Topic: DPSFnshr is attempting to run off of G: drive?!

Hello. I have been running a (mostly) successful universal imaging setup for a while now. My setup is based heavily upon this stick:

Suddenly, however, DPSfnshr.exe is attempting to run from the PCs G: drive on first boot, when it is located at the root of C.

I am running the following batch file to kick off driver copying, prepping, and sysprep. So, I am sure I am doing the same thing every time. I can also confirm that I haven't altered any files, however, I am not the only one with access, so I cant say they've NEVER been altered.

This is the batch file:

net use Z: \\ittechstorage-p\programs
md D
md sysprep
md drivers
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\d" C:\d /s /e /h /r /y /i
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\drivers" C:\drivers /s /e /h /r /y /i
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\sysprep" C:\sysprep /s /e /h /r /y /i
xcopy "Z:\customsysprep\dpbase" C:\dpbase /s /e /h /r /y /i
copy "Z:\customsysprep\*.ini" C:\
copy "c:\dpbase\devcon.*" C:\
copy "c:\dpbase\devpath.*" C:\
copy "c:\dpbase\makepnf.*" C:\
copy "C:\DPBase\bin\dpsfnshr.ini" C:\
copy "C:\DPBase\bin\dpsfnshr.exe" C:\
C:\devpath.exe C:\D
C:\makePNF.exe C:\D
C:\sysprep\ROE.exe 937

REM Enumerates driver files to registry, as sysprep.ini has a limit
C:\sysprep\spdrvscn /p C:\d /e inf /d C:\drivers /f /a /s /q

REM these are registry entries to ensure that desktop icons are preserved through sysprep
reg import C:\sysprep\importthis1.reg
reg import C:\sysprep\importthis2.reg
C:\sysprep\sysprep -reseal -mini

Basically, I hope someone can tell me where DPSFNshr.exe is being told to run from the G: drive so I can correct that issue.

I am not sure what other files might be helpful, but please let me know and I will furnish them for you.

Re: DPSFnshr is attempting to run off of G: drive?!

Never use MakePNF EVER! ... It's posted multiple times in the thread you link to...

I don't see your call to the finisher in that code? you need to tell us how you call DriverPacks Finisher... We can't guess how or where you do it... Runonce? GuiRunonce? script? Is G: SystemRoot?

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Re: DPSFnshr is attempting to run off of G: drive?!

Alright, I've never had a problem with make PNF but I do see a comment where it was frowned upon. I've remmed that line out.

According to the sticky, the ROE.exe command is what tells the PC to run DPsFnshr on first boot, though I don't know how it achieves that. My system root is C:.

I am attempting now with %systemroot%\dpsfnshr.exe in my [GuiRunOnce] and we will see how that works.

Re: DPSFnshr is attempting to run off of G: drive?!

Oh. I do see ROE.exe now... missed it yesterday. Sorry

ROE adds the finisher call to the RunOnceEx registry key. 937 is the number assigned to the order it will be called. ROE commands are run in numerical order starting at 1, so 937 should put the finisher close to last if not last. big_smile

If that does not solve the issue be sure to read your finisher INI file some of the environment settings are contained there too.

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