do not use sound A

the realtek driver in there seems to have several generic HWID
S_A\S\R\1\Alcxau.inf has PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24C5&CC_0401

the full HWID of your compaq is not duplicated across the packs, and resides in sound B

Its also interesting to see that BigBrit tested the nightlies DriverPacks, and they worked for him.

Three questions
1; instant BSOD, or on restart?
2; RAID array or single drive?
3; current BIOS

Usficcient mailed me the RAID drivers, so I assume he runs with RAID array on a
DFI RS482 Infinity - Silicon Version 4.2.49,
SB450 based ATI 437A Serial ATA Controller (Si3112r.inf)

usficcient could try the x84 from SILICON with Nlite, and not do mass storage.
If the newest works on old BIOS, it would be a LOT easier.
He reported he can run on Latest WU: via Windows Updates 2/1/2007

BAM runs on RAID array
- ASUS A7N8X-XE Deluxe Mainboard with a integrated SiI 3112 Sata controller
- SiI3112 Bios version: 4.2.47 (on screen showed during boot)
- Configuration is a Raid-0 set (with 2x 120GB)
Used Nlite on the following:
- XPpro, SP2 (english)
- Integrated driver version: 03/14/2006, (directly from Sillicon website)
Nothing else, and it works pretty well.
BAM has BSOD.. (when? on restart?)

Stiertje had INSTANT death
Stiertje tried earlier testpack on BIOS 4.2.83 and 4.2.84.
(it was not clear what he meant. The driver or the BIOS?)
(the Silicon site says 4.2.84 and download section then says 4.x.83)
Is that in a RAID array?

At the moment, I think we have something badly wrong with the BASE-mode drivers.
I mean, So far, it looks like the newer drivers all work on all BIOSes for this 3112 chip.
The OLDER driver versions were (re-)introduced on the assumption that this was not the case, and that assumption was made because OTHER silicon chips do have that problem.

I think I will go back to the 3112 Base mode driver we used in the earlier release.

I explained to BAM that older drivers should work on newer BIOSes, because people can Flash, and then reboot into windows just fine. I also know that SiL 3132 newest driver does NOT work on OLD bios.

One guy (at work) told me the pack worked on 3112.
We will need the HWID from those machines that do a BSOD.

Meanwhile, I will work on the next test release.
(undo some Base-mode drivers for 3112..)

Hi BigBrit.
I was doing some slipstream tests with the 712b Base beta on -non-patched- SP2 sources, and reported to OverFlow.. He told me the beta was not yet about the other features we want IN the Base, and that he found several other buggy lines while writing the lines for SP3.
I then got ready to create an English SP3... and I woke up and see your report, and had to grin while I reread the topic.
Yes, Redmond works 9 to 5, but they also recognise they need feedback of online communities.
They have their own fora, and they launched the MVP program.
They extended the program to outside-M$-fora, and these days they have awarded over 3600 very active community personalities. The communities never sleep. They will get feedback about this issue.
I am pretty sure their community scouts read about this.
Then there's your Rep. The Beta program itself. Sysprep gurus. MSDN and Technet subscribers. (MVPs can choose between a Technet or an MSDN during award period.).. The M$ partners.
(I first read about this Partner program here or at msfn, and kept my "very basic" Partner status live..)

I will prepare me an English source now.
I hope they have been working on other language SP3, but have not seen any mention of such yet.
@ Jeff. Thanks for the code, and for listening to reports.

I wish a pleasant holiday on the beaches to all southern hemisphere residents.
A Merry Xmass to all.

BAM wrote:

It's in your mailbox.

I just got that.
I compared it against the other drivers.
The HWIDs list is an exact match with silicon's driver for Bios 4x83.
(which is a much shorter list than what is in

http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 361#p16361

http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … nightly.7z

ace7dfff377f7a832db0df4d4ad749ce  DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_7124nightly.7z

SiLicon Hyll changes..
This 7124 nightly has sil3112R in \S5

This driver came from ATI and uses same system binaries as the 3112 RAID driver 1.x.56.x from SiLLyCon.
(It can be found in older catalyst downloads.)
The three HWIDS which could clash with BASE mode driver got tagged with CC_0104 tags in INI only.
The corresponding BASEmode HWIDs in \S4 were tagged with CC_0101 in INI.

