Newsposter already asked the best question...
What AV software provided these results?
Why have you failed to answer him? (too embarrassed)
Have you submitted any of these files to them for confirmation?
Can you post the confirmation email here?
(or better yet their apology for the false positive)
Have you at least confirmed the results with a second AV program? ( I know the answer to this is no...)
Most people believe that their AV is the best, even when their AV is not on a top ten list anywhere.
I have had Four or Five people report viruses in the past, but in every case it was a False Positive.
So I am going to jump the gun here and assume you have not submitted the files for review by your AV provider.
If you had done so then you would already know what we do. There are no virus in our packs.
We just have too many users, using too many different AV programs for a nasty to be able to slip through.
I doubt your AV is better than all of the ones our millions of other users have. 
the more likely scenario is your AV program is junk.
Now I am going to give you 'the speech'.
The only thing worse than a virus is a False Positive.
False positives waste more time than a virus ever would.
- Because you are wasting time trying to fix what is not broken.
Your time has been wasted!
If you're reporting here then lots of your time has been wasted.
Now you have attempted to waste our time as well.
You have been told to delete necessary files that are not infected. How in the world is that helpful to you?
Perhaps next time your AV will delete your Financial Programs data files
Please let us know which AV program you are using, so that we may all know which AV that we should not to ever use.
Get on the horn with your AV provider and and waste their time if you must.
My guess is their support is probably about as good as their engine. (sorry)
I would just select a product that works reliably.