Jackson0 wrote:

added F6 floppy driver from gigabyte site

Would you mind pasting the download link here, so I could work on a fix?

Good question Clyde. I can answer this one.

In the past inetl INF were renamed to prevent sysprep issue. When you use sysprep, duplicate filenames create issues. So I asked Jaak to rename the intel driver. Later I discovered that renaming INF could break driver signing so it was decided to leave the driver intact. So right now in 9.01 you see both situations, If I could find the original driver for I2 and I1, I would put those back with their original file names.

As Overflow pointed out, as it is right now It will work just fine but for esthetically it would be nice If someone could post a link of the original drivers.

Are you using dp_base ? You need to put them in the "3rd party DriverPacks" folder.

I might be wrong but JMicron have been tested successfully with the latest pack. So this is no probably irrelevant with 9.01.

I want my life back. Thanks. big_smile

You have to be kidding me...the day we finalize the pack an update is released.....

No hwids removed or added, it should not be too hard to update. Maybe they fixed the 2829 hwid issue in this release. No changelog is available yet. I would love to see it if someone can find it.

The latest test pack contains both since they support different HWIDs. Please open your eyes and look at the changelog, INI section and the actual INF file in every intel Folders (the ones starting I#). You will see that 8.6 has been part of our test pack the very same day it got released on the net.

JMicron card reader was added, see 1st post.

You could also download our test pack, intel is tricky and is way more complicated then a simple folder overwrite. I will release a new test pack tonight, I will let you know by email.

@Newsposter, the virtual box controller is not owned by virtual box but Intel (located in i4 folder)

For Vmware there is already a controller in the VM folder plus VMWare use some LSI controllers which are integrated too. The best to find out is to search for the HWID. I could double check if you post the HWIDs of your controllers.

Never assumes anything before looking at it big_smile

lol Eric big_smile

You remember Nick Burns from SNL ?

Great! I will fix the pack then.

BTW, your welcome...

If you look at the changelog included with the test pack you will notice this line:
'|PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2829 replace from [I3] to [I4] section in the INI

I suggest you put back PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2829 in the I3 section of the INI file and remove it from I4 and give a second try. Beside that changes I don't see anything else that could create such issue. Let us know, thank you.

I added it to the misc pack, I will update it in a few minutes.

I found what's wrong.

PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2829 is duplicated; i4\iaahci.inf and i5\ich8ahci.inf.

Could you removed the file in i5 and try again ? I'm trying to figure out a fix.


(2 replies, posted in DriverPack CPU)

This is a CPU driver and the same version is integrated in the CPU driver pack.

Please use the savehwids.exe in my signature and post the hardware ids of your device. If you don't see your HDD it's probably a mass storage driver issue, not a chipset. Have you tried our latest pack 8.11r1 ? Which OS are you using and which version of driver packs base? Please provide more specific information.

http://driverpacks.sytes.net/driverpack … 2_811r1.7z

Please do not post in this forum anymore. SmartCard pack is has been merged with MISC pack.


(1 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)

This driver is covered by our latest pack.


the link is broken, please provide a working one, else I can't help you.

abdou wrote:

I request for this driver http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/soft … mp;lang=en

I downloaded the driver you requested and it's already integrated but I can't find the HWID in any INF file...I noticed there were some irrevelant files from an older version of the driver in the TI folder. I removed them.

You can find an update version of the pack in 1st post.

Well it's nothing major and this pack is better then the old ones. They are mostly request not bugs, I'm sure you can manage to fill the request yourself or at least try.


(46 replies, posted in News)

Overflow, you don't need that Raid tool anymore in your sig, it's part of the new saveHwids.exe


RogueSpear wrote:

20081019 - Updated

I noticed there was large amount of duplication between DP Misc and DP SmartCardReader.  And a good deal of the drivers in SmartCardReader were out of date.  I had originally intended to update both DriverPacks, but it was becoming too complex and I began to wonder why biometric readers were in Misc instead of SmartCardReader.  And would it be appropriate to call it SmartCardReader when there are other authentication security devices included.  In the end I went with keeping it simple and to the point.

I intended on including all of the different Gem based drivers in this release - and then I accidentally deleted the directory.  My recovery attempts didn't go so well, so their inclusion will have to wait until the next update.

So SmartCard are now in Misc and Input in HID.


(46 replies, posted in News)


I fixed the SaveHwids.exe tool, you can find it in my sig.

Overflow, SmartePants and the rest of the team please update your signature to match the new location of the tool. You can copy the link of my sig.


(46 replies, posted in News)

Nomadturk, I will take care of save_hwids.exe asap. Thx for reporting.