Folders \S5A and S5B were removed

(Hey, I am actually GLAD you guys reported that this Raid driver, which SiLicon claims to be for bios 4.x.79, works for older BIOS versions.)
The driver for BIOS 4.x.83 is still in \S5C, and supports a single HWID...

fixes in IB4, Ib5 and AD1 which listed competing SAS HWIDs for the new adaptec.
(A new adaptec in ADb  competes with drivers across three folders)
there is a new adaptec in ADa

SiS 180/181/182 1039.1070 in SiS
SiS1 has Sis 1182 HWID (1039.2110)
Intel ICH7/ICH9 update to 09/29/2007,
One of the LSI SAS driver required a fix as well.

Here's a guess as to why sil3112 would BSOD.
Yesterday it occurred me we loaded the same system binaries TWICE.


Can you mail me that ?

new drivers that are not listed by Sillicon!!
Driver Version

7123nightly was...... pulled
no changes to Silicon h*ll

I am trying to locate original download for Silicon 3112 (for ATI southbridge)
(I did find fresh files in ati catalyst with version but want an unedited higher version 1.x.0.51 because 1.x.0.51 all use same binaries.)

I see you have BIOS 4.2.47 and can use 03/14/2006,
I'll look at its HWIDs again. I believe it has a rather short list of ATI HWIDs..

If you want, you could edit mass storage pack and only use silicon sections so as to find out if there is a NON silicon causing the crash.

Hi, please let us know if it solved the issue for you.

I thought it had SiS 1182 too, but it doesn't.
aargh, this means I will have to edit that version 2110 and include it in a new nightly.. 8-)

ms_1_deviceName="SiS 180 RAID Controller"
ms_2_deviceName="SiS 181 RAID Controller"
ms_3_deviceName="SiS 182 RAID Controller"

This means I will eat my words about V2110. wink

Hi Seron,
this new testpack has SiS driver version 1039.1070 (which is not the newest, and not the oldest.

the newest claimed it would work but did not, and the older packs had a mix of 1050 and 1070 because we apparently never found the WHQL driver for both.
I found one such, and decided to stick to 1070 for the 180/181/182 /1181 devices.
(Because I did not have to edit files...)

I also worked on SiLicon nightmare 3112

I hope that the work I just did will fix the situation.
I ran a few preliminary tests on the testpack before I uploaded.

During the testing of what became 712, we decided to NOT tag HWIDs with &CC_0104 for the RAID drivers.
Well, this morning I started by using spotlight on the 3112 drivers we had, and could see some HWIDs which most definitely required the tag. The raid and base mode driver should no longer conflict on these three.
(Yep, I found only three, but you would be so unlucky to have that HWID loading the wrong mode for your machine.. This one could explain instant BSOD.)
The three dupes for base mode will get tagged &CC_0101 so that base mode would not load when it is set to RAID mode.

I also worked on SiS for those with that 180/181/182 HWID.
I found original WHQL drivers. The original sytem binaries already had unique names.
Funny thing is this, the system binaries and INF files for 2000/2003/XP would be same, but the CATalog files were different.
Had they used unique names for the catalog files, I could have used them CATs.
The SiS driver for 180/181/182 will be in one folder.
The SiS driver for 184/185 could not be put in that folder.

Intel ICH7/ICH9 update wasl finallyincluded, and I got to do a few Adaptec drivers as well.
One of the LSI SAS driver required a fix as well.

DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_7122nightly.7z link pulled

MD5 hash

http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … nightly.7z

MD5 hash

Hi all,
I hope that the work I just did will fix the situation.
I will run a few preliminary tests on the testpack before I upload.

During the testing of what became 712, we decided to NOT tag HWIDs with &CC_0104 for the RAID drivers.
Well, I started by using spotlight on the 3112 drivers we had, and could see some HWIDs which most definitely required the tag. The raid and base mode driver should no longer conflict on these three.
(Yep, I found only three, but you would be so unlucky to have that HWID loading the wrong mode for your machine.. This one could explain instant BSOD.)
The three dupes for base mode will get tagged &CC_0101 so that base mode would not load when it is set to RAID mode.

I also worked on SiS for those with that 180/181/182 HWID.
I found original WHQL drivers. The original sytem binaries already had unique names.
Funny thing is this, the system binaries and INF files for 2000/2003/XP would be same, but the CATalog files were different.
Had they used unique names for the catalog files, I could have used them CATs.
The SiS driver for 180/181/182 will be in one folder.
The SiS driver for 184/185 could not be put in that folder.

