Topic: my problem

how to solve this prob... i've download all latest driver.. but still got this msg

Re: my problem

I am having the same issue and have tried downloading everything from scratch on more than one computer

Re: my problem

the message means you have downloaded our beta packs (We call nightlies).

Since you are not on the testing team that means that the two of you are Sneaks!
you have Snuck into our nightly server without permission!

NORMALY if you stick to our official releases you will Not see that message...

It is not a problem it is by design... your DriverPacks BASE is working correctly!

Normal teasing replys wrote:

SO now I must ask you Where did you get those packs! hmmm?
Base has told us you are using our Test Packs,
Where did you get that, Since neither of you are on the testing team? roll
(It's a joke... and it is a red flag, if your not a testing team member)


Nightlies are NOT to be used for production machines...
They are for testing only!!! (Normaly only for use by our testing team members)
Since you are using the test packs, you sneaks, please let us know how they are working for you wink.
Feedback on the nightlies helps us to release more quickly wink.

Again Nightlies are NOT for production use - testing only!

This IS NOT anything to worry about! It is simply an indicator that the version you have localy is newer than what is on the server...

Since those do seem to be the current 'official' releases that may indicate an issue with the versions the server is reporting to the update checker in DriverPacks BASE.

Don't worry about it! It's just a little comedy that Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote into BASE about 5 years ago.

Thanks for reporting! I'll take a look at it... Just ignore the message wink

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Re: my problem

wow.. beta...

Re: my problem


Founder of —

Re: my problem

I am not sure how I got your nightlies I wanted the latest approved packs, I am trying to do a server 2003 build that should not require anything last minute. I tried the driver pack anyhow and the install failed with a BSOD 7B which I believe is a hard drive controller error. Server 2008 installed without error on this machine but I need Server 2003 to install.
BTW you guys rock! I have recommended you to a lot of people. Keep up the great work, you are apppreciated!

Re: my problem

sheetzdw wrote:

I am not sure how I got your nightlies

You did not get our nightlies, the server was reporting an incorrect version to your DriverPacks BASE.
NORMALLY, that message comes up when you are using a nightly... this time it was a server error.
Wim fixed it!

However we are going to make it come back again since you are having trouble with Mass Storage.

Try this pack for 2k3 and let me know if it helps

Mass Storage 10.01.25

Thanks again for reporting!

PS Now you have a nightly wink.
PSS and I know where you got it tongue.

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