I got back from Spain.
What's the status on hyperion 5.18?
276 2008-06-21 22:05:57
Re: INTEL Matrix Storage Manager & VIA Hyperion Pro 5.17a (40 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
277 2008-06-21 18:55:55
Re: Hash failure (1 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
I was abroad.
I checked the files I uploaded and put the correct values in the changelog file.
278 2008-06-11 12:57:46
Re: [IMPL] ICPlus IP1000A Gigabit Ethernet NIC driver update (4 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
I downloaded the driver yesterday and hoped to get it in a release before I go on holiday.
I wrote that joke after I got the driver (the comma after html.. that got us to taiwnanese/chinese language page for it.)
If this is urgent, sorry, I won't be here 12th. to 21st.
BUT... there are other team members working on a testpack.
279 2008-06-11 06:22:42
Re: Got LAN DriverPack working on BartPE (75 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
I do not know what OP is short for, but I most definately agree with Jeff.
He was//IS coding to get PE/UBCD4Winn support for a very difficult driverpack.
Yesterday I was looking at the HWIDs spotlight readout for the current LAN. (This was a scan of DriverPack LAN only) and I compared the findings to what I had described in the NVIDIA LAN topic downloadble files.
I put ALL original NVIDIA LAN drivers in a package, and had hoped people would help us puzzle together the best combo for all.
Yesterday, I think I saw two wrong combo choices.
The file is still there, the txt about two matching or singulars is a guide.
When I worked through 22 driver sets, I probably made mistakes.
There is ONE guy complaining about LAN, but I am not going to say he is a lone crusader.
Jeff would not like better than the LAN set for disc install be perfect before he can code the rules, and one of the problems he faces is that there is huge 'official' lan overlap in official nvidia lan drivers, and ' "not to be taken lightly" ' they usually use same same name in systemfiles.
WE, we dream of getting a rules based install so we don't have to care (much) about which driver we add.
An update would be an update.
I challenge you all to look at LAN NVIDIA official set of drivers, and please, DO help us figure out why they need so much attention from team.
Oh, you can be a gifted watson and not be in our team, but I can tell you that I was a watson before I learned to be Dr. watson.
I am not Holmes.
280 2008-06-11 05:49:36
Re: [IMPL] Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset Family (22 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)
hehe.. we get unnofficial testers reporting on test versions, and they start helping us by helping those with same problem.
(And, by GOD, Krige had to be shown the lights, but he learns this quite fast..).
Compare the results like a scientist would.
If you can use same Same hardware, and if on this hardware there were NO problems with officially released DriverPacks, and there are issues with a new testpack testbuild we want to KNOW.
Of course we want to know about issues about officially released DriverPacks, and we want to know what you did to fix the issue (which driver you used to solve the issue, a link to it..)
I have often said I like to use the NOOB approach.
When I have to test a DriverPacks testpack, I run a live test on a testplank I know I had issues with.
It goes live with an autopartition, autoformat, and 22 minutes later I know about 'holes' or "whole".
after I see 'whole", do not think I don't look further. I run the testplank through tests (but I don't always use hibernation.. I don't buy laptops for testing. I test on the hardware I have available and I kept quite a few difficult 'crapola' motherboards to test on.
((which means I am in breach of an agreement. We asked the testers they do NOT personally invest in testing materials..))
281 2008-06-10 10:22:38
Re: [REQ] Intel LAN v17.1a drivers (88 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
e1e6032.INF is for Vista and server 2008 32 bit versions.
It sure looks like we can drop the i3\folder into the bitbin.
282 2008-06-10 10:05:54
Re: SigmaTel STAC9205 (23 replies, posted in Software)
we'll need the HWID for that sound chip
(you can run the HWID tool in one of these laptops, and copy the relevant txt to an USB stick.)
283 2008-06-10 09:50:11
Re: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600 not properly recognized (18 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
Thanks for the test report.
Can you use the 'older' but official release and tell us if that one works correct or not?
I know you are still quite new to this, but we appreciate the reports.
Updating DriverPacks is often not as easy as people think.
