Topic: Erghhhh...

Hi all,

hfslip+nlite+DP and everything installed without problem, I couldn't believe it. smile

Thank you a lot. :x

PS: just one thing : when extracting drivers around T-39, it would be better to have a "extracting drivers, please wait" message. wink

Re: Erghhhh...

Yes, I know. I've been working on a much improved fake setup, but it turned out that it wasn't possible to execute it at that stage.... sad neutral  I'm sure that somewhere in the coming weeks/months many improvements will be implemented wink

And thanks for the positive feedback smile

Founder of —

Re: Erghhhh...

And why not add a message inside DP_base's GUI, when choosing method1 or method2, saying that installation will start a bit later ?
This should be obvious but as far as I'm concerned, I did not really realized that and I thought windows installation was going to fail.

Re: Erghhhh...

Camarade_Tux wrote:

And why not add a message inside DP_base's GUI, when choosing method1 or method2, saying that installation will start a bit later ?
This should be obvious but as far as I'm concerned, I did not really realized that and I thought windows installation was going to fail.

IMO that should be mentioned in the manual. That manual does not yet exist, I'm aware of that, and that is indeed a major drawback currently.

But there's not much I can do about it, the software is still not finished, and it's being developed by an external person.

Founder of —

Re: Erghhhh...


i wrote me some vb6 applications which could interest you wink

the first is a new setup.exe:
this is like the old one from your pack but i have written it bymyself in vb6 and it doesnt need the original setup.exe because its starting the setup api smile this one starts firs a presetup.bat from system32 and waits until its finished and the same at the end with endsetup.bat

and then i wrote a SetDevicePath.exe:
this one runns only if you start it with the folderpath to all subdirectorys which contains your extracted drivers as a parameter smile and this has own written vb6 "devcon find pci*" intus that means its not needed to use devcon to search the hwids! after collecting the hwids its searching in all *.inf contained in the subdirectories of the parameters path and add the path into the registry if a match is found!

i run it at presetup.bat and all is working really good with my wpi install. but just extracted drivers! not 7ziped. but you can run 7zip first to extract the drivers (presetup.bat)

so.. what do you say smile?