(12 replies, posted in News)

mr_smartepants was very generous with his time by regularly updating these packs for more than a couple of years, up until about a year ago.
  Unfortunately, his time was constrained by certain "RL" factors and was unable to continue.
    In the current climate of economic depression few really can afford to invest the large amounts time required to do a competent and comprehensive job like he did.
      Putting food on the table takes precedence (hopefully uncontaminated).

Also, a large percentage of people have focused on tablets and those stuporing "smart"phones.
    Greed and self-interest may have also been factors, loosely akin to "Tragedy of the Commons".

Still waiting to hear back from anybody concerning a possible NT6 driverpack collaboration.
It's almost been a month since the following was posted, with no reply.

"Why not inquire to bigfoot, what may need be done?
  Is it not better to work in collaboration than it is to stumble about in competition?

A collaboration would allow for more participation from others, if agreed by bigfoot.

Let us not step upon his toes.

Remember the etimology of the acronym "T.E.A.M."
    That is, "Together Everyone Achieves More"!"

     quoted from:  http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 643#p52643

Unfortunately, it seems that my potential participation may be incredibly difficult, as my time becomes further constrained.

  Yet i digress.

bigfoot has some updated NT6 x64 packs available in that section of this forum.

If you are looking for NT5 drivers, check each NT5 subheading for updated driverpacks.
For example:  DriverPacks.net Forum --> DriverPack Chipset --> [Nightlies] DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_1304-1308 - Public

Babyboy made updated DP_Graphics NT5 driver updates possible via his generous donation of time and fearless dedication in testing potential updates.  To him and especially mr_smartepants, OverFlow and Bâshrat the Sneaky, i owe a great debt of gratitude.
  Without any one of those aforementioned people, progress would have been impossible.

"Smile!  It can confuse certain biometrics."     smile

Known Issue:  Note that ICH9R-AHCI and up render a STOP $7B "INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE" Bluescreen, before partitioning on a DP's-integrated Win2k as there exists no official support from Intel.

No such luck with Win2k.  Tried with nt5 packs (DP_Misc - successfully integrated w. DPs_BASE) and tried without.
  At first it complained about installing as Administrator, so i created a new profile.

This was the result:


*                   Which uses  DriverPacks
*                   Not currently supported
                     Please exit the program now 

Press any key to continue . . . 

XP has a different message for me when no packs are included.

Strange... The DriverPacks were not found in D:\temp\SAD3-130830\NT5\x86

Press any key to exit...

Whether or not you fix this, I still thank you mr_smartepants!     smile


(19 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)

Can you confirm that the new "LenLan.inf" works on a regular NT5 install (from DP_Lan\AX\ not from the plugins), tpwc?

Any feedback is appreciated.

The NT5 Display pack is only available in the NT5 Testing Team forum.
  This pack has the potential to physically destroy some displays and very little testing feedback has been received.  I have manually checked each driver for what would seem to be wildly incorrect timings, and there have been a few.  Some were even WHQL'ed, IIRC.

"If your Display is sRGB compatible, you need no profile associated (maybe use Windows' built-in sRGB profile)"

      Therefore, this pack is being held back, as the potential harm is far greater than any potential benefit.
Testers are needed to validate this and other packs.

edit:  I remember you, Us2002.
            You are one of this pack's progenitors.     http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=587
               I have credited you in this packs' changelogs.


compstuff, mindwarper, (mr_smartepants), muiz, (OverFlow), SamLab.ws, TechDud, Us2002, Wo Wo your hands

If you are not already on the Testing Team, I recommend you be granted access (pending Admin approval).
  If you are granted access, please post some testing results at your convenience for the current NT5 Nightlies in the NT5 Testing forum, if agreed (Aug 2013 - DP_Graphics, Chipset, MassStorage, LAN, wLAN, Sound, etc.).  I hope you can finish this pack, as my time is now severely limited.

Thank you for your past contributions, and welcome back.
I look forward to your feedback.     smile

What are your thoughts on this topic?

I have that on line 212.  Will report back in a day, after some tests.
  Had included some ATi 2k drivers in DP_Graphics_wnt5 earlier.
    It would be good to see that everything is copacetic.