Intel ICH7/ICH9 update will finally be included, and I got to do a few Adaptec drivers as well.
One of the LSI SAS driver required a fix as well.

I'll give a yell when it is uploaded.

Hi Dolivas

(This is for all helpers/contributors)

I can see what causes this.
A REQ topic gets posted by a member, and a DriverPacks helper decides to make a new Pack.
The helper replies about the new Pack in the REQ topic, and that won't change its title, because the member asking for the addition does not change it when asked to do so (if he gets asked at all, that is).
The result is that we see a new DP in the downloads, and no topic about the release.

What can be done about this?
When the Pack was tested and the requestee (or others) tell the helper it loaded that new driver just fine, the helper can post a RELEASE topic.
The helper could ask a senior team member or moderator or main team to do this for him, but this is not the best solution either.
For MODEM I posted a release once, and several people posted replies with new requests, or posted there was a new pack ready, etc, in that topic.
I edited the topic title and first post so that we would have some sort of history on the pack.
BUT, doing that, we get a situation where a year old topic gets edited and re-edited, and edited all over again and again, which makes reading the edited topic a "erm" very weird experience because everything is referrring to stuff you don't read about no more..

That's why we would rather have that a tested third party DP gets a proper RELEASE topic by the creator.

I have downloaded a couple new sets of originals, and will not ever put version 2110 in the packs again.
I don't care if 2110 is the newest, it is also the worst, because it claims it can support all the devices in one driver and it cannot.

The sets with 1039.1070 (and 1050) at least have the decency to use exact duplicate binaries (sys/DLL) with a different INF for the different models... and a different CAT for server OS.
Now, because there is no way we can have unedited 1050 and 1070 in at same time,  I will have to make a choice. I also do not want to maintain miniPacks.

I knew we would see reports if the choice made in Mass 712 was not the best choice.
This SiS driver is a classic example of using same HWIDs for upgraded chips.

I looked at the driver downloads for the amilo, and cannot find a mass storage driver.

There is a link to the HWID tool in signature of most team members here.

Hi, I am revising Sil 3112 sections, but also have a real life job to do.
I'll have more time tomorrow, tho.


Dolivas included changelog.
I just posted the changelog in that REQ topic I link to here..

DriverPack - Modem V7.11.20
Last update 20/Nov/2007 - dolivas
Added C\17 Conexant Data Fax Modem with SmartCP,v.92,modem Driver V7.09.00.00 / December 16, 2003
Sony VAIO K315Z laptop
Updated supported device list.

previous version;

DriverPack - Modem V7.09.22
Last update 22/Sept/2007 - jtdoom
Added MrSmartepants "gateway M505" driver's INF and its renamed CATalog file to AC\33.
Modified four INF files to avoid a generic motorola HWID being used when it should not.
Updated supported device list.

02/Sept/2007 - jtdoom > Changelog
moved NW\E and NW\M to WLAN DriverPack.
Novatel Wireless Merlin USB Modem (Express and Mini)(Dell Laptops)
Added 40 ACER drivers at location \AC\01 through \AC\54
(a list and 54 ACER drivers got uploaded by DeBugger.)
Put an Excell worksheet on the FTP to help optimize this.
Have kept the AC\ foldernumbers intact, for reference.

V7.08.21 -
chud > changelog
added \NW\E (Expresscard) NW\M (Minicard) - Novatel Wireless Merlin USB Modem  (Dell Laptops)

chud > changelog
added \C\15 and \C\16 to cover many Dell laptops (also found in HP laptops)

2007-07-29 - helmi > changelog
Replaced P\1\ & \P\2 with never driver from 11/25/2003
Old dirs contained a lot of compressed SYS files and also did not work properly accroding to a user's report.
all files properly extracted now and referenced in the INF.

