khan wrote:Helmi wrote:Also, make sure integrating the drivers is the very last step before making the ISO (which cannot be done with the DriverPacks BASE, yet).
Sorry,I don't understand this Line...Do you just mean that DBase.exe file can't make an ISO Image ? I know that...
Yes, that's what I meant.
However, if you are doing other things to your source (you mentioned somehotfixes), this always has to be done BEFORE applying th DriverPacks.
So using the BASE is the last step before making the ISO.
I can Do that with a Number of Softwarez...Making ISO image and CD writing is not a big deal....
Sure, but you need to include the bootimage somehow, else the CD won't be bootable.
What is Slipstream ? may be a dumb question....
Slipstream is what you call the integration of the SP1/2, the hotfixes or even the DriverPacks to your source CD.
DBase.exe can Automatically Integrate all those Drivers Pack in our Windowsxp Source code and making Entries in different files just to Inform Windowxp that there is a Huge Collection available to be check... Am i Right...
Absolutely correct.
WindowsXP will automatically search the appropirate Hardware drivers and Install it....???
Or I have to Configure any Manual setup...I don't want any Popup Or Configuration Screen after Windows Login Screen Comes,Becoz this way is quite Bad...All Packege should be as Microsoft Always Do with XP....
That's the whole point.
If there were any manual steps involved it wouldn't be a proper UWXPCD (Unattended WinXP CD).
I will Choose Option 2 with KTD ALL.....
Just as a sidenote:
KTD ALL will enable Windows to search in the DP drivers when you install new hardware after you've already installed Windows (eg new sound card).
Very handy if you change a lot of hardware, else you won't need it.
However, then, XP will only search in the MS supplied driver for the new hardware ignoring those that came with the DriverPacks.
The only downside is that it will take up a bit of HDD space.
Obviously it has to store those new drivers somewhere 
khan wrote:Which Integrator Do you Prefer for Integrating Hotfixes and Addons...
Nlite or RyanVM ?
Personally, I use nLite, because I need that anyway to slim my CD down.
Then I'm using nLite to integrate the German version of RyanVM (Sereby's Update Packs), hotfixes and addons.
You can do that with the Update Pack standalone, but since I have nLite running anyway, why not do it that way?
There's no difference in the ending result.
I actually Like to use RyanVM UpdatePacks and Addons,....But You guys looking discourage RyanVM integrator...
As I said, above, both methods are basically identical.
Use whatever you prefer.
If you use nLite anyway, just integrate the packs through that, saves you one step. 
Does Your DriverPacks Compatible with WindowsXP PRE-Updated with RyanVMs Update Packs...?
In fact, as I stated previously, you NEED to integrate all updates and hotfixes BEFORE applying the DriverPacks.
So yes, it is compatible, in fact, it's the only way to do it, if you try it the other way round you will screw things up.