  Assigning this topic "5 llamas out of 5"!!!
    That reminds me of WinAmp's slogan! - "It really whips the llama's ass!" * Apologies Wim.      tongue

You might consider updating this topic's label concerning OS level.     smile

This is the only driver software i ever want to run, other than DPs_BASE.
  There are very few other "open source" and free projects that i know of.

Everything else is "mystery-meat" to me!  "Where's the beef?"

*  note:  No llamas were harmed in the creation of this post.

Not working with Win2k.
  I will edit this post later to relay the latest revision that does, so that nobody need waste more time on a dead OS.


(19 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)

Hallo und Grüße!!

He would need to edit the .Ini within DP_LAN, as the WDF-based drivers are disabled for PE to allow the included plugins to (hopefully) work.


; BartPE Code
ms_count	= 0


; BartPE Code
ms_count	= 0


; BartPE Code
ms_count	= 3


; BartPE Code
ms_count	= 2

-U3\ (BartPE-USB3-Wdf-Plugins_untested.7z) for Fresco Logic & VIA USB 3.0
        - thanks to cdob and Damnation for pioneering this procedure
           see http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 826#p49826
            and  http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php? … p;p=172598

   including VIA USB 3.0 Controller/Hub, VIA USB Attached SCSI (UAS/UASP) Mass Storage Device and Fresco Logic USB 3.0 .

Fresco FL1000/FL1009/FL1100/FL1400 Controller/Hub updated to {DriverVer=07/03/2013,}

Updated Intel Chipset drivers, FTDI VCP/D2xx USB-Serial drivers & Prolific PL2303 USB to Serial drivers.
   Also added some Red Hat Inc. Virtual drivers.

Included AMD PowerNow! Technology for Win2k and utility.

See first post.     smile

Updated "Virty Bits" and included STORPORT-based VMware PVSCSI Controller.
  VMware VMSCSI Controller is enabled in textmode for 2k though 2k3,
      for those virtually concerned with such things.

The new Intel "eye-candy" drivers are updated.

-I\6\(RST iaStor2.cat is WHQL'ed for NT6.0 - no complete generic version WHQL'ed for NT5 yet found
  This seems to be the case of almost every single download for that version of RST, except one AFAIK.
     replaced iaAHCI.cat & iaStorNull.cat with Security Catalogs for NT5
       at least the executable is Digitally Signed.

Updated Intel RST Enterprise C600 Series SATA AHCI-RAID (W2k3) &
   added RST 12.8 (non-NT5 WHQL) for potential 8086:8C02,8C03,9C02,9C03
      "Intel(R) 8 Series SATA AHCI Controllers" W2k3 textmode support.
         An updated oROM may or may not be necessary.

Additional USB-Floppy & USB CD/DVD textmode support list for txtsetup.sif is included (manual edit required).

Path-length has been stunted somewhat, too.

See first post.

Experimental WDF plugins in first post.

  Also added Win2k Intel drivers, added Intel AMT, updated Red Hat Virty Bits and updated LenLan.inf.

The above "Known Issue" is now a moot issue.

Added Win2k drivers for Ricoh, and HP Accelerometer to prevent "bluescreens".

Exported all SmartCard Reader drivers to their own pack.

(itecir.inf) changed references in .Inf from CIRCoInst.dll (NT6) to WdfCoInstaller01005.dll
Removed -W\ (wbondir.inf) & (winbondcir.inf) Winbond HID CIR - NT6-min
Added registry info for Nuvoton/Winbond CIR.

     ... amongst other changes.

Updated in first post.     smile

AuthenTec TruePrint AES1610/1660/2501B/2550/2660/2665/2810  {DriverVer=08/01/2011,}
is working now.     smile


DP_SmartCard_wnt5_x86-32_1308271 - Cumulative Changelog:

(based upon DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_1201)

For any DriverPack-SmartCard NT5-related issue:
- start a new Topic @ http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewforum.php?id=13

