
English language files 12. and 18. line:
settings_location_11 = "Changing the installation platform"
settings_location_12 = "Are you sure you want to change the installation platform to "%
settings_location_desc = "What kind of directory to choose?| That depends on
updateChecker_17 = "Starting installation."
updateChecker_18 = "&Update Selected"
updateChecker_desc = "DISABLED"
Turkish language files 12. and 18. line does not exist:
settings_location_11 = "Kurulum ortamınızı gerçekten "%s" olarak değiştirmek istiyor
settings_location_desc = "Lütfen entegre edilecek DriverPacks
updateChecker_17 = "Yükleme başlıyor."
updateChecker_desc = "DISABLED"