Please post your DPsFnshr.log!
401 2007-02-12 04:02:42
Re: [NEEDSREPLY] DriverPacks installation never finish (10 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
402 2007-02-12 04:01:26
Re: [NEEDSREPLY] File ATIIDE.sys caused an unexpected error (21) (1 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
There's a newer version of the BASE: version 7.01.6. Please retry using that version.
403 2007-02-12 04:00:24
Re: Can I safely remove unused drivers from the DriverPacks? (4 replies, posted in Frequently Asked Questions)
Moved to FAQ.
404 2007-02-12 03:58:01
Re: [SOLVED] Custom KTD location (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Helmi wrote:You can set it up in the advanced options.
Also, the default is no longer C:\D\, it's %SYSTEMDRIVE%\DriverPacks now (ususally C:\Windows\DriverPacks\)thanks helmi. so i'll just set it as %ProgramFiles%\DriverPacks?
That would be correct, yes:
KTDlocation = "%ProgramFiles%\DriverPacks"
405 2007-02-12 03:56:34
Re: [NO BUG] "\DPsFnshr.exe" could not be found message (2 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Strange indeed. Just open a new topic in case you manage to reproduce it!
Topic closed.
406 2007-02-12 03:55:10
Re: Help get a Virtual Private Server! (32 replies, posted in News)
Was glad to help. Hopefully this solves one big problem, and we can move on...
In regards to the nice offers to host, etc.. we run a host company, but you know what, I think the whole thing is better of if Bâshrat the Sneaky gets to do it how he wants to do it. h*ll, the man doesn't get paid for his work, I wouldn't be opposed for him running a "damn, pay me some money" chipin. I figure, let him use the VPS however he wants.
However, I would like to know what VPS provider he's going with
That's stated in the main post: WebSiteSource. If you can make a better offer, contact me!
407 2007-02-02 22:16:23
Re: [CLOSED] KB888111 (4 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Can an older driver be used that doesn't include DRM?
Nope. Compatibility & stability are more important than the illusion of "The Good" in fighting against large companies by not using anything that relies on DRM or even supports it. If you don't want DRM, uninstall Windows Media Player as well. And the codecs for it. And don't even use Windows, because they support and use DRM. And...
The point is: where will it stop? I will not sacrifice system stability for this "noble" goal.
408 2007-02-02 19:46:15
Re: Help get a Virtual Private Server! (32 replies, posted in News)
Well, as I've said to you in the past Bâshrat the Sneaky (well, a LONG time ago anyway), I'd be happy to host and/or mirror the driver packs for you on my downloads page, or maybe we could work something custom out. I was looking at your posted stats, and that's nothing compared to what my downloads site does (I think I do a bare minimum 225GB per day in downloads). But anyway, what I'm saying is that I can handle the load if needed. I have an extremely powerful server (2 actually, though one is mainly for my clients while the other is just for me) and if my ads keep doing well to help generate revenue, I can also afford more bandwidth (and faster bandwidth) if necessary. I mean I'm already paying over $850 a month for my servers and bandwidth now, what's a little more to help another community out. Please let me know if you are interested. This is a serious offer. My main site is:
Thank you very much for the offer, but as I've repeated at least 3 times now already, this is NOT about the download server, which is doing just fine, but about the *web* server, which needs faster and more reliable MySQL if I want to tie the different parts together (the forum & bugtracker and to be added: manual with wiki-like editing possibilities, driverDB (which includes filtering by OS, brand, device type and so on).
It's quite awesome what you guys have done here. Perhaps this may help solve your Virtual Private Server issue. has a pretty amazing 2 year deal for hosting: one-click installs of Drupal etc.
Good luck,
No root access there, so I wouldn't be able to install eAccelerator or set up WebDAV, for starters.
409 2007-02-02 03:22:27
Re: Seriously confused newbie wants to load driverpacks in plain BartPE (6 replies, posted in Installation Platforms)
The BASE currently does NOT support BartPE yet. We're working on that though.
410 2007-02-01 21:57:15
Re: [UNRESOLVED] DriverPacks Base 7.01.6 Critical Error (12 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Please post your DPs_BASE.ini's as well, that might help narrowing it down.
411 2007-02-01 21:46:08
Re: [UNRESOLVED] DriverPacks Base 7.01.6 Critical Error (12 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Since there's somebody else with the same issue, we'll continue the search for the cause of this bug in this topic instead of at the bugtracker issue.