-A\ (a38ccid.inf) Advanced Card Systems (ACS) CCID USB SCR  {DriverVer=01/17/2013,}
    (a38usamp.inf) ACS ACR38 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=11/03/2009,}
    (a38usb.inf) ACS ACR38 USB Smart Card Reade  {DriverVer=09/18/2012,}
    (a83usb.inf) ACS ACR83 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=06/07/2010,}
    (acr10X.inf) ACS ACR100/ACR101/ACR102 ICC Reader  {DriverVer=01/19/2011,}
    (acr30up.inf) ACS ACR30U USB Smart Card  {DriverVer=02/19/2010,}
    (acr33.inf) ACS ACR33 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=08/23/2011,}
    (acr88.inf) ACS ACR88 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=10/15/2007,}
    (acr89.inf) ACS ACR89 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=02/16/2012,}
    (acr90wdm.inf) ACS ACR90 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=01/19/2004,}
    (acr91wdm.inf) ACS ACR91 PC/SC PCMCIA  {DriverVer=04/01/2004,}
    (acr92.inf) ACS ACR92 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer= 12/04/2007,}
    (acr122.inf) ACS ACR122 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=10/10/2012,}
    (acr128.inf) ACS ACR128 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=06/30/2010,}
    (acr1222.inf) ACS ACR1222 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=01/24/2012,}
    (acr1251.inf) ACS ACR1251 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=03/06/2013,}
    (acr1281.inf) ACS ACR1281 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=10/19/2012,}
    (acr1283.inf) ACS ACR1283 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=03/20/2012,}
    (acr3801.inf) ACS ACR3801 Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=06/17/2009,}
    (acrsercp.inf) ACS ACR30SP Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=08/14/2007,}
    (acscm.inf) ACS CryptoMate  {DriverVer=12/06/2011,}
    (aet62.inf) ACS AET62 PICC Reader  {DriverVer=12/16/2010,}
    (aet63p.inf) ACS AET63 BioTRUSTKey  {DriverVer=05/28/2008,}
    (aet65.inf) ACS AET65 ICC Reader  {DriverVer=11/30/2010,}
    (apg8201.inf) ACS APG8201 Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=03/05/2013,}
-AI\ (akspcsc.inf) ActivIdentity Virtual PC/SC  {DriverVer=05/02/2007,}
-Al\ Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=08/15/2012,}
-At\ (UsbReader.inf) Athena ASEKey/eToken J  {DriverVer=10/27/2009,}
     (VirtSCR.INF) Athena ASEKey Virtual SC Reader  {DriverVer=10/27/2009,}
-B\ Broadcom Smart Card Reader Filter  {DriverVer=09/23/2008,}
    Broadcom USH ControlVault WBDI Device  {DriverVer=08/09/2012,6.1.7600.16385}
-Cr\ HID Global Crescendo C1150 Smart Card  {DriverVer=01/15/2013,}
     HID Global Crescendo C200 Smart Card  {DriverVer=07/12/2007,}
-E\ (ESCR7SK.inf) ENE PCI Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=12/20/2002,1.03.00}
-G\ (GCR550-D.inf) Gemalto GCR5500-D Virtual Comm port  {DriverVer=08/04/2008,}
    (gcr.inf) Gemalto Sealys Vitale/Santé  {DriverVer=11/23/2009,}
    (Gemalto.MiniDriver.IDPrime.inf) Gemalto IDPrime Smartcard  {DriverVer=01/10/2013,}
    (GemScope.inf) Gemalto-GIE SESAM-Vitale GemScope/GCR730 Virtual Comm port  {DriverVer=03/26/2007,6.0.2600.1}
    (GemSealP.INF) Gemplus Gem e-Seal Pro USB Token  {DriverVer=11/15/2005,}
    (gemser.inf) Gemplus GemPC410 Serial Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=06/25/2003,}
    (gemusb.inf) Gemplus GemPC430 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=12/04/2001,}
    (GKUPRO2D.INF) Dell Smart Card Reader Keyboard  {DriverVer=10/29/2012,}
    (MDE_MiniDriver_x86.inf) Gemalto Classic MDE Smart Card  {DriverVer= 11/21/2007,}
-G\1\ (Gr433s.inf) Gemplus GemPC433 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=08/11/2003,}
-H\ (HPKBSC.inf) HP Modular USB Smartcard Keyboard  {DriverVer=03/06/2012,}
    (STCDFU.inf) SCM Microsystems STCII/STC3 DFU Adapters (for USB SC-KB)  {DriverVer=11/13/2008,2.02}
-L\ lenovo Integrated Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=08/16/2012,}
-M\ Microsoft USB CCID Smart Card reader  {DriverVer=08/01/2006,5.2.3790.2724}
    Microsoft Usbccid Smartcard Reader (WUDF)  {DriverVer=12/04/2008,6.0.6001.18176}
-O\ (cxbu1wdm.inf) HID Global USB CCID Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=02/02/2012,}
    (cxdonwdm.inf) HID Global OmniKey CardMan 6121  {DriverVer=01/21/2010,}
    (okcfgx86.inf) HID Global OmniKey 2061 Bluetooth  {DriverVer=03/12/2010,}
    HID OMNIKEY Workbench V1.4.0.1 x86
-O\E\ HID Global OMNIKEY 55x3 Reader (USB)  {DriverVer = 05/02/2011,}
-R\ (rismc32.inf) RICOH Card-Bay SmartCard Reader  {DriverVer=03/09/2007,}
-Sn\ SafeNet Sentinel SuperPro/UltraPro/HardwareKey USB Token  {DriverVer=12/10/2012,}
-U\ (MHIKEY10.INF) CHTL UT360 Generic USB smartcard reader  {DriverVer=03/03/2008,}

