Topic: Getting married!
This Saturday, I'm getting married!
Back in 2004, when I was 16, I started working on DriverPacks while I was still in high school. I continued working on it and supporting it while in university (2006–2011), with the help of many contributors, although particularly with the help of OverFlow and mr_smartepants. At that point I'd already spent thousands of hours (that's months of my life) on DriverPacks, to save people around the world hundreds of thousands of hours of time.
Then after I started working (2012), I focused on keeping the site online and keeping it secure. It was mostly mr_smartepants and OverFlow that were working on new releases of DriverPacks. Since then, I've been sending the vast majority of donations and advertising income to the both of them — deservedly so!
Now, in 2016, 6 years after I met my girlfriend, I'm getting married!
If you've benefited from using DriverPacks over the past _twelve years_, Anneleen and I would greatly appreciate any gifts to get started in life — you can support us by using the donation buttons