7018.exe x -y o%SystemRoot%\"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\FM801.sys"
tagFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\Setup.ex_"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 3
command1	= "expand -r %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.* %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2"
command2	= "del /q %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\*.??_"
command3	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\2\Setup.exe /S"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\cmaudio.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command3	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\3\T_3.exe"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\TT1724ht.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command3	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\4\T_SSU.exe"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command3	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\T_DMX.exe"

tagFiles	= 1
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\envysens.sys"
tagFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\V_ENVY.exe"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command1	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\V\1\V_ENVY.exe -y -o%SystemRoot%\"

tagFiles	= 2
tagFile1	= "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys"
tagFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\V_VINYL.exe"
+hwids		= 0
-hwids		= 0
+infFiles	= 1
+infFile1	= "%DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\*.inf"
-infFiles	= 0
commands	= 1
command1	= "start /wait %DPSROOT%\D\S\V\2\V_VINYL.exe -y -o%SystemRoot%\"
2006-08-22 12:33:55 : <INIT> DriverPacks Finisher 6.08.5 initialized.
2006-08-22 12:33:55 : <INIT> Detected platform wnt5_x86-32.
2006-08-22 12:33:55 : <INIT> Start logging of the HWIDs for relevant devices present in this system.
2006-08-22 12:33:55 : <INIT> 1. ACPI devices

ACPI\FIXEDBUTTON\2&DABA3FF&0                                : ACPI-Schalter
ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_8\_0                 : Intel(r) Pentium(r)III processor
ACPI\PNP0000\4&80CD973&0                                    : Programmierbarer Interruptcontroller
ACPI\PNP0100\4&80CD973&0                                    : Systemzeitgeber
ACPI\PNP0200\4&80CD973&0                                    : DMA-Controller
ACPI\PNP0303\4&80CD973&0                                    : Logitech PS/2 Keyboard (106 Keys Ctrl+Caps)
ACPI\PNP0401\4&80CD973&0                                    : ECP-Druckeranschluss (LPT1)
ACPI\PNP0501\1                                              : Kommunikationsanschluss (COM1)
ACPI\PNP0501\2                                              : Kommunikationsanschluss (COM2)
ACPI\PNP0700\4&80CD973&0                                    : Standard-Diskettenlaufwerkcontroller
ACPI\PNP0800\4&80CD973&0                                    : Systemlautsprecher
ACPI\PNP0A03\2&DABA3FF&0                                    : PCI-Bus
ACPI\PNP0B00\4&80CD973&0                                    : System CMOS/Echtzeituhr
ACPI\PNP0C01\2&DABA3FF&0                                    : Systemplatine
ACPI\PNP0C02\1                                              : Hauptplatinenressourcen
ACPI\PNP0C04\4&80CD973&0                                    : Numerischer Coprozessor
ACPI\PNP0C0C\2&DABA3FF&0                                    : ACPI-Einschaltknopf
ACPI\PNP0F13\4&80CD973&0                                    : Logitech-compatible Mouse PS/2
ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08\0                                          : Microsoft ACPI-konformes System
ROOT\ACPI_HAL\0000                                          : ACPI-PC (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)
20 matching device(s) found.

2006-08-22 12:33:56 : <INIT> 2. PCI devices

PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0110&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_B2\4&9FD38EF&0&0008: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8139&SUBSYS_813910EC&REV_10\3&61AAA01&0&80 : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC #2
PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8139&SUBSYS_81391186&REV_10\3&61AAA01&0&70 : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0571&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_06\3&61AAA01&0&39 : VIA Bus-Master-IDE-Controller
PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0596&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_12\3&61AAA01&0&38 : VIA PCI-zu-ISA-Brücke
PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_0691&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_44\3&61AAA01&0&00 : VIA CPU-zu-PCI-Brücke
PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3038&SUBSYS_12340925&REV_08\3&61AAA01&0&3A : VIA Rev 5 oder höher USB universeller Hostcontroller
PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3050&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_20\3&61AAA01&0&3B : VIA Energieverwaltungscontroller
PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_8598&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&61AAA01&0&08 : VIA CPU to AGP Controller
PCI\VEN_1274&DEV_1371&SUBSYS_40021462&REV_08\3&61AAA01&0&A0 : SB PCI(WDM)
10 matching device(s) found.