-AC\ to AI\ (ActivCard/ActivIdentity/ActivKey)
-B1\ to B\, O\ to O2\ (O2Micro)
-G\ to G\2\ ctbus.* & PnpGemprox.* GemProx bus enumerator/PnpGemprox Smart Card Reader
-O1\ through O9\ & OA\ through OD\ to O\1\ through O\D\ (OmniKey)
-R\ to R\1\ (rismc.inf) RICOH Card-Bay SmartCard Reader  {DriverVer=07/20/2009,1.12}
-SC\ to S\ (SCM)
-TO\ to G\1\ (AgmIIUsb.inf) Todos Data System Smartcard Reader Argos Mini II
-W2\ to  W\ (Winbond)

Moved to G\1\:
-G\ (gemser.inf) Gemplus GemPC410 Serial Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=08/18/2003,}
     (gemusb.inf) Gemplus GemPC430 USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=08/11/2003,}

Moved to O\:
-O\8\ (cxbu0wdm.inf) OmniKey CardMan xx21, SmartBoard/SmartTerminal xx44
-O\A\ (cxbp0wdm.inf) OmniKey CardMan 4040
-O\C\ (cxru0wdm.inf) OmniKey CardMan 5x21/5x25
-S\ (cxbu1wdm.inf) OmniKey USB CCID SmartCard Reader

-G\ (R20V2W2K.INF) SchlumbergerSema Reflex 20 V2 Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=12/18/2002,}
     (R20V3.INF) SchlumbergerSema Reflex 20 V3 Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=12/05/2003,}
          - SchlumbergerSema Reflex 20 HWID's exist in S\SCR24X.inf  {DriverVer= 05/21/2009,1.28}
     (Reflexxp.inf) SchlumbergerSema Reflex USB Lite Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=09/01/2002,}
          - SchlumbergerSema Reflex HWID exists in A\acr30up.inf  {DriverVer=02/19/2010,}

-A\SmartUSB.* ActivCard SmartReader  {DriverVer = 07/31/2006,}
          - v1.0.5.0 was WHQL'ed for NT6.0, now WHQL'ed for NT5.1/5.2

-AI\ ActivKey Display/Sim/USB Reader v4 to {DriverVer=12/13/2010,}
-At\ (ASEDriveKB/ASEDriveUSB > ASEDRV3.inf) Athena ASEDrive IIIe to {DriverVer=07/18/2011,}
-B\ Broadcom USH CV (Dell ControlVault) to {DriverVer=10/04/2012,6.1.7600.20212}
-C\ Castles Technology EZUSB PC/SC Smart Card Reader to {DriverVer=03/15/2011,}
-G\ (eGate.inf > eGateUSB.inf) Axalto e-gate USB Smart Card  {DriverVer=05/09/2007,}
    (GemCCID.inf) Gemalto Gemplus CCID Smart Card Reader to {DriverVer=02/22/2013,}
    (GemproxXU.inf>proxpu_cu.inf) Gemalto Prox-PU/CU PC/SC Contactless Reader {DriverVer=02/24/2009,}
    (gpccard.inf) Gemplus GemPC Card Smart Card Reader to {DriverVer=05/26/2009,}
    (GPinPad.inf) Gemplus GemPC Pinpad USB Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=06/08/2009,}
-O\ (cxbp0wdm.inf) OmniKey CardMan 4040  {DriverVer=12/05/2011,}
    (cxbu0wdm.inf) OmniKey CardMan xx21, SmartBoard/SmartTerminal xx44  {DriverVer=03/04/2013,}
    (cxbu1wdm.inf) HID Global USB CCID Smart Card Reader  {DriverVer=02/02/2012,}
    (cxru0wdm.inf) OmniKey CardMan 5x21/5x25/63x1  {DriverVer=06/04/2013,}
    OKDiagnosticTool to V2.4.0.5
-O2\ o2Micro OZ776 USB CCID Smartcard Reader to {DriverVer = 01/20/2012,}
-RT\ Realtek USB Smartcard Reader to {DriverVer=05/02/2012,6.1.7601.33044}
-S\ SCM Microsystems SCR24x SmartCard Reader  {DriverVer= 05/21/2009,1.28}
          - Updated Security Catalog
    SCM Microsystems/Identive SCR3xx SmartCard Reader to {DriverVer=12/06/2012,}

