Topic: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

My onboard card (Realtek8211CL-GR PHY using NVIDIA MCP78S) is not properly loaded.  I get a "Failed to uninstall..." message when I attempt to uninstall the device.  When I attempt to reinstall.  I need this fixed before I begin migrating over my old apps to WIN7 (w/ some DOS apps included)

What's more peculiar, attempted to install both a USB and PCI ethernet cards; BOTH FAILED IN SIMILIAR FASHION.  It just wont allow me to install any more network adaptors now:  VERY STRANGE even for WINDOW 2K STANDARDS

Then I performed the microsoft fix; STILL UNSUCCESSFUL

I liked what (thread id =2752), but I need a little more guidance and direction, please help me

Re: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

have you tried removing it in safe mode?

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Re: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

Yes, I have attempted to remove/install NICS in & out of the "safe mode w and w/o networking" > 20 times.  Too, prior virus scans took care of and removed all instances of viruses found.

Because every variety of network adaptors I subsequently install failed and each failure placed a mismatch registry entry (\PCI|VEN....) with or dicontinuity break between the driver and ...\ENUM keys, I probably need to identify the correct designated OEM.inf setup file (many inf files in  c:\WINDOWS\INF).  But, I don't know which one.  I recall seeing location specified in the registry, but now it is gone.  PLEASE HELP ME I.D. WHICH *.inf file is being requested, perhaps I can edit it

Plus, this entire problem will be resolved (I think hmm) once the issue of uninstalling previous NICs from my system is conquered.

Last edited by ificouldhelp (2011-04-16 20:57:46)

Re: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

ah you have had virus issues...

Try useing UBCD4Win to virus scan and test the nic. you can also edit the registry offline with it

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The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

I can now remove/uninstall my NIC via REGEDT32 but still cannot install the correct network driver.  The drivers now installed with ERRORS.  After looking around this forum and others, this problem seems quite common for NVIDIA chipsets ... truly agonizing

Im on a simple quest just to get my network card up and running....nothing special here

BTW, my error messages are "..the INF or the device information or element does not match the specified install class"

Installing section NVENET_2k77.NDI.NT.Interfaces from c:\windows\inf\oem44.inf.
Interfaces installed.
Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
Doing full install of {1A3E09BE-1E45-494B-9174-D7385B45BBF5}\NVNET_DEV0760\4&D59D5E&1&00.
Device install finished successfully ({1A3E09BE-1E45-494B-9174-D7385B45BBF5}\NVNET_DEV0760\4&D59D5E&1&00).
Completed class-installer, error: Error 0xe0000201: The INF or the device information set or element does not match the specified install class.
[2011/04/18 10:22:40 704.468]
Munged cmdline: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe" C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\devmgmt.msc /s
EXE name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe
Device install function: DIF_REMOVE.
Device removed.
Completed class-installer, error: Error 0xe0000201: The INF or the device information set or element does not match the specified install class.
Device install function: DIF_REMOVE.
Completed class-installer, error: Error 0xe000020b: The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree.
[2011/04/18 10:33:16 236.3 Driver Install]
Munged cmdline: C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
EXE name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
Selecting best compatible driver caused error: Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.
Completed default installer, error: Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.
[2011/04/18 10:33:37 1052.2]
Munged cmdline: rundll32.exe newdev.dll,DevInstall {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0760\4&d59d5e&1&00
EXE name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe
Set selected driver.
Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
Selecting best compatible driver caused error: Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.
Completed default installer, error: Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this device.

Here the OEM file

Class       = Net
ClassGUID   = {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Signature   = "$Chicago$"
Compatible  = 1
CatalogFile = NVENETFD.CAT
Provider    = %Nvidia%
DriverVer = 08/01/2008, 67.8.9

%Nvidia%       = Nvidia,NTx86.5.1

ExcludeFromSelect = {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0057,\
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2kNPR.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0057
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2k51.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0269
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2K55.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0373
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2k61.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV03EF
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2K65.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0450
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2K67.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV054C
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2k73.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV07DC
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2k77.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0760
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_2k79.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0AB0

%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XPNPR.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0057
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP51.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0269
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP55.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0373
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP61.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV03EF
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP65.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0450
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP67.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV054C
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP73.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV07DC
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP77.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0760
%NVENET.DeviceDesc%  =  NVENET_XP79.NDI,  {1a3e09be-1e45-494b-9174-d7385b45bbf5}\NVNET_DEV0AB0