2006-08-22 12:33:57 : <INIT> 3. HDAUDIO devices

No matching devices found.

2006-08-22 12:33:57 : <INIT> 4. USB devices

USB\ROOT_HUB\4&2301DA04&0                                   : USB-Root-Hub
1 matching device(s) found.

2006-08-22 12:33:57 : <INIT> Logging of HWIDs complete.
2006-08-22 12:33:58 : <INIT> Processed settings.
2006-08-22 12:33:58 : <FLTR> Collected the HWIDs for this system.
2006-08-22 12:33:58 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0001__D-G-A-1] (1 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:33:58 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:33:58 : <FLTR> 		Found tagfile "C:\ATICCC.ins" (1/2).
2006-08-22 12:33:59 : <FLTR> 		Found tagfile "C:\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe" (2/2).
2006-08-22 12:33:59 : <FLTR> 	4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must matched
2006-08-22 12:33:59 : <FLTR> 		Wildcard specified for +infFiles requirement: scan for .inf files (1 of 1 +infFiles).
2006-08-22 12:33:59 : <FLTR> 		Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\C2_34826.inf'.
2006-08-22 12:34:04 : <FLTR> 		Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\CX_34826.inf'.
2006-08-22 12:34:08 : <FLTR> 		Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\E2_34826.inf'.
2006-08-22 12:34:09 : <FLTR> 		Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\EX_34826.inf'.
2006-08-22 12:34:10 : <FLTR> 		Checking .inf file 'C:\D\G\A\1\MX_34826.inf'.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0002__D-G-A-1] (2 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\ATICCP.ins' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0021__D-G-A-2] (3 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		Found tagfile "C:\ATICCC.ins" (1/2).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		Found tagfile "C:\D\G\A\1\ATICCC.exe" (2/2).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must matched
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0022__D-G-A-2] (4 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\ATICCP.ins' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0003__D-G-A-3] (5 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		Found tagfile "C:\D\G\A\3\CPanel.exe" (1/1).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must matched
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0004__D-G-3-1] (6 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\3dfxV2ps.dll' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0005__D-G-S-1] (7 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sigrp.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0006__D-L-NV-123] (8 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	2. +hwids (ANY +hwids must matched
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +hwids.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0007__D-S-CR-1] (9 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha20x2k.sys' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0008__D-S-CR-2] (10 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ha10x2k.sys' (1 of 3 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0009__D-S-CR-3] (11 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\P17.sys' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0010__D-S-H-2] (12 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:12 : <FLTR> 	4. +infFiles (ANY +infFiles must matched
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not match any of the +infFiles.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0011__D-S-N] (13 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0012__D-S-S-U] (14 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sthda.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0013__D-S-SI-1] (15 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sis7012.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0014__D-S-SI-2] (16 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sis7018.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0015__D-S-T-2] (17 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\FM801.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0016__D-S-T-3] (18 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\cmaudio.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0017__D-S-T-4] (19 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\TT1724ht.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0018__D-S-T-5] (20 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0019__D-S-V-1] (21 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\envysens.sys' (1 of 1 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Verifying requirements for exception [wnt5_x86-32__0020__D-S-V-2] (22 of 22 exceptions).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	1. tagFiles (ALL tagFiles must be found)
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 		! Could not find tagfile 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vinyl97.sys' (1 of 2 tagfiles).
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> 	=> This exception will not be applied.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <FLTR> Finished filtering exceptions.
2006-08-22 12:34:13 : <EXEC> No exceptions left to execute: none have met all requirements!
2006-08-22 12:34:17 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:22 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:27 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:32 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:37 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:42 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:47 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:52 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:34:57 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:02 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:07 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:12 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:17 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:22 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:27 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:32 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:37 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:42 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:47 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:52 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:35:57 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:02 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:07 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:12 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:17 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:26 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:31 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:36 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:41 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:46 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:51 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:36:56 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:01 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:06 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:11 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:16 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:21 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:26 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:31 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:36 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:41 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:46 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:52 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:37:57 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:02 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:07 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:12 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:17 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:22 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:27 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:32 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:37 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:42 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:47 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:52 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:38:57 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:02 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:07 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:12 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:17 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:22 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:27 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:32 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:37 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:42 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:47 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:52 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:39:57 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:02 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:07 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:12 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:17 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:22 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:27 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:32 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:37 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:42 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:47 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:52 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:40:57 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:02 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:07 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:12 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:17 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:22 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:27 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:32 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:37 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:42 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:47 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:53 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:41:58 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:03 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:08 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:13 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:18 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:23 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:28 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:33 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:38 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:43 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:48 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:53 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:42:58 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:03 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:08 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:13 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:18 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:23 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:28 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:33 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:38 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:43 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:48 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:53 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:43:58 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:44:03 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:44:08 : <CLNP> Cannot delete the file 'C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk'. The file is probably still in use by one of the executed commands. Waiting five seconds until retry.
2006-08-22 12:44:13 : <CLNP> The cleanup has already taken more than 10 minutes, because C:\D\A\G\T\Display.lnk' is locked by a process. The cleanup has been ended.
2006-08-22 12:44:13 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the cleanup of the 'C:\D' directory will be retried (through CLI, not through the Finisher) after a reboot.
2006-08-22 12:44:13 : <CLNP> Deleted the DriverPacks, which were located in 'C:\D'.
2006-08-22 12:44:13 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\hwids.dat'!
2006-08-22 12:44:13 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\DPsFnshr.ini'!
2006-08-22 12:44:14 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\devcon.exe'!
2006-08-22 12:44:14 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\makePNF.exe'!
2006-08-22 12:44:14 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\addUsepmtimer.exe'!
2006-08-22 12:44:15 : <CLNP> Deleted 'C:\ATICCC.ins'!
2006-08-22 12:44:15 : <CLNP> Added new value to the RunOnce key in the registry: the DriverPacks Finisher itself will get deleted after the next reboot.
2006-08-22 12:44:15 : Program terminated.