284 2008-06-10 09:39:36
Re: [REL] DP Modem v8.05 [updated to 8.06 by team] (16 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
it was actually called A\8 and content got merged to a same version variant.
((merged A\8 into AC\21 (abdou had asked about what to do with it.))
285 2008-06-10 06:51:04
Re: [IMPL] Attansic L1 driver (20 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
I am looking at the LAN pack again. (did a new HWIDs readout and looking at requests.)
286 2008-06-10 06:22:59
Re: [IMPL] ICPlus IP1000A Gigabit Ethernet NIC driver update (4 replies, posted in DriverPack LAN)
we knew it, We really knew it.
In Russia some excavation was going on, and 50 yards deep they come across copper wires.
They sent people to look at this and concluded that over 600 years ago they had copper based networks.
You just said that in taiwan they had LAN some 2005 years ago.
Tthe americans dug too, and in one of the deep digs they find glass fibres. They now clain they had fibre optic networks about 4000 years ago.
Over here.. we have really deep digs and mines, and when the russians and americans boasted about the finds we started looking too.
We found NOTHING.. no copper, no glass fiber, and the experts now say that we had wireless networks at least 8000 years ago.
287 2008-06-10 06:06:07
Re: Change in directory structure? (10 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
spotlight05... on the WLAN pack. Look closely and see it misses a few broadcoms.
prove it to yourself, download a couple recent broadcom drivers, and then scan them.
(by the way, I use a dragdrop version of the cmd script. As a fallback I also used a SED script (which is what we developed first.))
288 2008-06-09 22:49:27
Re: Intel AHCI Issue (63 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
There is a testpack for mass and chipset.
289 2008-06-09 08:25:51
Re: Change in directory structure? (10 replies, posted in DriverPack WLAN)
This is like a wishlist with super generics in reference drivers.
We've seen that generics and super generics can cause trouble, and we may never find out what we could use for real reference driver.
What did you use to collect the HWIDS?
We have two tools, and neither are perfect.
290 2008-06-09 08:04:52
Re: [REL] DP Modem v8.05 [updated to 8.06 by team] (16 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
19,1 MB (20.124.331 bytes)
MD5 hash 564abf9881fbbbb2de4fac91e727501c
Made corrections in supported hardware list.
Device list had reference to empty AC\2 folder. (AC\2 was covered by AC\4 (same version))
removed A4\ (covered by AC\49)
removed AC\22 (covered by more recent driver in AC\4)
removed AC\35 (covered by same version in AC\36)
removed AC\47 (covered by newer in AC\21)
removed AC\54 (covered by more recent in AC\21)
merged A\8 into AC\21 (abdou had asked about what to do with it.)
removed files from C\5\ (files in C\6 were duplicated in C\5\)
disabled PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24C6 generic in M\2
C\19\ CXT HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 10/16/2006,
C\20\ CXT HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 03/16/2006,
C\21 (Windows Update) conexant AC97 SoftV92 SmartSpeakerphone Modem, 11/11/2003,
C\22 (windows update) conexant AC97 SoftV92 Data Fax Modem with SmartCP, 12/08/2004,
A\5 added an INF file for toshiba laptop.
previous version;
805; by abdou
A\8 - Agere HDA Modem for Acer aspire 5315, 03/09/2007,
C\18 - Conexant Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP for sony vaio VGN-FZ18E, 10/24/2006,
291 2008-06-09 04:12:22
Re: [REL] DP Modem v8.05 [updated to 8.06 by team] (16 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)
Hi abdou.
When you first posted about the ACER driver you mentioned that you was not sure about how to deal with it.
A\08 can indeed be dropped into AC\21
I am still working on modem, (have a few REQUESTS I want to look at too) but have a temporary list with changes.
Today I built a new worksheet.. did a new spotlight scan, and used that in excell 2007.. (works easier than excell 2000.)
EDIT, The result is below
292 2008-06-08 12:46:08
Re: Update Adaptec/ICP/IBM/AOC/SUN RAID Drivers to Ver. (16 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
& JsE
if you are looking for a 'link to latest testpack', there is a sticky in forum which has a link to the relevant topic..
