Re: Repack DriverPack's
that answers one of my questions from the other thread... LOL

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that answers one of my questions from the other thread... LOL
Hey, I'm back, and I've recently been looking into different compression tools for my own purposes. One such tool I've come across is "Precomp", which is preprocessor that can make a bit-to-bit identical recompression of compressed streams *inside* of files, which I think would get Driverpacks considerable savings as they're full of already compressed data. I think the most memory-intensive part of precomp is the compression, not the decompression. Use of precomp would require explicit support in the program, as it creates a "PCF" file. How you do it is put all desired files in a NON-compressed, non-solid archive, put the archive through precomp to make a PCF file, then make the archive as normal. I'll be testing it out with the Driverpacks to see if I can keep it at least below 256MB of memory required, if not less.
Thanks for sharing this info it's very help full to me......
Dear Mr. BadPointer and experts,
Sorry to bother you all.
Please help: How (which switches to use) can I re-compress it back to 2.4GB of "DP_Videos_OEM_16060.7z" file after uncompressed it (to around 12.2GB)?
In other words, which switches/command the DriverPacks Team used to compress it to such extremely high ratio (I tried all the ways, such as your Repack2 batches, m7zRepack, Ultra/128MDictionary and reading samdrivers forum for guidance but unsuccessful).
Reason: for my knowledge and for a customized pack to use with your excellent Snappy Driver Installer).
Thank you all/Thao.
The latest version of the repack script can be found there … ts/repack/
You need to 7za.exe in the bin folder.
Last edited by BadPointer (2016-09-23 02:55:38)
Thanks Mr. BadPointer for your repack scripts. So much of your hard work and talent therein!
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