The *current* file has already been updated, however, since I didn't grab 6.08.4 before it got pulled, the file didn't make it into 6.08.5.

It will be included in whatever the next version will be smile

Alternatively (if you can't wait), grab yours rom here:+
http://bugtracker.driverpacks.net/file_ … p;type=bug

orei wrote:

I've update my language file to the newer 6.08.5 ... the link is in the first post!!

Please do not use external hosts but rather attach the file to an updated bugtracker entry to both make it as easily as possible for you as well as keeping it simple for Bâsh.

That way it will automatically appear in the changelog for the next version so he can impossibly miss it - which could very well the case if you only post it on the forum.

In fact, it's no longer needed to post updated versions here at all.

Already another update?

And you'd think those ATi CAT releases every month are plenty already smile
Do they ever have a changelog for their drivers?

I still update them each time but it would be nice to know what got changed/fixed.

twig123 wrote:
Helmi wrote:
twig123 wrote:

Lets just not suppot ATI anymore..... wink

Objection!  yikes

I was joking... Hence the "JK" in my post tongue

So was I, just trying to mess with you big_smile


(14 replies, posted in Other)

And again:



(2 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)

Yeah, can't complain about akamai servers.
Wish Realtek was using them wink

Also delivered excellent speed for Vista Beta 2 smile

DL link: https://support.ati.com/ics/support/def … tionID=640

Release notes: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/ … notes.html

twig123 wrote:

Lets just not suppot ATI anymore..... wink

Objection!  yikes

Four of my five machines happen to be ATi powered!

Just this one texting PC runs on nVidia (guess why wink nah, actually, it's because that was the only spare card I had).

Hopefully I will soon be able to install on one of my ATi machines to test this myself...

Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:
Helmi wrote:

That was a common problem for me from 6.08 to 6.08.2 but disappeared in 6.08.3.

Then again, I switched from GRO to ROE with the latest version so maybe it's related?

No, it should be hardware-dependant.

Fixed already, btw wink

Alright then.
I just noticed how he was using GRO, too, so I thought there might be a connection wink

That was a common problem for me from 6.08 to 6.08.2 but disappeared in 6.08.3.

Then again, I switched from GRO to ROE with the latest version so maybe it's related?


(2 replies, posted in Site & Forum Issues And Feedback)

Maybe you're using an ad-blocker so it doesn't show the ads themselves?

They look like embedded HTML code, not an ordinary post.

Or your security settings block loading content from another host than that of the site you opened.