One man asked me how i thought i scored in today's exam.
I simply said that i was confident that i had passed.
He responded by saying something like "don't you have an idea what mark you received?"
To which i retorted, "It matters not, as long as we all passed; that is the goal for me!"
We all received over 85%. Sadly, i think we may have lost two fellow students before the exam. I tried to help, yet still feel failure.
ChiefZeke wrote:" Learning is lifelong task."
Daily learning can be a joy, and seems to be "kryptonite" to dementia and it's like!
Brains are akin to muscles, if they are not regularly exercised, they tend to atrophy.
I am reminded of the fictitious characters "Beavis and Butthead". 
That is an impressive education you have, Chief!
Most people in Canada approaching retirement age don't seem to realize that tuition can be free for them. My electronics teacher was surprised to be reminded of that fact. Am uncertain of tax implications.
We should be building more schools here in North America than jails and removing barriers to education for those that are financially challenged, IMHO. For those that care not for any education, not including the learning disabled, i fear for them. Many that embrace "ignorance is bliss" will have no future, only a past.
I openly wonder if atmospheric Krypton85 has had an influence on storm strength recently.
Last edited by TechDud (2013-11-16 10:41:39)