20/02/2007 - jtdoom
added a HWID to mdmhamrw.inf file file for smartlink in 3\M\S\1
%Modem1%=Modem1,PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7013&SUBSYS_42011558;    clevo DX4EV

2006-12-22 - Ruudboek Changelog:
Agere Systems HDA Modem Driver (ICH7) V2.1.59 [08/24/2005]
Agere Win Modem Driver V8.31.0.0 [12/12/2003]

supported devices

Agere Win Modem 8.3 Generic Driver V8.30.0.0 [07/01/2003]

Agere (AMR, ATi, Intel, nVidia, PCMCIA, Toshiba) V2.1.47.6 [11/02/2004]

Agere (Toshiba) 2.1.21 [11/22/2002]

Agere Systems AC'97 Modem for Acer Travelmate 4150 Driver V2.1.49 [12/20/2004]

Agere Systems HDA Modem Driver V2.1.63 [12/12/2005]

Agere Systems HDA Modem Driver (ICH7) V2.1.59 [08/24/2005]

Agere Win Modem Driver V8.31.0.0 [12/12/2003]

\AC\1 - AC97 Soft Voice Modem with SmartCP, 06/29/2005,
Acer Aspire 3030, 5030

\AC\2 - SoftV90 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 01/17/2005,
Acer Aspire 3010, 3020, 5010, 5020
Acer Travelmate 4400

\AC\3 - Conexant Soft 56K Modem, 03/06/2003,
Acer Aspire 1310

\AC\4 - SoftV90 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 02/01/2005,
Acer Aspire 2310, 3500, 3630
Acer Travelmate 2310, 2430

\AC\5 - HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 01/16/2007,
Acer Aspire 1640, 1640z, 1650z, 3040, 3050, 3100, 3650, 3690, 4310, 4710, 4920, 5040, 5050, 5100, 5110, 5220, 5540, 5560, 5590, 5610, 5620, 5630, 5650, 5670, 5680, 7000, 9110, 9300, 9500, 9800,  9810
Acer Extensa 4010, 5200, 5210, 5220, 5510, 5610, 5620, 6700
Acer Ferrari 1000, 5000
Acer TravelMate C200, C210, 2450, 2490, 3010, 3030, 3040, 3240, 3280, 3290, 4060, 4070, 4080, 4200, 4210, 4230, 4260, 4270, 4280, 4320, 4670, 4720, 5210, 5310, 5320, 5510, 5710, 5720, 6410,  6460, 6492, 6592, 7320, 7510, 7720

\AC\6 - Conexant SoftK56 Data Fax Modem, 11/27/2002,
Acer Travelmate 42x

\AC\7 - AC97 Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 11/23/2005,
Acer Aspire 3600, 3610, 3620, 3620a, 5500, 5500z
Acer Extenza 2600, 3100
Acer TravelMate 2400, 2410, 2420, 3210, 3210z, 3220, 3300, C310

\AC\8 - LT Win Modem, 03/02/2001,
Acer Aspire 1200
Acer TravelMate Alpha 550

\AC\10 - Lucent Technologies Soft Modem AMR, 08/02/2001, 3.1.97
(KEEP IT; Not same version as AC\9 \11 \12 and \13. The system binaries are different.)
Acer Travelmate 63x

\AC\11 - Lucent Technologies Soft Modem AMR, 08/02/2001, 3.1.97
Includes renamed INF from \AC\9 \12 and \13 - Lucent Technologies Soft Modem AMR, 08/02/2001, 3.1.97
Acer Travelmate 22x,  26x, 36x, 61x, 62x, 74x

\AC\14 - Lucent Technologies Soft Modem AMR, 05/07/2002, 3.1.113
TravelMate C100

\AC\15 - Lucent Technologies Soft Modem AMR, 08/02/2002, 3.1.115
Acer Travelmate 27x

\AC\16 - Smart Link 56K Modem, 04/08/2002,
Aspire 1400

\AC\17 - SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 04/14/2004,
Acer Aspire 1410, 1680
Acer Extensa 2300, 3000
Acer TravelMate 2300, 4000, 4010, 4500

\AC\18 - SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 02/22/2005,
Acer Aspire 1650, 1690_DDR, 1690_DDR2, 3510, 5510
Acer Extensa 4100, 6600
Acer Travelmate 4020, 4100, 4600

\AC\19 - Conexant Soft 56K Modem, 07/23/2002,
Acer Aspire 1300

\AC\21 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 03/09/2007,
Includes renamed INF from \AC\20 - Agere Systems HDA Modem, 03/09/2007,
Acer Aspire 4310, 4710, 4920
Acer Travelmate 35X, 52X, 53X, 210, 3000, 6231, 6291, 6292, 6492, 6592, 7220, 7520, 8100, 8200,  8210

