Topic: USB Install versus DVD
I am really curious about this and wondered if others are also going this route... or if it presents any problems that others can she some light on?
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I am really curious about this and wondered if others are also going this route... or if it presents any problems that others can she some light on?
I've never tried it with XP. But installing Win7 via USB was a real eye-opener. Speed, speed, speed!
I would love to try it with XP. I came across a utility a few months back and downloaded it, but never got the time to try it out.
I can't even remember the name of it now...lost in the wasteland my download folder has become!
I've never tried it with XP. But installing Win7 via USB was a real eye-opener. Speed, speed, speed!
I would love to try it with XP. I came across a utility a few months back and downloaded it, but never got the time to try it out.
I just downloaded Novicorp WinToFlash 0.6.0011 beta and I am going to try it and see what happens... I'll let you know
I wish I could get it to work with XP but never have
I tried Google and found this:
Have not tried it - but a quick read is promising.
I found this tool extremely helpful in getting both XP as well as 7 to install from USB: … -with-gui/
You can even create one stick that can install both (as well as some other useful stuff)!
Make sure to grab the latest beta - I found it to work just perfectly.
Installing from a flash medium as opposed to an optical/mechanical combination prooves to be much faster and less prone to burning/reading errors.
As long as you BIOS supports it, it definately is the wa to go, IMO.
Plus, carrying that stick around is much more convenient than a CD/DVD with case etc...
Additionally, some drives would dislike my DVD+RWs, but even using a DVD+R doesn't help all the time (or you have to switch vendors - I already am bruning them at no faster than 4x for compatibility's sake).
So far, the stick has worked in just every system I plugged it in...
mr_smartepants wrote:I've never tried it with XP. But installing Win7 via USB was a real eye-opener. Speed, speed, speed!
I would love to try it with XP. I came across a utility a few months back and downloaded it, but never got the time to try it out.I just downloaded Novicorp WinToFlash 0.6.0011 beta and I am going to try it and see what happens... I'll let you know
Well so far this doesn't work "out of the box" it fails with a ntldr error so I decided to post in their forum and see if the solution would be an easy one for this... I will post updates … &t=723
I found this tool extremely helpful in getting both XP as well as 7 to install from USB: … -with-gui/You can even create one stick that can install both (as well as some other useful stuff)!
Make sure to grab the latest beta - I found it to work just perfectly.
Installing from a flash medium as opposed to an optical/mechanical combination prooves to be much faster and less prone to burning/reading errors.
As long as you BIOS supports it, it definately is the wa to go, IMO.
Plus, carrying that stick around is much more convenient than a CD/DVD with case etc...
Additionally, some drives would dislike my DVD+RWs, but even using a DVD+R doesn't help all the time (or you have to switch vendors - I already am bruning them at no faster than 4x for compatibility's sake).
So far, the stick has worked in just every system I plugged it in...
Thanks Helmi... I am trying it now
Hmmm didn't have much luck with that one yet either Helmi... I will try a few more times
Thanks Helmi, that's the one I wanted to try.
I also found this one, it's older though. … l&st=6
OK... so now I have tried each of the tools and none of them have made a USB that just works:
WinSetupFromUSB - boots off USB to menu, select 1, inspects system, loads 1st files then comes to a MS window asking if I want to setup XP, repair or quit, press enter(install) and says inspecting drive and then "can't create folder \windows
USB_MultiBoot_10 - boots off USB, copies 1st files then says starting windows and just does nothin\windows
FlashBoot - boots off USB, then comes to a manual 2 step process asking me to create a partition and then format it as FAT32 (I did not proceed)
WinToFlash - does not boot from USB, ntldr missing
I will keep trying and if you have ideas let me know
I just tried a different USB drive with WinSetupFromUSB:
Used a 1Gig Cruzer and formatted it FAT32... laptop booted from USB, loaded files VERY SLOW, rebooted and blank screen, just sits there
Tried my 16 Gig Voyager and formatted it with a single NTFS partition (using the HDD option gives me a grub error when adding files), added the files and completed the process. Laptop boots, loads initial files, reboots to start windows, then just hangs...
Going to give up for now but I have made a few additional posts elsewhere and will see what I get back
Last edited by compstuff (2010-08-11 03:11:38)
Just a quick update on this:
I have been working on this with very limited success using WINsetupFromUSB so I have been posting on the forum for help
Forum … -with-gui/
My Post starting on page 52 … __st__1020
Turns out the Dell laptops have some issues that the developer is checking into ...he has a Latitude E6400 that also has problems installing. I will keep updating as things develop
an esier way to go may be winpe 3 (vista / win7). IE use a WAIK boot.WIM image... haven't tried it but seems straightforward and supported
I've had extremely good success with deploying XP using WIM images along with OfflineSysprep so if you did decide to go down that road and ran into any snags I can probably assist you. That combined with DriverPacks allows me reload oem-specific or VLK XP machines in 10-15 minutes. Anyways, if you do give is a whirl and get stuck let me know and I'm sure I could help you.
I've had extremely good success with deploying XP using WIM images along with OfflineSysprep so if you did decide to go down that road and ran into any snags I can probably assist you. That combined with DriverPacks allows me reload oem-specific or VLK XP machines in 10-15 minutes. Anyways, if you do give is a whirl and get stuck let me know and I'm sure I could help you.
OH MAN that sounds like a dream... with my custom DVD's a full install on a relatively new laptop takes about 45 minutes... that includes Drivers, Office, Antivirus, a few other programs, lots of tweaks etc so if I could shave that down to even 20 minutes it would be amazing. I would welcome any advise or guidance... thanks and yes I will look into it further as well.
I've had extremely good success with deploying XP using WIM images along with OfflineSysprep so if you did decide to go down that road and ran into any snags I can probably assist you. That combined with DriverPacks allows me reload oem-specific or VLK XP machines in 10-15 minutes. Anyways, if you do give is a whirl and get stuck let me know and I'm sure I could help you.
Do you have any links to guides that show how to do that? I would love to see them!
I use this Linux based solution: Storing an image on a Bootable ISO
There is also a guide to making a hidden recovery partition to store your custom image.
You need to know a bit about Linux commands though.
Unfortunately I wasn't keeping track of all the various guides and items that I used when I was experimenting. I also didn't find any guides at the time that helped me get everything working in WinPE 3.0. If I have time in the next few days I'll throw something together to hopefully save everyone who wants to try it some time. Personally I think everyone that does a bunch of deployments should give it a shot because I don't waste any CD/DVD media anymore. I have one WinPE 3.0 CD-R that I haven't updated or changed in 4 months, and only have to use it on older machines that aren't capable of booting from a WinPE 3.0 flash drive. The only time the WinPE evironment needs to change is if some brand spank'n new hdd/raid controller, or network card that isn't supported by DriverPacks comes out. But if it's that new then booting from USB shouldn't be a problem and you still don't have to burn anymore disks. Anyways, enough raving about how well it works for me. Like I said, hopefully I'll have time to put together a guide in the coming days and you can see for yourself
A friendly tech sent me a link to a site, XP from USB
He swears that if you follow instructions it works. Will try this weekend.
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