The title sometimes changes, the sticky gets updated when new work warrants it.
293 2008-06-08 12:37:04
Re: [IMPL] Intel Matrix Storage v8.6.0.1007 10/12/2008 (117 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
8.06C (06 June 2008)
MD5 hash 86516c2970912b1b0a4a0589f48fdf11
'[I3] Intel Maxtrix Storage 09/29/2007,, keep support for hardware not covered by new intel driver.'.
'|[AD2] removed'.
'|[IB4] removed'.
'|[IB5] removed',
'[ADC] Adaptec SAS/SATA-II RAID for server 2003, 02/08/2008,'.
'|[H3K] Highpoint RocketRaid RR182x/181x for windows 2000'.
'|[H3S] Highpoint RocketRaid RR182x/181x for windows 2003'.
'|[I4] Intel Matrix Storage 04/20/2008,',
'[ADB] Adaptec SAS/SATA-II RAID for XP, from 09/15/2007, to 02/08/2008,',
JsE did the real work on adaptec and IBM. http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=2363
294 2008-06-07 23:55:54
Re: Update Adaptec/ICP/IBM/AOC/SUN RAID Drivers to Ver. (16 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
I must have forgotten to hit the subscribe link because I see I was not subscribed to this topic..
I am sorry.
I am working on this again.
I wish all posters were as thorough as that.
Why are you not in one of the DriverPacks teams? I see the CSV file and other research you did on this, and I see you know more than most here..
Are you interested?
295 2008-06-07 12:18:52
Re: New here please help:how to make driverpack...? (5 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
I think soporific wrote a warmsnow with more gui.
btw, the name rings a bell.. I think he is a gifted member. (and not just a word I read in a dictionary.. )
Projects like this don't start if there was no percieved need.
We had many requests for a ""post-install-minisetup-plus-finisher" (in which Finisher is our "exception ruled CPL installer and cleanup tool"") and once the WAIK provided the tool we needed to do a "post install mini setup" people like Jeff, warm snow, nuno brito and soporific (and others whom we have perhaps never heard of) started coding.
I'd like to see the works.
GhostE, where is the url of that project?
296 2008-06-07 02:21:38
Re: BlackScreen in Text mode on MassStorage 8.05x (7 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
what did you change for HWID read tool?
previous posts with output was most often not consistent to what we normally see.
297 2008-06-06 06:51:24
Re: CAN SOMEBODY LEND A HAND WITH ENGLISH SCREENSHOTS ON DriverPacks BASE 805 (6 replies, posted in Other)
or an english vista.. for Host Os. (The txt we write can be adapted to what we see in screenies.. as long as the screenies are showing what we have to show.)
1, not all packs,
2, at least one outdated pack.
3, 3rd DriverPacks if you really want.. we used none (it was a basics tut..), but we could show them selected.. and have extra screens on how the folder was populated.
4, extra screenies on DPinst tool.
5, for daredevils: multiboot disc (separate tut)
298 2008-06-06 00:59:25
Re: Lines-problem with nVidia DP 8.04 & 8.06 (12 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
Hi guys.
You probably read I think it would be a good idea to split the laptop graphics out of DriverPack Graphics A and have a DriverPack Graphics A MOBILE.
desktop IGP and mobility drivers probably have different default refresh settings.
I have an LCD screen that will do 60 and 75 Hz but not 70.
When the driver forces a default of 70, I am greeted with a black screen too.
mr_smartepants has put a wonderful sticky up, in which you can read about changing default resolution for laptops.
I think we see issues because we have desktop GPU add-in cards (and desktop IGP) and laptop in graphics DriverPacks, and if we really must do this, we could perhaps change a default.
299 2008-06-06 00:39:37
Re: [IMPL] Mobile Intel 965 Express Chipset Family (22 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)
link to public testpack for chipset is here
300 2008-06-06 00:01:53
Re: [IMPL] Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility (18 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)
if they want to use it, they can test the version we had before we added INI for PE.