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_XP.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,       JumboFrameSize.reg,           \
                  ChecksumOffload.reg,  SegOffload.reg,         LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,   \
                  BasicFlowControl.reg, Support.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_XP.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_2K.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,        JumboFrameSize.reg,          \
                  ChecksumOffload.reg,  SegOffload.reg,          LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,  \
                  BasicFlowControl.reg, Support.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_2K.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_XP.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,         LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,  \
                  BasicFlowControl.reg, Support.reg           
CopyFiles       = NVENET_XP.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_2K.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,         LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,   \
                  BasicFlowControl.reg, Support.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_2K.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_XP.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,       JumboFrameSize.reg,           \
                  ChecksumOffload.reg,  SegOffload.reg,         LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,   \
                  FlowControl.reg,      Support1.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_XP.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_2K.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,        JumboFrameSize.reg,          \
                  ChecksumOffload.reg,  SegOffload.reg,          LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,  \
                  FlowControl.reg,      Support1.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_2K.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_XP.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,         LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,  \
                  FlowControl.reg,      Support.reg,              PhyReset.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_XP.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_2K.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,         LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,   \
                  FlowControl.reg,      Support.reg,              PhyReset.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_2K.CopyFiles

Characteristics = 0x84                  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI
BusType         = 1                     ; Pretend ISA
AddReg          = NVENET_XP.reg,        SpeedSetting.reg,          JumboFrameSize.reg,          \
                  LowPowerStateLinkSpeed.reg,                                                   \
                  FlowControl.reg,      Support.reg,               PhyReset.reg
CopyFiles       = NVENET_XP.CopyFiles

WakeUpMagic                     = "Wake on Magic packet"
WakeUpPattern                   = "Wake on pattern"
PhyResetEnable                  = "Reset PHY If Not In Use"


Last edited by ificouldhelp (2011-04-19 04:23:35)

Re: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

Forgive me if this doesn't help much, yet I wonder what the specific HW ID's are for both the onboard & PCI(e) Network adapters.

Another thing i'm wondering is if your hardware exhibits the same behavior in a linux environment.  Try a linux live CD (Ubuntu, Knoppix, LinuxMint, etc.) and see if you can connect with your network.  If your network adapter(s) work fine, you are most likely experiencing a windows issue.  If it won't work with an alternate OS, it's most likely a HW issue. (If this is the case, is your board still under warranty?)

Is there a BIOS update for your motherboard (beware, mistakes updating your mobo can 'brick' your board)?

Whops, oh yeah, Win2K, virus, most likely Win issues.  I wonder if either the Avira Rescue disc, or the Kapersky Rescue disc might help remove the last remnants of 'viral tourettes'?  These discs (if you are not familiar with) use a linux-live OS to clean viruses (etc), are updatable (over network if functioning outside of windows).

Last edited by TechDud (2011-04-19 06:58:59)

Re: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

Loaded Unbuntu10.04, NIC worked w/o any problems, so it'st definitely a WINS issue.  GOOD GOD ALMIGHTHY.

I will recheck and rescan for viruses; this time with another vendor.  Afterwards, if this doesnt resolve my network adaptor issues, what can I do or go?

Re: Cant Uninstall nor Install NIC

First things first, clone your hard drive to a 'spare' HDD of at least 2GByte larger than the total amount of data on the file system (say you have a 80G drive w. 32G of data on it; use at least a '33GB' or a 40GB drive).  Your HDD manufacturer may have free tools to accomplish this.  Before cloning, it never hurts (other than time-wise) to run a full read test of the drive (again with HDD manufacturer's tools) to verify the state of the drive.  Beware that depending upon the cloning option(s) you chose, your clone might not be bootable.

VERIFY that your data was copied sucessfully (ubuntu's file manager may help).

Use your Windows2000SP4 (if you have SP4 on your system) to do a (R)epair of Windows 2000 from initial start-up (be sure your clone is disconnected FIRST).

Beware, i am not that well-schooled in the proper repair procedures for Win2K.   The repair procedure might break your apps, screw-up a DOS partition if applicable,  you may have to re-apply ALL windows updates (after SP4 - if that's what your working with), driver issues, etc, etc...
My gut feeling is that it might be possible to upgrade to WinXP-SP3, keep existing apps, use DOSBOX to emulate a DOS environment for your DOS proggies.

No matter what you attempt to repair your existing partition(s), you may have remnants of viral/malware products, or if parts of the OS/apps become broken by the repair processes, the result may mimic the affects of a virus/malware (in rare cases).  Spybot Search&Destroy has been invaluable to me (they have a boot CD - not sure of price/availability).  Malwarebytes AntiMalware is ok as well (no boot CD).

I'm not so much of a fan of Kapersky, since it puts a new folder in the root of your HDD.  I'm not sure as of yet why (possibly for Quarantine, or to leave a copy of itself on your HDD to access later).

I have had a lot of success with Avira's rescue CD, though.

Ccleaner (from piriform) is a great tool to clean the registry, etc. … er-support

When 'yer done, here's some DOS goodies:

Last edited by TechDud (2011-04-20 09:48:26)