Topic: French adult postings
Seems we have someone posting what apear to be adult web sites all over this forum.

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Seems we have someone posting what apear to be adult web sites all over this forum.
Yup, they're already banned. I'm trying to clean things up now.
The forums have been hit really hard over the past few days with spammers. There must be a new vulnerability in PunBB that they're exploiting.
I can begin to count how many posts I have deleted and moved over the past week.
Plus, numerous accounts have been banned.
I mean, on an ordinary day, there is maybe like one new spammer and three posts that I remove, but this was really massive (and I guess you guys have been doing another great chunk of the work that I didn't even spot!).
Not sure if we have it already but I think CAPTCHA registrations are a must by now!
That could also be this "vulnerability" you have been speaking of.
If I may, I suggest using a system much like this one:
Also ensures to keep the idiot count low on the human side
Something needs to be done!
I just deleted well over 30 posts and banned another five or so users.
This is getting tedious...
Can't we set the forum registration mode to admin-consent only?
Users need to be activated and get clearance from admins/mods before they are able to post.
If the spam flood continuers to rise as it currently does we'll need wayx more personnel and man-hours to deal with it.
On a side-note, there are some forums which I cannot moderate, hence no cleanup has been done so far
Allorgobocks - just dumped a bunch of crap in a foreign? language.
There's a lot of stuff in either foreign languages or completely unreadable characters (possbily due to failed ANSII conversion).
Dunno where they see the target group for that but it is highly annoying to say the least!
EDIT: It has been cleaned up - time for bed now...
I only whished, the posts weren't that long.
tl;dr for most users anyhow, I figure
As admins Erik and I can delete users... along with all their posts. So you can leave those to us . Thanks for everything you do Helmi! you rock.
I replied to a post in the trash folder the other day. it was for a forum BOT you should read it it was boasting about 15k Captcha type recognition and 10k blog and forum types it was "compatible with". Ironic they spammed us with a link to the software that is being used to spam us...
Holy crap! I must have deleted at least 30 accounts tonight with over 100 posts.
WTF is going on?! This is ridiculous!
yeah man i think Wim needs to update our Captcha plugin.... I just deleted another account with 30 or so posts.
Ok, if you guys delete the users and this means all of their posts will vanish, too, I will restrain myself to simply banning the users (so you can see which ones).
Saves a lot of work of manually deleting all those numerous posts!
Oh, and Jeff, there was enough trash being posted in the refular forums I didn't captch up on your posts in the Trash forum
Maybe I should, though...
AFAIK, Google's captcha as well as recaptcha are still to be broken as of current. Maybe we could switch to that, then.
I stickied the post in the trash forum (funny eh).
Wim is aware of the issue now and is working on a solution. the temporary solution is to not allow new users. People will have to contact us to get an account. Sad we have to take such a drastic measure.
Thanks again Helmi, Always a real pleasure to see you here!
Holy crap! I must have deleted at least 30 accounts tonight with over 100 posts.
WTF is going on?! This is ridiculous!
Whatever you do, don't mention the war!
Last edited by TechDud (2011-11-12 02:54:39)
I listen to the podcast "Linux Outlaws" (VERY funny) and their forum registration process is convoluted.
In order to register for their forums you must:
1) Listen to their podcast. The email address to request forum access is read out on the podcast. Sometimes it's at the end, sometimes the middle. Random.
2) Send an email to their super-secret email address.
3) Answer the question that they email you in response, along with your requested username.
4) Your account will then be activated when you click the link embedded in the confirmation email.
5) Once logged in, you must change your password immediately.
6) Posts containing links/pics are restricted until you reach post #50.
how to avoid spammer? T___T at least 30 accounts tonight with over 100 posts. that's not bad.
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