Previous Changelogs (by various maintainers):
20081019 - Updated  (RogueSpear)
 - Merged with DP_Misc

v80228    (Jinkazama)
Added AI\1    Activeidentity ActivCard Smart
      O2\1    O2Micro FlashMedia Disk Device
        O2Micro Integrated MS/MSPRO Controller
        O2Micro Integrated MMC/SD controller
        O2Micro SD Disk Device
      RE\1    Realtek Generic Win2K/XP Multi-lun USB Mass Storage Driver
      SC\1    SCM Microsystems Inc.SCR33x USB Smart Card Reader
        SCR333 Internal Smart Card Reader
        SCR335 USB Smart Card Reader
        SCR3310 USB Smart Card Reader
        SCR3320 USB Smart Card Reader
        Expresscard USB SIM Card Reader
        SCR3340 - ExpressCard54 Smart Card Reader
        SCR3340 ExpressCard Reader
        SCR3311 USB Smart Card Reader
        SCR35xx USB Smart Card Reader
        SCR338 USB Keyboard Smart Card Reader
        SCR3xx USB SmartCardReader
        SCR3xx USB SmartCardReader64
      T\2    Texas Instruments PCIxx21 Integrated FlashMedia Controller
      TO\1    Todos Data System AB Argos Mini II
      W\2    Winbond Memory Stick Storage (MS) Device Driver
        Winbond Smartcard Reader
        Winbond (MS/SD/MMC) Storage

7.09.5 - Debugger

- \W\2 Winbond Smartcard Reader moved in SmartCardReader DP by request of JakeLD

-\W\1 - Winbond Smartcard Reader, 04/24/2002, 1.8.2002.0424 (moved from DP_Misc) (Debugger)
-O\4040 - Omnikey CardMan 4040, 10/11/2004, (Debugger)

DP_SmartCard_wnt5_x86-32_1308271.7z - 51 MB   3b3736b16f6bdc7e87109cd520b70f2805bee3ec
DP_SmartCard_wnt5_x86-32_1308271.CRC     big_smile

- For the latest nightly, see the end of this topic
- Use Mitja Perko's CDCheck (free for personal use - business 30day trial) or similar to verify sha1 crc values.


DP_Modem_wnt5_x86-32_1308151.7z - 31.8 MB   04fdb1a084cca7fa4f383bd6db5d2fc101d607e5     big_smile

*edit:  link removed - updated below


(19 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)

I'll upload what i have immediately.
  Plugins exist in DP_LAN for five WDF drivers, and three in DP_Chipset for VIA & Fresco Logic (updated).
    I wonder though, if all that is needed is simply a single WDF plugin, combined with changes to the .Ini's.

        I hope i have credited cdob (and Damnation) appropriately.

    The plugins, in this form, are untested and marked as such.
  You will find each pack in their respective forum topics.

My apologies for any delay, the changelogs were the toughest nut to crack.

edit:  Ah, now i remember the relevance of 8.3 naming conventions.
          cdob advised that may be necessary should 8.3 filename generation be disabled.
            As for whether that is relevant in PE, IDK.

Note:  UBCD is linux-based, IIRC.

That's a loss of a family member.  Dogs are highly interactive.

That would be here --> http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 586#p51586, IIRC.

It would seem that cdob beat us to the punch long ago!

It may have started with this post by Damnation.

Damnation wrote:

"I've only been testing with a VM, but it seems that the Fresco and VIA drivers are happy without WDFLDR and WDF01000 being referenced in txtsetup.sif at all! (weird?)

