Topic: Video Tutorial: Sysprep with Mysysprep

Hey guys, I made a video tutorial for my work on how to sysprep using mysysprep. I brought a lot of things I learned from this forum into one easy to follow video. Currently it doesn't use driverpacks because I've been having some issues, but I should be able to make one once I figure it out.

Let me know if this was at helpful to anyone. It's nice to see that I didn't waste hours of work for nothing smile

Skip to around 1:10. That where it should really start

Whoops forgot to post link

Last edited by antman16 (2010-10-08 03:58:01)

Re: Video Tutorial: Sysprep with Mysysprep

what video?

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Re: Video Tutorial: Sysprep with Mysysprep

NICE TUTORIAL!  Good Job :-)

When the video to use driverpacks will come out?

Re: Video Tutorial: Sysprep with Mysysprep

indomanna wrote:

When the video to use driverpacks will come out?

About a year ago... smart ass. tongue

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Half a demerit awarded LOL tongue.

"Read BEFORE you post" AKA Rule #0
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Full demerit awarded. ROFL

1.5 demerits on your first post... a new record!
Welcome to DriverPacks... goofball. tongue big_smile roll

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