Because DetachedProgram is executed simultaneously, this trick would not work: the DriverPacks would not be extracted in time. In other words: setup doesn't pause. The topic you've linked to, does pause the real setup to execute its own script.


(10 replies, posted in Other)

It will become possible in the near future.

ocammai wrote:

Quick note. Just wanted to thank you for the great tool Bashrat. Save me from pulling my hair out. But just my observation on the issue. I build from Ryan's, Nlite, then add your packs. After each step I make an iso of my source and test in VMWare. From the Nlite source I have made with both m1 and m2 and KTD on and off. I have noticed the finisher when choosing the GuiRunOnce is where I have been getting the desktop.ini issue. If I use RunOnce at 937 or anywhere else for that matter that I have never got any of the ini issues. Didn't know if that was any help or not. Will keep testing.

Source Win xp2 sp2 eng corporate from technet library.
RyanVM v1.4.2 Integrator w/ UpdatePack2.1.3.7
Nlite 1.0.1
your base 6.10
Iso's crated with RyanVM


You are not using KTD then? Please post your DPsFnshr.ini.

skinlayers wrote:
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:

4) Copy/extract all attached files to C:\. (Do not forget this step!)

This is the only part I'm confused on.  I figured out that you get devpath.exe out of \bin\wnt5_x86-32\M2.7z, and DPsFnshr.exe out of \bin\DPsFnshr.7z from BASE.  Is there anything else you need to place in C:\ other than the contents of M2.7z and DPsFnsh.7z?  Does all of \bin and \bin\wnt5_x86-32 need to be copied and/or extracted to C:\?

Thanks again!

My bad!

I've updated that one entry in my previous post:

corrected myself wrote:

4) Copy DevPath.exe and DPsFnshr.ini to C:\, extract DPsFnshr.7z to C:\. (Do not forget this step!)

haha smile

Please verify that this file exists: \OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.7z. IF this file exists, then everything should be fine. This file will be automatically extracted to %SystemDrive% by the fake setup, and then that entry in winnt.sif should work just fine. This has been working fine for months, so probably it's a small problem.


(32 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

maxximum wrote:

I've just installed MinGW with GCC .... compiled with "mySHELLEXECUTEINFO.nShow=SW_SHOW;" ... and it works : cmd.exe windows is shown ! smile
That's not user-friendly now ... but using cmdow.exe to hide the window should work ... and I'll try again with my custom splash.exe to see if I can see "decompressing DP XYZ".

You've got mail... wink


(32 replies, posted in Other)

DmitryOlenin wrote:

Bâshrat the Sneaky
Can we expect new releases in the near future?
Latest packs have been released month ago... sad

Something even better than just updates is ongoing currently wink smile

m3_del wrote:


Mail sent! wink

@sagenj06: actually if moving fails, it copies them and then deletes them. That's not quite the same.

This issue must definitely be related to the fact that when you use KTD, the directories are now moved instead of copied. I do not see HOW that could be caused, but so far everybody reporting this problem (not bug) had it enabled. This is one of the strangest Windows behaviours I've seen so far.

skinlayers wrote:

I would LOVE to find the official updated instructions for using Sysprep with the C++ version of BASE.  Are these posted anywhere?


From an e-mail to some one else:

myself wrote:

So this is what you need to do:
1) Prepare everything for sysprep (create the C:\Sysprep directory and copy all files there).

2) Extract all DriverPacks you'd like to use to C:\, you'll end up with a directory C:\D and many subfolders below that.

3) Get DevPath.exe and execute this command:
    DevPath.exe C:\D

4) Copy DevPath.exe and DPsFnshr.ini to C:\, extract DPsFnshr.7z to C:\. (Do not forget this step!)

5) Add to the GUIRunOnce section of sysprep.inf these two commands:

6) Run Sysprep.

7) Deploy!

That's all wink


(19 replies, posted in News)

Siginet wrote:

Well... glad it has healed.  Man... that was one mean cola!

Refrigerator, that is wink It was the Big Bad Refrigator who cut me in my hand...


(32 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

maxximum wrote:

If there was an error, I never saw it as nothing was shown.

Looking in MSFN forums, I found the explanation : the fake setup.exe was coded to hide all processes ran from presetup.cmd.
I remember that another fake setup.exe ("for debugging purposes") could be downloaded ... and that particular version was able to show any window ran from presetup.cmd.

Now, I'll try your hack ...

It's not a hack. It's a method to find out why my program didn't get executed, and it just might help you to prove that your program is not simply hidden by the fake setup either.

It should not be in \$OEM$\$1.

It's inside \OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.7z and it will be extracted by presetup.cmd to %SystemDrive%! wink You must have deleted DPsFnshr.7z then from the \OEM\bin directory, else it should work just fine.

It's been asked before, but only by one, two or perhaps three users out of a total of thousands. But soon you might be able to add support for it yourself, if you have some basic programming skills wink

You'll see soon enough why that is... but for now that's still a mystery... wink smile


(6 replies, posted in News)

The latest version of the DriverPacks BASE was just reviewed by and the result is of course as expected: 100% spyware/adware/virus free! wink

I would definitely appreciate it if you could rate it.



(32 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Please try this:
-add a call to cmd.exe to your presetup.cmd
-now start your compiled AutoIt script from the command line that was started by presetup.cmd
-Do you get an error similar to "This executable could not be executed."? Because that was the error I always got.

Any chance you remember the exact AutoIt error? I should have asked that immediately...

Your DPsFnshr.log looks just fine btw.


(19 replies, posted in News)

It's finally healed now! But the scar will still be visible for a VERY long time.

If anyone would like to see the pictures, I'll upload them... tongue wink


(4 replies, posted in Other)

Camarade_Tux wrote:

And why not add a message inside DP_base's GUI, when choosing method1 or method2, saying that installation will start a bit later ?
This should be obvious but as far as I'm concerned, I did not really realized that and I thought windows installation was going to fail.

IMO that should be mentioned in the manual. That manual does not yet exist, I'm aware of that, and that is indeed a major drawback currently.

But there's not much I can do about it, the software is still not finished, and it's being developed by an external person.

Indeed glad to see you back around here, gilesw smile Did you get my e-mail?


(4 replies, posted in Other)

Yes, I know. I've been working on a much improved fake setup, but it turned out that it wasn't possible to execute it at that stage.... sad neutral  I'm sure that somewhere in the coming weeks/months many improvements will be implemented wink

And thanks for the positive feedback smile

Can you please post your DPsFnshr.log?

The tutorial is just for creating an unattended installation CD, it isn't about the DriverPacks.

Can you confirm that you did slipstream DriverPack MassStorage text mode? Please post your DPs_BASE.ini and DPs_BASE.log.

It really is there, jtdoom... Just click the Profile link at the top of the forum and then you'll see your username printed there. Below that there's a link titled "Change password". Do a ctrl+f for it to make sure you don't overlook it. I agree, it can be overlooked very easily.


(1 replies, posted in Other)

Thanks! smile Enjoy your stay!