I've ran a test and here it does work properly, using the latest BASE and DP MassStorage 7.01.1 with QSC enabled and a QSC for DriverPack MassStorage text mode already available... Here's my log:
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 7.01.6 initialized.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 7.01.1!
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Detected settings file "C:\lastBuild\DPs_BASE.ini".
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Windows Server 2003, Enterprise - Retail detected.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> The platform wnt5_x86-32_disc will be used (which is the 'disc' installation platform for the OS family 'wnt5_x86-32').
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2007-02-01 11:24:04 : <GUI> Set the last used language, Dutch, as the GUI language.
2007-02-01 11:24:06 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2007-02-01 11:24:06 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2007-02-01 11:24:06 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_w2k3_x86-32_disc_m2.
2007-02-01 11:24:06 : <PREP> QuickStream Cache available for DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers!
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPacks.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Deleted old method 2 related files.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dpti2o.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver adpu160m.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ALIIDE.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver hpt3xx.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver mraid35x.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac2w2k.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver dac960nt.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ultra.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored original mass storage text mode driver ql12160.sys.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPack MassStorage text mode drivers.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored \I386\winnt.sif.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored \I386\txtsetup.sif.
2007-02-01 11:24:07 : <PREP> Restored \I386\dosnet.inf.
2007-02-01 11:24:08 : <PREP> Restored original setup: method 2 was used previously.
2007-02-01 11:24:08 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2007-02-01 11:24:08 : <SLIP> Copied files necessary for method 2.
2007-02-01 11:24:09 : <SLIP> Extracted files necessary for method 2.
2007-02-01 11:24:10 : <SLIP> Deleted old presetup.cmd file from \I386.
2007-02-01 11:24:10 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2007-02-01 11:24:10 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2007-02-01 11:24:11 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2007-02-01 11:24:11 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2007-02-01 11:24:11 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DP MassStorage text mode drivers using QuickStream Cache.
2007-02-01 11:24:31 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2007-02-01 11:24:33 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2007-02-01 11:25:34 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2007-02-01 11:25:34 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2007-02-01 11:25:34 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to disable KTD.
2007-02-01 11:25:34 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2007-02-01 11:25:34 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 1 minutes and 28 seconds.
2007-02-01 11:25:55 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
2007-02-01 11:25:55 : Program terminated.
412 2007-02-01 20:50:09
Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks BASE 7.01.6 Does not Update right (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Okay, it turned out to be a redirect issue on the website. So it wasnt' a bug in the BASE It's fixed now!
413 2007-02-01 20:40:41
Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks BASE 7.01.6 Does not Update right (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Strange, I haven't touched the update mechanism since 7.01 or so, so I'm wondering why it's broken yet again. It seems this part of the BASE is one of the most sensitive ones, if you see how many times it has been patched already
I *am* able to reproduce this though!
414 2007-02-01 20:28:04
Re: Help get a Virtual Private Server! (32 replies, posted in News)
aaah, sorry mustve skipped that part. but my question still stands.. why not use a torrentlike system
To that I've also replied already Check this:
jcarle wrote:I think you should reconsider the way you offer your downloads. You're hosting in a dedicated fashion something that requires far too much bandwidth. Instead, you should run a dedicated tracker and distribute DriverPacks (including BASE and anything else available for download) via Torrents.
This would cut down on your bandwidth considerably.
- jcarle
Yes, and on the new website I'm planning to include a BitTorrent tracker similar to RyanVM's as well. But this isn't about bandwidth - this is about giving the main website new possibilities.
did you know this provider?
i have this platin version ..
or look at this
would this fit your wishes?
The server this very forum is ran from is more powerful than that one
415 2007-02-01 10:46:21
Re: [SOLVED] DriverPacks BASE 7.01.6 Does not Update right (6 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Please post the *exact* error message.
416 2007-02-01 09:48:26
Re: Looking for a good DriverPacks Tutorial... (74 replies, posted in Other)
You CAN delete the LANG folder without any problems if you don't need support for Eastern languages. I've always done so.
417 2007-02-01 09:40:44
Re: [PENDING] Windows cannot find 'DSPdsblr.exe' (22 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I see - which variable do I have to set in presetup.cmd fto point to OEM in that c:\$win_nt$.~ls?
You should contact the AutoImage developer (RogueSpear) for that, or check the AutoImage documentation, I don't know how he works around the presetup.cmd requirement when using RIS.
