looked at both txtsetup.sif & dosnet.inf , both files in Before Modification (B-M) I386 & After Modification (A-M) I386 folder , side by side , line by line :
entries were re-sorted and in wrong area probably, in A-M \ I386 folder files.
thats why xp setup process is not working properly.
Question : in my stage 5 iso, it only have an older 'Mass Storage Drivers Pack', which was added back at stage 2 , only have the iso for that stage . how can those drivers (Mass Storage Drivers) be manually dis-integrated / undo from there ? or, how can i manually upgrade, to use the last Mass Storage driver pack ?
~ Tareek . 2010-03-27.11:00P.U-08:00
file's content modified by the DPBase were txtsetup.sif , winnt.sif , presetup.cmd , dosnet.inf , 'setup.ex_'
5 new files are 'setup.org' , 'setuporg.exe' , siside.org , winnt.org , presetup.cmd in A-M \ I386 folder.
and the drivers in OEM folder.
3 files were removed from B-M \ I386 folder : symc810.sys , symc8xx.sys , viaide.sys
so file count wise, 2 files are less, in the B-M \ I386 folder.
copied symc810.sys , symc8xx.sys , viaide.sys from B-M \ I386, to A-M \ I386.
now we will transfer the changes made by DpBase on A-M \ I386 \ dosnet.inf, txtsetup.sif, winnt.sif
inside the B-M \ I386 folder's similar file :
noticed another thing , now its :
B-M \ I386 Size....... | A-M \ I386 Size.......
setup.ex_ 11,982 Bytes | setup.ex_ 13,622 Bytes
| setup.org 11,982 Bytes
| setuporg.exe 23,040 Bytes
... so, in A-M \ I386 folder, made copy of setup.org as setup1.ex_ (11,982 Bytes) , expanded setup1.ex_ into setup1.exe (23,040 Bytes) , made copy of setup1.exe as setuporg.exe (23,040 Bytes) . then made copy of setup.ex_ as setup2.ex_ (13,622 Bytes) , expanded setup2.ex_ to setup2.exe (28,672 Bytes) .
i did this to try with different combination of setup.exe, to find which 'setup' will work correctly, and found out, this config to be working fine, no change was necessary for 'setup...' file renaming or copying.
renamed A-M \ I386 \ txtsetup.sif as txtsetup_dp.sif & copied B-M \ I386 \ txtsetup.sif into A-M \ I386.
renamed A-M \ I386 \ dosnet.inf as dosnet_dp.inf & copied B-M \ I386 \ dosnet.inf into A-M \ I386.
the section [SCSI.load] in txtsetup_dp.sif have much more drivers/entries ( 141 lines ) than the txtsetup.sif ( 32 lines ) . so copy-paste all the lines under this section from the txtsetup_dp.sif into inside the txtsetup.sif's same section.
the section [SCSI] in txtsetup_dp.sif have much more drivers/entries ( 147 lines ) than the txtsetup.sif ( 44 lines ) . so copy-paste all the lines under this section from the txtsetup_dp.sif into inside the txtsetup.sif's same section.
the section [HardwareIdsDatabase] in txtsetup_dp.sif have much more drivers/entries ( 1825 lines ) than the txtsetup.sif ( 336 lines ) . so copy-paste all the lines under this section from the txtsetup_dp.sif into inside the txtsetup.sif's same section.
the section [BusExtenders.Load] in txtsetup_dp.sif have much more drivers/entries ( 21 lines ) than the txtsetup.sif ( 15 lines ) . so copy-paste all the lines under this section from the txtsetup_dp.sif into inside the txtsetup.sif's same section.
if below section don't exist in txtsetup.sif, then add it :
in txtsetup_dp.sif, search for this word "[SourceDisksFiles.ia64]", without any quote, comma symbols, or, search for "setupORG.exe=" without any quot symbols, or, search for below word inside the codebox :
mediactr.cab = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3
and then select all the lines in between this line "[SourceDisksFiles.ia64]" and this line "mediactr.cab = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3".
In my case there were 126 lines ( without empty lines ) , and last two lines should be :
setupORG.exe= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0
presetup.cmd= 1,,,,,,,2,0,0
previous 126 lines were under the [SourceDisksFiles] section.
search for the top/1st line of word(s) from below codeboxes to locate them quickly.
if below both 2 lines ( spacially the bottom line ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the txtsetup.sif, under the [SourceDisksFiles] section, then add it :
adptsf50.sys = 1,,,,,,,,3,3,,1,4
adpu160m.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
if these 3 lines ( spacially the bottom 2 lines ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the txtsetup.sif, under the [SourceDisksFiles] section, then add it :
d3dxof.dll = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0
dac2w2k.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
dac960nt.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
if these 2 lines ( spacially the bottom line ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the txtsetup.sif, under the [SourceDisksFiles] section, then add it :
dpt8.gpd = 1,,,,,,,,3,3
dpti2o.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
if these 2 lines ( spacially the bottom line ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the txtsetup.sif, under the [SourceDisksFiles] section, then add it :
mqutil.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0
mraid35x.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
if these 2 lines ( spacially the bottom line ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the txtsetup.sif, under the [SourceDisksFiles] section, then add it :
ql10wnt.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
ql12160.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
if these 3 lines ( spacially the bottom 2 lines ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the txtsetup.sif, under the [SourceDisksFiles] section, then add it :
symbolf.fon = 1,,,,,,,22,0
symc810.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
symc8xx.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
if these 2 lines ( spacially the bottom line ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the txtsetup.sif, under the [SourceDisksFiles] section, then add it :
vgx.inf = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0
viaide.sys = 100,,,,,,3_,4,1,,,1,4
now i will make another iso and try again.
the section [ForceCopyDriverCabFiles] in dosnet_dp.inf have much more drivers/entries ( 47 lines ) than the dosnet.inf ( 36 lines ) . so copy-paste all the lines under this section from the dosnet_dp.inf into inside the dosnet.inf's same section.
if these 5 lines ( spacially the bottom 4 lines ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the dosnet.inf, under the [FloppyFiles.1] section, then add it :
if these 2 lines ( spacially the bottom line ) inside the below codebox, if does not exist inside the dosnet.inf, under the [FloppyFiles.3] section, then add it :
if the below codes does not exist then add it above the [Files] inside dosnet.inf :
if below 2 lines does not exist under the [Files] section in dosnet.inf then add it :
if you are using something other than the 'Notepad' to edit these ( dosnet.inf , txtsetup.sif , winnt.sif ) files , then when you are completely done with all editing, you will must have to open all these files again, in Notepad, and 'Save' again, so these can have correct 'Windows' compatible CR-LF code sequences after & on each line.
~ Tareek.
Last edited by Tareek (2010-04-03 22:45:29)