Topic: Misc x64
Misc driver x64
Official download link:
Last edited by mr_smartepants (2011-04-05 17:23:59)
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Misc driver x64
Official download link:
Last edited by mr_smartepants (2011-04-05 17:23:59)
Why not just use the Third Party DriverPacks ftp server?
it's a lot of time i don't use it... i'll look for account and password and i'll upload in FTP
Other question: do you think Misc DP must contain Cardreader or not?
In windows XP 3rd DP "Misc DP" contains card readers drivers and "CardReader DP" is no longer updated...
seeing this I created directly Misc DP with cardreader drivers
I don't see any problem with it. It's a Third Party DriverPack, do what you think is right.
I created a new \nt6\x64 (& x86) directory on the Third Party DriverPack ftp server.
The link in TS is broken (uses the old download location, not the torrent).
Strange, I don't have the version (10.11) in the first post.
Cleaned up Third Party DriverPack and made final. Moved to official servers.
Updated to 11.04
Does this spell the end of unsigned drivers in Vista-7.x64? … 06014.mspx
Hmmm, possibly. This is in response to the use of realtek's compromised key being used in malware.
I'd say that 99% of the drivers in all the Win7 DriverPacks are signed anyway, so this is not really a problem for us.
From further reading, it isn't supposed to affect unsigned .inf's, just unsigned driver system files.
Hi, just noticed some drivers missing in current pack that were in: … 11/drivers
Not missing, just moved.
Updated to 11.05.1
Please add ThinkPad Power Management driver … IGR-4GXPEG
ThinkPad Lenovo Power Management Driver updated to
ThinkPad Lenovo Power Management Driver updated to … D=DS032258
Please add
HP Hotkey Support
Toshiba Portege m900
TOSHIBA - Other hardware - TOSHIBA HDD Protection - Shock Sensor Driver
*TOS620A … q=*TOS620A
AuthenTec Inc. driver update for AuthenTec Inc. AES2550
USB\VID_08FF&PID_2550 … 26PID_2550
ASROCK Z87 Killer
Intel - Other hardware - Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology Device
Intel(R) Trusted Execution Engine Interface
seems like there is something wrong or files missing with DriverVer=01/09/2014, installed fine but device manager showed error, couldn't power on?. checked sourcedisk no files were missing.
last known working was: DriverVer=07/02/2013,
tested on asus x200m 8.1x64 with latest chipset and uefi firmware from oem
edit: same happened to asus x551ma, re-loaded os from freedos to 8.1x64, updated to latest uefi firmware, 1064 stil failed
Last edited by josywong (2014-07-21 15:41:02)
functionality trumps time stamp or version
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