\AC\22 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 10/08/2004, 2.1.47
Acer Aspire 3000, 5000

\AC\24 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 10/18/2002, 2.1.20
includes renamed INF from \AC\23 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 10/18/2002, 2.1.20
Acer TravelMate 23x, 28x, 53x, 65x

\AC\26 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 12/20/2002, 2.1.22
includes renamed INF from \AC\25 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 12/20/2002, 2.1.22
Acer Aspire 1700
Acer TravelMate 43x

\AC\27 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 01/22/2003, 2.1.23
Acer Aspire 1600

\AC\30 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 02/14/2003, 2.1.25
includes renamed INF from \AC\28 and \29 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 02/14/2003, 2.1.25
Acer TravelMate C110, C300, 23x, 24x, 25x, 28x, 37x, 38x, 66x, 800,

includes renamed INF from \AC\31 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 03/31/2003, 2.1.28
Acer Aspire 1350, 2000

\AC\33 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 06/27/2003, 2.1.31
Acer Aspire 1450
Acer Ferrari 3000
gateway M505

\AC\36 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 07/25/2003, 2.1.32
Includes renamed INF from \AC\35 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 07/25/2003, 2.1.32
Acer Aspire 1360, 1500, 1520
Acer Extensa 2900
Travelmate 290

\AC\37 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 08/20/2003, 2.1.33
Acer Aspire 1710

\AC\38 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 09/23/2003, 2.1.34
Acer Travelmate 6000, 8000

\AC\39 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 10/23/2003, 2.1.35
Acer Aspire 1510

\AC\44 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 11/19/2003, 2.1.36
Includes renamed INF from ACER \34 \40 \41 \42 and \43 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 11/19/2003, 2.1.36
Acer Aspire 1610, 1620, 1660, 2010, 2020
Acer Extenza 2000, 2500
Acer Ferrari 3200, 3400
Acer TravelMate 54x, 2000, 2100, 2500, 2600, 3200

\AC\45 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 06/07/2004, 2.1.41
Acer Aspire 1670
Acer TravelMate 2200, 2700

\AC\46 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 07/22/2004, 2.1.46
Acer Extensa 2350, 2950, TravelMate 2350
Acer TravelMate 4050

\AC\47 - Agere Systems HDA Modem, 10/08/2004, 2.1.47
Acer Travelmate 3000, 8100

\AC\49 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 12/20/2004, 2.1.49
Includes renamed INF from \AC\48 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 12/20/2004, 2.1.49
Acer Aspire 9100
Acer Travelmate 4150, 4650

\AC\50 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 05/11/2005, 2.1.53
Acer Aspire 5620

\AC\51 - Agere Systems AC'97 Modem, 08/24/2005, 2.1.59
Acer Ferrari 4000

\AC\54 - Agere Systems HDA Modem, 12/12/2005, 2.1.63
Includes renamed INF from \AC\52 and \53 HDA 12/12/2005, 2.1.63
Acer Aspire 3640, 3360, 3670, 3380, 5540, 5570, 5580, 5600, 7100, 7110, 9400, 9410, 9420, 9510, 9520
Acer Travelmate 2440, 2460, 2470, 2480, 3250, 3260, 3270, 4220, 5100, 5110, 5600, 5610, 5620, 6500

Creative Modem Blaster 5733 (Agere) V2.1.40 [04/13/2004]

Conexant Rockwell Generic HCF V.90 56K Data,Fax PCI Modem V173.037.000 [02/04/2004]

Conexant Rockwell Generic HCF V.90 56K Data,Fax USB Modem V952.172.052 [12/14/2001]

Conexant Rockwell Generic SoftK56 Data Fax V7.12.01 [03/03/2004]

Conexant Rockwell AC-Link Modem SoftK56 Data Fax CARP V6.01.20.00 [03/18/2003]

Conexant Rockwell Modems for HP laptops V6.02.05.51 [09/11/2003]

Conexant 56K ACLink Modem V6.02.05 [09/08/2003]

Conexant D110 MDC V.92 Modem V7.23.01 [05/03/2005]

Conexant D850 56K V.9X PCI DF Modem ULD V7.06.00 [01/07/2004]

Conexant D420 v6.01.20.52 [05/06/2003]

Conexant PCI SoftV92 Modem V7.33.00.51 [09/05/2005]

Conexant PCI Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP V7.32.00 [12/12/2005]