Seems like that Fresco/VIA are happy with WDFLDR.sys and WDF01000.sys simply being present in the I386 folder

txtsetup.sif and sys files


If this works, Can DP BASE compress and add sys files to I386 folder without adding unnecessary entries to txtsetup.sif?"

cdob wrote:
; PE Builder v3 plug-in INF file
; created by cdob


Signature= "$Windows NT$"

Name="driver: VIA USB eXtensible Host Controller"


;extracted with 7-zip from file - WdfCoInstaller01009.dll:
;Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Install-v1.9-Win2k-WinXP-Win2k3.exe

;USB Host Controller
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","xhcdrv.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","BusExtenders.Load","xhcdrv", "xhcdrv.sys"
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_9201", " ""xhcdrv"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3432", " ""xhcdrv"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","PCI\VEN_1106&DEV_3483", " ""xhcdrv"""

;USB Root Hub
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","ViaHub3.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","BusExtenders.Load","ViaHub3", " "ViaHub3.sys""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VIA_ROOT_HUB", " ""ViaHub3"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","VUSB3\CLASS_09", " ""ViaHub3"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","VUSB2\CLASS_09", " ""ViaHub3"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","VUSB1\CLASS_09", " ""ViaHub3"""

;Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","wdfldr.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","wdf01000.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","BootBusExtenders.Load","wdf01000", "wdf01000.sys"
"txtsetup.sif","BootBusExtenders","wdf01000", " ""Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime"",files.none,wdf01000"

       Quoted from: http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php? … p;p=172598

flyagaric wrote:

"Could you guys confirm that it really is working?"

cdob wrote:

"Yes, it's working. Because used USB SATA adapter is limited to SATA1 only, speed is limited to 150 mb per second."

Good work, cdob!

I'd like to ask Damnation's question for him again.
"Can DP BASE compress and add sys files to I386 folder without adding unnecessary entries to txtsetup.sif?"

It'd sure be cool to eliminate the need for plugins or lacking textmode support for crucial WDF devices.


(19 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)

Here's another prospective plugin:

; PE Builder v3 plug-in INF file
; created by cdob (for VIA USB 3.0), modified by TechDud for ASIX USB 2.0 LAN

; ASIX AX88772B/772C including Lenovo USB 2.0 Ethernet Adapter

Signature= "$Windows NT$"

Name="driver: ASIX AX88772B USB2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter"


;extracted with 7-zip from file - WdfCoInstaller01009.dll:
;Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Install-v1.9-Win2k-WinXP-Win2k3.exe

"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","ax88772b.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","BusExtenders.Load","ax88772b", "ax88772b.sys"
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_0B95&PID_772B&REV_0001", " ""ax88772b"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_0B95&PID_772B&REV_0002", " ""ax88772b"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_0B95&PID_7E2B&REV_0001", " ""ax88772b"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_17EF&PID_7203", " ""ax88772b"""
;Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","wdfldr.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","wdf01000.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","BootBusExtenders.Load","wdf01000", "wdf01000.sys"
"txtsetup.sif","BootBusExtenders","wdf01000", " ""Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime"",files.none,wdf01000"

How can i package these?  It would be good to have them available for all 5 effected drivers.
  edit: found tutorials.  down to modifying the .Inf files

With the idea of using PE Plugins for those LAN drivers that use WdfCoInstaller01009.dll, it would seem that they should be disabled in the .Ini.

; BartPE Code
ms_count	= 0
; use a WDF PE plugin for these drivers

ms_1_tag	= "ax88178a"
ms_1_sysfile	= "ax88178a.sys"
ms_1_exc_skipIfOS	= "w2k,wxp,w2k3"

ms_2_tag	= "ax88772"
ms_2_sysfile	= "ax88772.sys"
ms_2_exc_skipIfOS	= "w2k,wxp,w2k3"

ms_3_tag	= "ax88772b"
ms_3_sysfile	= "ax88772b.sys"
ms_3_exc_skipIfOS	= "w2k,wxp,w2k3"


; BartPE Code
ms_count	= 0
; use a WDF PE plugin for these drivers

ms_1_tag	= "lan9500"
ms_1_sysfile	= "lan9500.sys"
ms_1_exc_skipIfOS	= "w2k,wxp,w2k3"

ms_2_tag	= "lan7500"
ms_2_sysfile	= "lan7500.sys"
ms_2_exc_skipIfOS	= "w2k,wxp,w2k3"

Is this correct?
    Is it also true that 8.3 file-naming conventions must be observed?

