Topic: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

Upon installing Windows XP I now get a Dialogue message saying


Windows cannot find "\OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe"I hit enter thinking I just install the driverpacks later but get

Windows Cannot find "C:\DSPdsblr.exe"

After clearing this dialoge I'm then prompted to insert the XP cd, so install can't continue sad

I used Base to integrate the packages and the slipstream completed! I intergrated just before creating an .iso using nlite, I'm not sure if this is a Nlite or Driverpacks problem, so I downloaded base 10.06 again and cleared the QSC

I get the same result sad

Last edited by David McMahon (2012-01-22 08:45:30)

Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

please post your DPs_BASE.log. TY

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Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

Well I had another look and was my silly fault, I didn't set OEM Enabled in nlite, sorry for false alarm

Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

NP AT... Glad it's solved big_smile

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Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

David McMahon wrote:

Well I had another look and was my silly fault, I didn't set OEM Enabled in nlite, sorry for false alarm

Could you be more specific in how you solved it? I went through nLite's options and didn't find 'OEM enable' feature I don't think.

Reason for asking is I bumped into exact the same issue, and only this post found as solution, without a real solution wink

Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

if i remember correctly, a wise person in this forum advised not using nLite to integrate drivers. sad

Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

The "OEM Preinstall" option in nlite is in the "Unattended" settings under the "General" tab.  It's not really intended for driver use but enables the use of the $OEM$ folder hierarchy.  Ugh, I feel dirty now for having to open nlite.

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Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

TechDud wrote:

if i remember correctly, a wise person in this forum advised not using nLite to integrate drivers. sad

I'm not, I use nLite to integrate post SP3 pack ( and tweak some settings, remove some components, and use driverpacks base to integrate the drivers, after i'm completly done with nlite.

Also I don't use an ISO, but use unattended (from to boot via the network.

I see driverpacks base creates an OEM directory in my XP 'cd', thus having I386 and OEM next to eachother. Driverpack base does get it hooks into the i386 properly as it complains about the missing files.

I am running a test now with the 'OEM Preinstall' option, but, I did have 'OemPreinstall=Yes' in my unattended file ...

P.S. why would you feel dirty? I don't think there's easier ways or 'compatible with driverpacks base' ways to strip out components etc other than using nlite smile

I think I've actually figured it out wink

presetup.cmd gets called just fine appearantly, but neither nlite nor driverpack-base are to blame. I'm using the nt5x-install script via unattended and it only copies i386 to the future C: drive. It does not copy the OEM dir!

So i will try method1 now, but I may get into character issues, or patch nt5x-install script ... Maybe dosemu works better and does copy the OEM dirs. The <XPcd>\OEM path isn't an officially used and expected path is it?

cmpnents does get copied properly, looking at the script. I will test editing the presetup.cmd to do everything via cmpnents to see if that's the culprit.

So then, what would be the more recommended way, 'fix' unattended's nt5x-install script, to also copy an OEM dir, next to either an I386 or AMD64 dir, (OEM dir could be for either?), keep it under I386 and have it automatically copied, or use a more meaning full name, <XPcd>\driverpacks.

Last edited by oliver (2012-03-03 10:54:26)

Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

I am facing the same problem since past few months. Just a recap:
1) System is Zotac Zbox ID18 (barebones)
2) SSD connected in AHCI mode, 2GB RAM installed
3) Using Sandisk Cruzer Blade and Kingston DT SE9
4) Use DriversPack 10.6 to slipstream
5) Use RVM Integrator 1.6 to generate ISO
6) Use Rufus 2.10.973 to write bootable ISO to Sandisk/Kingston
7) I have to force my USB to HDD Mode to boot up on ID18
8) The 1st stage of installation goes fine, i.e. contents get copied from USB to SSD
9) After the first reboot, in the 2nd stage, I get the following errors:
"Windows cannot find '\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe'..." and "C:\DSPdpblr.exe"

It is interesting to note the drive letter is missing in first error. I backtracted the errors to I386\presetup.cmd:
Start /wait /realtime /separate "" %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\DP*.7z %SystemDrive%\

I confirmed by adding additional code to this file and booting again, that CDDRIVE was never found, hence it was blank. The question then is, why was it not found. The only reason I can see is, after the 1st reboot, in the 2nd stage, when the WinXP came up, the USB flash drive was not mounted. Hence the unzip commands never got executed, and the new drivers were never installed, esp. Chipset drivers. If I just ignore this error, the 2nd stage of the installation goes fine. But after this, when the 2nd reboot happens and the OS comes up for the third time, I get blue-screen error, which I think is because the non-Mass Storage drivers never got installed. I am not able to get past this error, and I am stuck on WinXP installation on modern computer.

Please feel free to correct me. I will try to use some old USB stick which will hopefully work with XP without addl. drivers.

Re: [SLVD] \OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe

You are correct. It fails because the ISO is not mounted ofter the reboot. So files are not found.

Try adding the OEM folder to the root of your thumb and see if that makes it all flow nicely.
Or copy the OEM folder to C:\
- it will need to be deleted later

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