Conexant HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP Driver V7.44.00.00 [02/10/2006]

Conexant AC97 Data Fax SoftModem with SmartCP V7.33.00 [02/09/2006]

Conexant D-Link DFM-562IS HSFi PCI Modem v3.05.14.00 [04/02/2001]

Conexant D110,HDA,MDC,v.92,modem Driver [VEN_14F1&DEV_2BFA] V7.38.00 / A05 / November 02, 2006
DXC061, MXC051, MXG061, MXP061, MXC062;
Inspiron: MXC061, 1501, MP061, MM061, ME051, B120;
Latitude: 120L , D820, D520, D620, 131L, D420;
Precision: M65, M90

Conexant D330,HDA,MDC,v.92,modem Driver [VEN_14F1&DEV_2C06] V7.59.00.50 / A00 / July 11, 2007
Latitude: ATG D630, D430, D531, D630, D631, D830;
Precision: M4300; Vostro Notebook: 1000

Conexant Data Fax Modem with SmartCP,v.92,modem Driver V7.09.00.00 / December 16, 2003
Sony VAIO K315Z laptop

Intel 536EP Modem V4.77.8.0 [12/23/2004]

Intel 537EP Modem V2.66.88.1 [12/03/2004]

Intel V92 HaM Data Fax Voice V4.47.2 [06/21/2002]

Intel(R) 537 Modem V2.1.30.16 [05/19/2003]

Motorola SM56 Series Universal Driver V6.09.07 [12/22/2004]

NetoDragon ND92XPA V3.80.12.908 [03/17/2004]

PCtel HSP56 MicroModem/MR 12.0300.0024 [11/25/2003]

Smart Link 56K Voice Modem V3.40.06.00 [08/18/2003]

US Robotics 3090 V6.01.12 [05/09/2003]


please all check WHICH BIOS this Sil 3112 chip uses.
I know 3112 was not tested enough. (for lack of people with that hardware).

usficcient could try the x84 with Nlite, and not do mass storage.
If the newest works on old BIOS, it would be a LOT easier.

I got the driver from DFI. (They list two, these are identical, tho.)
We have same version, but it has fewer HWIDs for ATI when I compare the DFI with Silcon's original download.

Also note, Silicon's page says .x.84, and the download page itself says x.83.
If you really want to risk flashing the onboard, you need a version for onboard.
I will look at the files, and see if I can fix this for us.
When I have a file ready, you would be the ideal tester.
If you want to help us help you all, please hang on.

welcome to DriverPacks.

I would like to know which BIOS version this Silicon Chip has.

I can do this for a future LAN DP.
I actually did this for a testpack which is not in testing yet.
I did not drag/drop, tho. I select file, copy in same folder, rename the copy.

HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_11D4&DEV_198B&SUBSYS_104381F6&REV_1002 is not specified in S\SMAF

but HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_11D4&DEV_198B&SUBSYS_104381F6 IS..
Which driver do you install to fix this? Do you have a link?


(10 replies, posted in News)

LOL tongue

I finished TWO experiments today.
One was a method One slipstream, after which I manually edited the path in WINNT.SIF to the shortest possible I could do right now (This job included some file shuffle as well..) , and with all MAIN packs, I got a path of UNDER 3500.
This was tested in VPC2007, and installed fine.

Now, the second succesful experiment.
There are packs I can shuffle a good deal without punishement.
I could put all folders in D\root...
There are Two packs  which don't allow that.
Chipset cannot be shuffled at will. (The intel subfolders break slipstreaming if I rename, or move or delete the folder needed for the specified OS..). Folders have to be in D\C\ or SLIP gets you a CRIT.
ditto for Mass.
Mass storage won't allow me to do what I could do for LAN and WAN.
Again a CRIT.
But... I have packs what work, and I am down to 5109 right after streaming.
After this, it is very easy to replace txt in WINNT.SIF, and then shuffle some files in $OEM$.. and then I get 3391. (Well, that took me three minutes.. I already know what to look for, see.).
This leaves me some headroom.

There are a few ATI folders Erik worked very hard on, and I will undo some shufflework I did there, which would probably bring me up to 3550.

Jeff will get a mail, and I will make the experimental collection available somewhere.
I will also help him to the two packs that stop the slipstream process cold.
He'll need them to test Base code.  smile

wow, M1 will live a full life again for me.