418 2007-02-01 09:38:36
Re: [SOLVED BUG #330] scrambled text in splash screen when eastern locale (2 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Submitted to the bugtracker: and solved!
Topic closed.
419 2007-02-01 09:26:55
Re: Help get a Virtual Private Server! (32 replies, posted in News)
no offense but the virtual server is just.. crap nothing more nothing less.
simply having ram and bandwith means nothing if you wont get the speeds required... which shared servers virtually never will for normal files. let alone files like these driverpacks.Why not use a torrentlike system? i realise some people at least would block uploads. but others would make up for the loss with ease, i for one wouldnt mind sharing some of my bandwith for a good cause
If you join the discussion, then first read all posts
mikelm wrote:
you know it ?
As I've mentioned in an earlier reply (4 posts higher than yours), this is *NOT* about bandwidth. The files will not be hosted on this VPS, but the website will, and it will allow us to add many new features and still have a snappy website
420 2007-02-01 07:11:26
Re: sil 3114r5 with version is still no go ... :-((( (10 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
The Finisher is not related to the installtion onto a SATA controller or to its driver. You'll want to modify the current DP MassStorage: replace the current SiI 3114r5 driver with yours and that should do the trick. But I suspect this is a driver conflict, so this may not be sufficient. Please report back on this issue!
421 2007-02-01 07:01:58
Re: [SOLVED BUG #334] Critical Error: Failed to CAB compress \D\M\.sys to (35 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Reported to the bugtracker: and solved!
Topic closed.
422 2007-01-29 18:09:28
Re: Help get a Virtual Private Server! (32 replies, posted in News)
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:Unfortunately I have yet to find such an option... Alternatively, you could donate directly to me and I could lower the goal.
Alright then, that worked out perfectly last time
It was only when I donated to nLite (where also $ is set instead of €) that I encountered this "problem".
I will use the link in my sig to get the money over then
The changes have been applied, as you can see Thanks!
you know it ?
As I've mentioned in an earlier reply (4 posts higher than yours), this is *NOT* about bandwidth. The files will not be hosted on this VPS, but the website will, and it will allow us to add many new features and still have a snappy website
423 2007-01-29 03:40:05
Re: About the small splash screen while DP is finshing its work (13 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
; is not recognized as boolean chracter, just "false" will do the work
Actually "false;" would be imported, i.e. "false" *and* the semi-colon, which is of course not the same as just "false" and is therefore not a boolean value.
424 2007-01-29 03:36:37
Re: Help get a Virtual Private Server! (32 replies, posted in News)
Why not a dedicated server though? You can get one for less than $70 a month from some providers (Good experiences with them my self).
Virtual private servers nearly always only give you a certain amount of resources - e.g. 50mb ram and 200mhz worth of cpu power which could end up worth than shared hosting.Not a bad idea though, at least you can install whatever you want and I suppose $70 is quite a bit more than $40. Then again paying for that $70 one yearly I'm sure you get 20% off... not sure though.
I would love to support you with this, but I don't have a lot of money at the moment.
This Virtual Private Server provides us with a minimum of 512 MB of RAM, with a burst of up to 2 GB. That's more than some Dedicated Servers And this is already with a discount, if you pay monthly, it'd cost 50 USD/month.
If it turns out that this VPS isn't sufficient, we could still move to a Dedicated Server plan, no worries.
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:And I know from experience that PayPal keeps a fee of just a couple of percents max for doing a currency conversion. Can't you use PayPal for doing the conversion somehow?
I'm not worried about the PayPal fee, there's nothing I can do anbout it.
The thing is, when paying with my CC, if I pay in another currency than €, I will be charged extra fees (some 15% of the total amount).
The mask presented on the site does not let me change the currency from $ to €, that's why I'm asking whether there is a way to setup the whole thing so that donors can chose their currency of choice.
Unfortunately I have yet to find such an option... Alternatively, you could donate directly to me and I could lower the goal.
425 2007-01-28 23:23:42
Re: Help get a Virtual Private Server! (32 replies, posted in News)
I think you should reconsider the way you offer your downloads. You're hosting in a dedicated fashion something that requires far too much bandwidth. Instead, you should run a dedicated tracker and distribute DriverPacks (including BASE and anything else available for download) via Torrents.
This would cut down on your bandwidth considerably.
- jcarle
Yes, and on the new website I'm planning to include a BitTorrent tracker similar to RyanVM's as well. But this isn't about bandwidth - this is about giving the main website new possibilities.