Please help to finish this.  I do credit by those that assist or pioneer solutions.


(19 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)

edit:           It would seem a plugin would be more effective here with less overhead.
               See:  http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php? … p;p=172598

cdob already has a working plugin with wdfldr.sys included for VIA USB 3.0 PE support.  That should work for Fresco Logic controllers with some minor modifications.

How hard would it be to shoehorn in the file references you need for a custom plugin?
  Maybe something like this:

; PE Builder v3 plug-in INF file
; created by cdob (for VIA USB 3.0), modified by TechDud for ASIX USB 2.0/3.0 LAN

; ASIX AX88179/178A

Signature= "$Windows NT$"

Name="driver: ASIX AX88179/178A USB 3.0/2.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"


;extracted with 7-zip from file - WdfCoInstaller01009.dll:
;Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Install-v1.9-Win2k-WinXP-Win2k3.exe

"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","ax88178a.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","BusExtenders.Load","ax88178a", "ax88178a.sys"
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_0B95&PID_1790", " ""ax88178a"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_0B95&PID_178A", " ""ax88178a"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_0DF6&PID_0072", " ""ax88178a"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_17EF&PID_304B", " ""ax88178a"""
"txtsetup.sif","HardwareIdsDatabase","USB\VID_0930&PID_0A13", " ""ax88178a"""
;Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","wdfldr.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","SourceDisksFiles","wdf01000.sys", "1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4"
"txtsetup.sif","BootBusExtenders.Load","wdf01000", "wdf01000.sys"
"txtsetup.sif","BootBusExtenders","wdf01000", " ""Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime"",files.none,wdf01000"



(19 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)


Upon review of my "LenLan.inf" file, it would appear that i have made some amateurish mistakes.
  First, i neglected to comment-out the .cat file.
    Second, I should have stuck with the string variable %AX88772B.DeviceDesc% instead of %LenLan.DeviceDesc%.
      Thirdly, I didn't modify the variables for all languages to read the following:

AX88772B.DiskName = "Lenovo USB 2.0 Ethernet Adapter Driver Diskette"
AX88772B.DeviceDesc = "Lenovo USB 2.0 Ethernet Adapter"

My apologies.

edit:  Additionally, it would seem that the entries in DP_Lan.ini may be incorrect as well.

; BartPE Code
ms_count	= 2
ms_1_tag	= "ax88179"
ms_1_sysfile	= "ax88179_178a.sys"
ms_1_exc_skipIfOS	= "w2k,wxp,w2k3"

ms_2_tag	= "ax88772b"
ms_2_sysfile	= "ax88772b.sys"
ms_2_exc_skipIfOS	= "w2k,wxp,w2k3"

I would like to see this set up so that you have the greatest odds of success.

If anybody with more experience with network installs could weigh in, i would be most appreciative.
  The skipIfOS= variable has me puzzled.

edit:  if only "ms_1_sysfile2 = "wdfldr.sys"" could be added for both.

Thank you Chief!

Sadly, it would seem that "Chipzilla" has botched the Win2k USB 2.0 drivers again.
  I wonder what else they might have missed.     hmm


(1 replies, posted in Other)

SamLab has several gig or so of printer drivers.


(19 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)

It would seem that the source need be modified to include KMDF v1.9 files (and registry entries??).
  Part of the execution of the main library is to check the registry and file existence, if i remember correctly.
    This would be much easier if there was either a BartPE/UBCD4Win or RVMi plugin available.
      Damnation and cdob pioneered an effort for textmode KMDF support in the following quoted link.
        Unfortunately, i don't know if any specific instructions were written to show exactly how to accomplish this.
          It certainly seems that it has been accomplished previously.

Additionally, i wonder if the new "LenLan.inf" works on it's corresponding hardware.
  I cannot test that.

Also, it may be true that ax88179_178a.sys and associated files need be renamed, and references to files in the .Inf altered to reflect the changes for textmode to function properly.
  (See DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_1308132\D\M\U3\Etron*.*)

mr_smartepants wrote:

"they exceed the 8.3 DOS filename restriction for textmode to work..."
     http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 308#p49308